
Affichage des articles du novembre 4, 2015

« Figures Facebook - 2015 Facebook is now the most popular social network. Founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, the site has become indispensable over the years. The history of exciting Facebookest: probably copied to the rogue's gallery of Aaron Greenspan, the social network now exceeds one billion monthly active users. Facebook usage statistics are impressive, regardless of the variable. Number of members on moving activity, financial results, stock photos added every day on service ... Find on this page the latest Facebook figures, updated regularly. Key dates * Facebook .4 February 2004: launch date. * .Mars 2004 after Harvard University, Facebook gets to Stanford, Columbia and Yale. * .Juin 2004: Facebook is available in 30 campuses and reached 150,000 members. .Juin * 2004: Peter Thiel (founder of PayPal) injects 500,000 dollars against 10.2% of the company »

"Facebook is the social network No. 1 in 128 of the 137 countries studied (late 2014) * .The Newsfeed (news feed) is 40% of time spent on Facebook.Of the 3.025 billion of online worldwide, 2,060 billion are active on social networks, 68% of Internet users and 28% of the world population.June 2004: Peter Thiel (founder of PayPal) injects 500,000 dollars against 10.2% of the company. .30 * December 2004: Facebook welcomes 1 million members. .26 * September 2006: opening to the public (for over 13 years only). .11 * August 2009: Purchase of FriendFeed. .22 * December 2011: Facebook rolls out its new interface, Facebook Timeline. .Avril * 2012: purchase of Instagram for $ 750 million. * .Octobre 2012: the billion of active members is reached.January 15, 2013: Facebook unveils Graph Search. .7 * March 2013: Facebook introduces the new news feed. More information: The 2003 Facebook history to 2013. * .Utilisateurs monthly active (MAU, July 2015): 1.49 billion * .In Europe: 301...

« Chiffres Facebook – 2015 Facebook est aujourd’hui le réseau social le plus populaire. Fondé en 2004 par Mark Zuckerberg, le site est devenu incontournable au fil des années. L’histoire de Facebookest passionnante : sans doute copié sur le trombinoscope d’Aaron Greenspan, le réseau social dépasse aujourd’hui le milliard d’utilisateurs actifs mensuels. Les statistiques d’usage de Facebook sont impressionnantes, quel que soit la variable étudiée. Nombre de membres, activité sur les mobiles, résultats financiers, photos ajoutées chaque jour sur le service… Découvrez sur cette page les derniers chiffres Facebook, mis à jour régulièrement. Les dates clés de Facebook *.4 février 2004 : date de lancement. *.Mars 2004 : après l’université de Harvard, Facebook arrive à Stanford, Columbia et Yale. *.Juin 2004 : Facebook est disponible au sein de 30 campus et atteint les 150 000 membres. *.Juin 2004 : Peter Thiel (fondateur de PayPal) injecte 500 000 dollars contre 10,2% de la société »

" Facebook est le réseau social N°1 dans 128 des 137 pays étudiés (fin 2014) *.Le newsfeed (fil d’actualité), c’est 40% du temps passé sur Facebook. Sur les 3,025 milliards d’internautes à travers le monde, 2,060 milliards sont actifs sur les réseaux sociaux, soit 68% des internautes et 28% de la population mondiale. Juin 2004 : Peter Thiel (fondateur de PayPal) injecte 500 000 dollars contre 10,2% de la société. *.30 décembre 2004 : Facebook accueille 1 million de membres. *.26 septembre 2006 : ouverture au public (pour les plus de 13 ans uniquement). *.11 août 2009 : Rachat de FriendFeed. *.22 décembre 2011 : Facebook déploie sa nouvelle interface, Facebook Timeline. *.Avril 2012 : rachat d’Instagram, pour 750 millions de dollars. *.Octobre 2012 : le cap du milliard de membres actifs est atteint. 15 janvier 2013 : Facebook dévoile le Graph Search. *.7 mars 2013 : Facebook présente le nouveau fil d’actualités. Plus d’infos : L’histoire de Facebook de 2003 à 2013. *.Ut...

« At the rate of cultural mixing, it is believed that in the long culture of African peoples might disappear due to its marginalization, its abandonment by the complicity of Africans themselves in favor of a pseudo Culture Western. Indeed, the shock brought a cultic movement direction: Africans are not themselves victims because of a cultural alienation caused by looking to the outside which ended up asleep consciences and act opium of the people come to establish with Emmanuel Mounier that most blacks are ashamed of being black, a secret shame they do not make them, but until that haunts their pride. This finding is relevant in more ways than one; because today many Africans fleeing their identity, their cultural reality. Many are those who know nothing of their culture, their language. African society today makes us uprooted »

"At the rate of cultural mixing, it is believed that in the long culture of African people in particular will risk disappearing because of its marginalization, its abandonment by the complicity of Africans themselves in favor of culture . Western Culture shock has brought a sense of movement: Africans are not themselves victims because of a cultural alienation caused by the foreign culture that eventually asleep consciences and act as "the opium the people "come to establish with Emmanuel Mounier that:.." Most black people are ashamed to be black, a secret shame they do not do them, but to their pride that haunts This finding is relevant however , aurendez you give and recevoirculturel, things seem not walk as they should. Culture shock, this feeling of profound disorientation experienced by individuals and groups suddenly put in contact with a cultural environment whose features reveal unknown, incomprehensible, threatening, caused in our modern societies of the ma...