« At the rate of cultural mixing, it is believed that in the long culture of African peoples might disappear due to its marginalization, its abandonment by the complicity of Africans themselves in favor of a pseudo Culture Western. Indeed, the shock brought a cultic movement direction: Africans are not themselves victims because of a cultural alienation caused by looking to the outside which ended up asleep consciences and act opium of the people come to establish with Emmanuel Mounier that most blacks are ashamed of being black, a secret shame they do not make them, but until that haunts their pride. This finding is relevant in more ways than one; because today many Africans fleeing their identity, their cultural reality. Many are those who know nothing of their culture, their language. African society today makes us uprooted »

"At the rate of cultural mixing, it is believed that in the long culture of African people in particular will risk disappearing because of its marginalization, its abandonment by the complicity of Africans themselves in favor of culture . Western Culture shock has brought a sense of movement: Africans are not themselves victims because of a cultural alienation caused by the foreign culture that eventually asleep consciences and act as "the opium the people "come to establish with Emmanuel Mounier that:.." Most black people are ashamed to be black, a secret shame they do not do them, but to their pride that haunts This finding is relevant however , aurendez you give and recevoirculturel, things seem not walk as they should. Culture shock, this feeling of profound disorientation experienced by individuals and groups suddenly put in contact with a cultural environment whose features reveal unknown, incomprehensible, threatening, caused in our modern societies of the major changes is giving way to erosion of moral values, or to loss of cultural identity, depersonalization and internal imbalances that make difficult to control the cultural future of some peoples.The astonishing progress facing the world now seems to have the cultural mix backdrop.All human endeavors are emerging on the basis of culture to the extent that it has become multidimensional.However, in their diversity, cultures seek to complement each other.The social dimension of human achievement that today no culture can claim to live in isolation.In a dual Africa that still has nostalgia for the past and embracing modernism in all its dimensions uncritically, sometimes with the appearance of uprooted elites, assimilated, extrovert, and cut off from their people, plunged into a distorted and distorting cultural realities of the continent, concerns loom over the future African sociocultural.The entrance of Africa in the new global village is perplexed.The meeting with the next story is a market where Africa will be a mere consumer on his back a diminished crop.In Africa this emerges a paradox which we no longer know which way to take.Because "not to want to think outside the box, not daring to plunge into the deep waters, to cast our nets (Lc5, 4), we will only fry the shore and will remain crippled fishermen, turning on ourselves without ever face the opposing currents and the winds.Faced with the direct and brutal assault of different cultural patterns, the African is now trapped as pseudo-values that depersonalize it;there is a need to take an important part in the awakening of consciences in an African Cultural Revolution humanizing.This project aims indeed to destroy the cultural pseudo-values that destroy the cultural fabric of black contains ransacking its inclusion in the history of mankind.It is in this that our titled Western cultural imperialism and become the African culture: Challenges and Prospects.And to thoroughly examine this question, we climb on the shoulder of the giant William ETEKI'A MBUMUA in his work: A humanism.Given this cultural identity crisis that litter our social relations, a question draws our attention.What will become of African culture facing the imposing influence of Western culture?Should we stay close to the mouth has generated disorientation total culture shock in our families?How then switch eyes closed when, on our daily routes, we meet many Africans, both youth and adults uprooted and when we are in front of people who do not even want to hear about any African language to ask for a culture whose ins and outs are unknown to them?Is not it time for the continent to review its cultural policy as did the newly industrialized countries of Asia and guide otherwise the question of development which can not move from its culture?Is it not time for her to rethink its culture for insertion into modernity, to make an objective analysis of its past, rigorous criticism of its present to determine the way forward, to make a return to its cultural source to draw from human values, and move to the ultimate modernism without alienating?Here are so many issues that caught our attention and that have guided us towards this theme inspired by everyday realities."
