"Culture of Lendu ethnic group"

'' Following the events of independence of several African countries, much beyond black population of the continent have abandoned their traditional culture encêtres.[Lendu population today] Although they are very attached to their culture, their original home ago many have abandoned their traditional way of life for the western lifestyle.Some young people have emigrated to Europe or North America, in particular to pursue higher education. (Years ago-600-1450) The history of the entire continent appears as a recent and difficult undertaking.For a long time, only Egyptology, Islamic studies and colonial history have, each in its view, addressed;it should be noted, moreover, that the ancient writing systems, in Egypt, Meroe, Ethiopia, are still far from having made all information attendues.Les sources written in Arabic, by authors who did that exceptionally experienced across the continent, European archives and explorers accounts are reliable sources when necessary to ask scientific laboratories, geographers, botanists, zoologists and to many other disciplines have enabled developing a very new historical methodology, as evidenced by the monumental General History of Africa UNESCO has published Before the colonization of the African continent most Lendu were attached to traditionnelles.Ils religions practiced worship and sacrifices to the ancestors' spirits of the dead "del'acienne system dela Great Rift Valley of Africa.The Great Rift Valley is also known as the "cradle of humanity" since many fossils of ancient Hominidéset many archaeological remains have been there découverts.Cette valley had all the conditions required to create and preserve fossils.Subsurface continental plates move away from each other.Millions of years of tectonic activity and sedimentation were buried, preserved and brings back to the surface the remains of hominids who once inhabited the area.It is unlikely, however, that only this part of Africa was populated at Plio- Pleistocene.
[Company Indru Lendu-Bindi] Lendu-Bindi Indru the population are relatively sedentary.Their habitat is dispersed and they mainly engaged in agriculture, and some small farming and cattle and hunting.They live in a tribal and patrilineal society with about several clans.Indru is a segmental lineage society, that is to say that the social organization within this société.Du culturally dela community Indru is marked by an oral literature that is expressed through historical stories tales (Imbe), riddles (Koyi), proverbs (Mbayi) and parables (Mboli).The art is not very developed in Indru Lendu-Bindi except pottery, weaving and basketry, music, and dance occupy a special place in the nuptial ceremonies, funerals, computerization of traditional chief festivités.La and different religious life is characterized by the one God of croiyance Jéhovat [Kagavha] .The people Indru is monotheistic in spite of its croiyance the existence of a multitude of mind (water), the motagnes, of cemeteries etc ... Life culture is through fishing, the chance (game), collection (mushrooms), grasshoppers, termites, honey etc ... the authority is not centralized.It belongs to a small group of men.Nottons that during the great migratory movement dela population SSA constant to 16th and 17th century, some ethnic groups Bantu, Nilotic and Lendu have Bhale mélées the Lendu-Bindi community the Indru to become one people Indru Lendu Bindi.Bantous .Nilotique 20% 3% 7% .Lendu-Bhale. [The six groups of Lendu] 1.Walendu Bindi / Lendu South / Indru]]]. 2.Walendu Bitshi.3.Walendu Djatshi.4.Walendu Tatshi.5.Walendu Pitshi.6.Walendu Watshi.tout are belong to the ethnic group in Upper Nile, Charie Nile in central Sudan.
[Dela The largest ethnic groups are Nilosaharienne family] 1. Ngbandi.2.Ngbaka.3.Manvu.4.Mbunja.5.Moru-Mangbetu.6.Zande .7.Lugbara.8. Logo.9. Lendu 10.Lugbara 11. Avukaya 12.Bari etc ... initiation rites remain perennial and include both men and women.We practice including the extraction of the lower incisors and scarification.
Lendu population today is a nation of farmers and artisans, they also raise a few sheep.They are renowned as excellent blacksmiths and sculptors, it also practice pottery and basketry.The Lendu art is very developed, especially the masks and wooden figures "
