Internet develops the world of today: With accelerated del'information and the growing availability of Internet technologies, and blurred the difference between the transmitter and receiver of information. Information flows are now extensive, diverse, and accessible reversible. The ability of everyone to create a website and publish written or audiovisual content has caused radical changes in the media. Companies and individuals can publish any content, text, images or videos through digital technology and high-speed bandwidth. They can broadcast directly on computers and mobile devices worldwide. NEW MEDIA Technological development has caused both the expansion and reducing media. Digital transmission has created more and cheaper opportunities for broadcasters, and more choice for users of the Internet.
What the Internet and technologies del'information G3 + mobile have changed, today, around the world.But at the time, that this information was part of the human mind was still far-fetched.The distinction was clear between what we knew and what we could learn, if we gave the penalty.With the acquisition of language, our ancestors not only revamped the way they communicate, but also the way they think.Mathematics, printing and science have yet extended a little more the magnitude of the human spirit and, during the XXesiècle, tools such as telephones, calculators or the Encyclopedia Britannica allowed access to a stream amount of knowledge surpassing everything a person could assimilate in his life.In terms of guessing the difference between an authentic well science and a techie way is perhaps a matter of five seconds.And the victory of the robot Watsoncontre Ken Jenningsau Jeopardy!suggests that this period could even disappear-especially if you use the "clothing" techno...