
Affichage des articles du décembre 23, 2015

LE FRONT-CITOYENS DELA NATION CONGOLASE POUR LES ELECTIONS DEL'ANNEE 2016 VEUT INTEROMPRE LE MANDAT EN COURS DU PRESIDENT JOSEPH KABILA : Les flatteurs cherchent à séduire Kabila. Elu en 2006 et 2011 quoique sur fond de contestation,Joseph Kabilaest celui qui incarne sa majorité. Appelé autorité morale, Kabila est ce président qui a dit ouvertement, le plus officiellement du monde, il l’ya quelques années qu’il n’avait pas de collaborateurs véritablement soucieux de l’aider à aller de l’avant. A l’époque, ses déclarations avaient soulevé des vagues et ce fut une aubaine pour les membres de l’opposition qui l’attaquaient justement sur ce front. Au vu de ce qu’on observe dans les milieux politiques, il y’a lieu de se poser cette fameuse question. Qui est avec Kabila et qui n’est pas avec lui ? Pourtant à travers les chaines de télévisions chaque jour qui passe beaucoup vantent le nom du ‘’Raïs’’. Pour des petits et grands faits, le nom du Chef est porté en triomphe. Chaqu’un veut que se faire remarquer par le Chef. On flatte le président de la république, on l’amadoue en longueur des journées avec espoir de tirer des dividendes de cette action de charme. A l’opposition on appelle les personnes qui flattent : ‘’Atalaku’’. Entendez par là celui qui glorifie quelqu’un les yeux fermés. Pourtant avant eux il y’a eu certains qui ont crié sur tous les toits le nom de Joseph Kabila sans trouver gain de cause. Ils ont attendu des nominations, des élévations qui ne sont pas venues. Ces derniers découragés et furieux sont par la suite devenus opposants Juste par vengeance. Les cas sont connus. Ceux qui n’ont pu rejoindre l’opposition sont restés dans la majorité tout en étant agris, parlant de Kabila durement dans les cercles fermés. Pourtant la bible dit que l’amour n’attend rien en retour. Ces genres d’hommes politiques ne visent que le fauteuil, les fonctions. Ils ont appris à leur dépend à connaître Kabila qui il faut le dire n’est pas comme Mobutu. On le sait, Joseph Désiré Mobutu affectionnait qu’on l’adore. Le Léopard a appelé au près de lui les personnalités politiques qui l’adulaient. Mais Kabila n’est pas Mobutu. Vous pouvez chantez son nom en longueur des journées à la télé et à la radio il n’en a que faire. Joseph Kabila par contre, il nomme qui il veut, quand il veut pour une mission qu’il veut. Kabila sait détecter les flatteurs. Il sait qui peut remplir telle ou telle mission. Il connait quasiment tous les hommes politiques de l’opposition comme de la majorité. La bible ne dit t’elle pas que plusieurs me diront : ‘’Seigneur n’ai-je pas prêché ta parole, n’ai-je pas prophétisé en ton nom ’’. Et Dieu dira, je ‘’ne vous ai jamais connu’’.Les investigations autour du complot d’atteinte à la sûreté de l’Etat congolais éventré dans le dimanche dans le Chef des activistes sénégalais et burkinabé viennent d’être suspendus par le Chef de l’Etat en dépit de la gravité de ses révélations pour lesquels ces suspects sujets étrangers viennent d’être expulsés du territoire congolais Le Président Joseph Kabila Kabange a ordonné, à la demande de son homologue sénégalais, Macky Sall, l’arrêt des poursuites engagées contre trois activistes sénégalais et un burkinabé interpellés dimanche 15 mars pour tentative d’exportation des révolutions violentes en RDC au cours d’une conférence de presse clandestine dans un faubourg de Kinshasa. Les quatre comparses ont été déclarés personae non grata et une procédure d’expulsion du territoire congolais est d’ores et déjà engagée contre eux. Selon le porte-parole du gouvernement, Lambert Mende Omalanga, ministre de la Communication et des médias, qui a livré cette information au cours d’un point de presse mercredi à Kinshasa, il s’agissait d’une « tentative de déstabilisation des institutions nationales inspirée de l’extérieur ».« Ils ont recouru à des instructeurs étrangers spécialistes en insurrections violentes pour qui plus de 100.000 dollars US avaient été mis à disposition dans un établissement bancaire parmi les mieux côtés du pays pour apprendre à des Congolais des rudiments du chaos, de la confusion et des séditions », a déclaré le ministre. Il a, dans ce contexte, stigmatisé la présence sur les lieux de la conférence de presse d’un diplomate américain en poste à Kinshasa. « Une ambassade étrangère établie à Kinshasa a reconnu avoir pris partiellement en charge les frais de cette opération qui a été lancée par ses auteurs les 14 et 15 mars 2015 avec l’encadrement des leaders des mouvements « Y’en a marre » du Sénégal et « Balai citoyen » du Burkina Faso, a soutenu M. Lambert Mende. Le porte-parole du gouvernement a également annoncé qu’un mouvement congolais recruté à l’Est du pays et dont les leaders ont été transportés à Kinshasa, a été mis à contribution dans cette tentative de déstabilisation qui visait à perturber le processus démocratique et électoral. Parmi les quels Kabila ne connait que ceux qui ont réussi à trouver grâce à ses yeux et là il y’a beaucoup des complices.

Pour le gouvernement de la RDC, il est évident qu’une main noire s’active depuis le début de l’année à déstabiliser les institutions de la République Démocratique du Congo, au mépris de la volonté de paix exprimée par les Congolais, engagés dans un processus démocratique « ouvert et serein » après des années de guerre qui n’ont que trop endeuillé leurs familles. En raison de l’importance et de la haute portée politique de cette communication du gouvernement, l’ACP se fait le devoir d’en publier, Le ministre Lambert Mende fait le point sur le dossier « Depuis quelques jours, on assiste à une surchauffe médiatique et à une véritable levée de boucliers au sein de certaines chancelleries à la suite de l’interpellation dimanche dernier à Kinshasa d’un groupe d’activistes sénégalais et burkinabé, apprentis exportateurs de révolutions extrémistes et de leurs complices congolais. Pour des besoins d’enquête, d’autres personnes trouvées sur les lieux de cette interpellation ont été identifiée...

CITIZEN BEYOND THE FRONT- CONGOLASE NATION FOR 2016 ELECTIONS DEL'ANNEE INTEROMPRE WANTS THE MANDATE OF THE CURRENT PRESIDENT JOSEPH Kabila: Flatterers seek to seduce Kabila. Elected in 2006 and 2011 albeit amid protest, Joseph Kabilaest one that embodies its majority. Called moral authority, Kabila is the president who openly said, as officially the world, it's a few years ago that he had not really conscious of collaborators to help him move forward. At the time, his statements had raised waves and it was a boon for opposition members who attacked precisely on this front. Given that seen in political circles, it there's place to ask this famous question. Who is with Kabila and not with him? Yet through the television channels each passing day much praise the name of the 'Rais'. For small and large events, the Head of the name is carried in triumph. Each one wants to be noticed by the Chef. It flatters the president of the republic, one of the days in length coaxes with hope to draw dividends from this charming action. At the opposition called people that flatter: 'Atalaku'. Mean by that one who glorifies someone eyes closed. But before them there there's been some who shouted from the rooftops name Joseph Kabila without finding succeed. They waited appointments, elevations that do not come. These latter are discouraged and angry later become opponents Just in revenge. Cases are known. Those who could not join the opposition remained in the majority while agris, speaking Kabila hard in closed circles. Yet the Bible says that love expects nothing in return. These kinds of politicians only cover the chair functions. They learned to depend on them to know that Kabila must say is not like Mobutu. We know that Joseph Desire Mobutu fond love. The Leopard called for by him politicians who lionized. But Kabila is no Mobutu. You can sing his name in length of days on TV and radio that he has done. By Joseph Kabila against, appoint whomever he wants, when he wants a mission he wants. Kabila can detect flatterers. He knows who can complete a particular mission. He knows almost all politicians of the opposition and the majority. The Bible says it does not tell you that many to me, '' Lord have I not preach your word, have I not prophesied in thy name. '' And God will say, I 'have never known you.' 'The investigations around the plot reached the safety of the Congolese state disemboweled in Sunday in the Senegalese and Burkinabe Head activists have just been suspended by the Head of State despite the severity of his revelations to which these suspects foreign subjects have just been expelled from the DRC President Joseph Kabila ordered at the request of his Senegalese counterpart Macky Sall, stopping charges against three activists Senegalese and Burkinabe arrested Sunday, March 15 for attempted exportation of violent revolutions in the DRC during a clandestine press conference in a suburb of Kinshasa. The four cohorts were declared personae non grata and expelled from Congolese territory of procedure is already pending against them. According to the government spokesman, Lambert Mende Omalanga, Minister of Communication and Media, who gave this information during a press conference Wednesday in Kinshasa, it was an "attempt to destabilize institutions National inspired from the outside. "" They used foreign instructors specialists violent insurgencies for which more than US $ 100,000 had been made available in a bank among the best sides in the country to learn the rudiments of the Congolese chaos, confusion and sedition, "said the Minister. It has, in this context, the branded presence at the scene of the press conference of a US diplomat in Kinshasa. "A foreign embassy established in Kinshasa admitted taking part the costs of this operation that was launched by its authors on 14 and 15 March 2015 with the supervision of movement leaders 'Enough' s enough" of Senegal and "Broom citizen" of Burkina Faso said Mr. Lambert Mende. The government spokesman also announced that a Congolese movement recruited to the east of the country and whose leaders were taken to Kinshasa, has been involved in the attempt of destabilization aimed at disrupting the democratic and electoral process . Among what Kabila knows that those who have managed to find favor in his eyes and there are a lot of accomplices.

For the Government of the DRC, it is obvious that black hand is active since the beginning of the year to destabilize the institutions of the Democratic Republic of Congo, in defiance of the will for peace expressed by the Congolese, engaged in a democratic process "open and serene" after years of war that have too bereaved families. Due to the importance and high political significance of this communication from the Government, the ACP is the duty to publish, The Minister Lambert Mende reported on the record "In recent days, there has been a media overheating and a real outcry in certain chancelleries following the arrest last Sunday in Kinshasa a group of Burkinabe and Senegalese activists, exporters apprentices extremist revolutions and their Congolese accomplices.For investigative purposes, other people found on the premises of this inquiry were identified and understood before they can return home.This is the case of some journalists and a diplomat from the US Em...

TSISEKEDI WA MULUMBA AGAINST FUTURE DIALOGUE OF CONGO BUT WILL BE IN THIS rencotre VAIQUEUR OF POLITIENS?ACCORDING TO POLICY ANALYST, Joseph Kabila AND ITS ALLIES WILL BENEFIT POLICY SINCE MONEY IS NOT A PLANE WITHOUT fueled?Nat dialogue can go out beyond the political crisis DR Congo?On the TRNC President Kabila announced Joséph Saturday, November 28 to hold a national political dialogue between the Congolese in Kinshasa: Agenda: 1-electoral File reliability and inclusiveness It must be "consensual termination of certain options to subject ... because the consequences of elections with such a file would be incalculable, "said the President.2- Election Calendar rendered inoperative 3- Securing the necessary electoral process after the violence of the 2006 elections and 2011 (Supreme Court burned down in 2006, wars and violence in 2011)."The problem is the role of politicians in the installation of a peaceful climate".In what state of mind to go to the ballot (winning at all costs at the risk of igniting the country).4- "the financing of the electoral process requires us a deep reflection", 1.2 billion dollars are needed to finance the electoral process while the government has allocated a budget (2016) 500 million.Mr. Etienne Tshisekedi and his allies in the camp of change.Mr Kabila and his camp for the status quo.Moderation will be provided by the Special Envoy of the UN SG in DRC and head of MONUSCO, in accordance with Resolution 2147 of the UN Security Council, which states: "Authorizes MONUSCO to support, in coordination with the UN country team and other actors, including through the good offices of the Special Representative of the Secretary authorities of the efforts of the Democratic Republic of Congo to implement the reforms foreseen by the agree- framework and to stabilize the east of the country and, to this end, to: promote peace and a transparent and inclusive political dialogue among all Congolese stakeholders to foster reconciliation and democracy and encourage organization of credible and transparent elections in accordance with the electoral cycle and the Constitution.B. Place of holding the dialogue Kinshasa, the DRC capital C. Size and composition: 40 participants divided equally between the two political tendencies involved and their respective allies, 20 members per delegation.D. Agenda: First part: Regulation of electoral disputes in November 2011 and its corollary which is the crisis of legitimacy.For this it will be necessary to: Identify those responsible for electoral fraud in elections in 2011;That officials responsible for fraud are removed from the management of the country at all levels and conduct of the electoral process.Part two: defining a consensual electoral process 1. Election Calendar.Define a new electoral cycle in a consensual way, knowing that we had two electoral cycles incomplete and flawed.Organize first presidential which can be coupled with legislation in the constitutional deadline, in accordance with Article 73 of the Constitution, no later than September 19, 2016. Dialogue "so Tshisekedi" The Prospéritédévoile the agenda of the dialogue demanded by Etienne Tshisekedi from Brussels.An inclusive political dialogue 10 days.A new INEC consists essentially of actors of civil society appointed by consensus.MONUSCO to certify the election results.The presidential coupled with legislative later than September 19, 2016 ... .this is there, Etienne Tshisekedi proposals to prevent the political crisis in the DRC.As for the compilation of results, the party proposed a consensual solution in order to avoid disputes and fraud.Finally, the UDPS crisis exit plan also proposes the strengthening of the mandate of MONUSCO and the creation of an observatory of the certifying election results, says its Phare ribbed."Entitled" UDPS Roadmap for ending the crisis ", the document was signed by the National President of the party, Tshisekedi wa Mulumba Etienne.It contains three main parts, namely: general context, causes of the persistence of the crisis in the DRC, and quick and satisfactory resolution of the crisis by organizing political dialogue.In point 1, the UDPS political journey reminds the country, with some historical elements that have marked the history to get to the current crisis.From the beginning of armed conflict in 1996 to the present, through the Inter-Congolese Dialogue, which led to the establishment of the regime of 1 + 4, the elections of 2006 and 2011 ... nothing remained in oblivion.

From Brussels, where he is currently for care, Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba, national president of the Union for Democracy and Progress (UDPS) released a document called.Roadmap of the UDPS for the crisis.The UDPS wishes, in its document, the establishment of an observatory to certification of the election results.Dialogue: E. Tshisekedi unveils roadmap!To do this, Etienne Tshisekedi wants to see the mandate of MONUSCO strengthened, so that the UN mission guarantees the free movement of persons in election operations.Through its roadmap to bring the country out of the crisis, the President of the UDPS gives clear indications.Strengthen the mandate of MONUSCO.Etienne Tshisekedi still poses another big problem.This is the problem of witnesses in the polling stations.For him, it needs to be the presence of witnesses and observers in the polling stations.He also raised the problem with the compilation of results.According to him, there must be a consensual solution to avoid future dispute...