« Political crisis in these days between politicians in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Kabila Joséph Tsisekedi Wa Mulumba: The recent crisis in the DRC unfortunately makes bare a political class mostly power hungry, listless in the exercise of its mandate and in almost aphasic defending the interests of the country. There are still a few days we learned the rejection by the National Assembly demand interpellation Premier MATATA PONYO by the opposition MP Jean Lucien BUSA while the right of interpellation for explanation is one of first prerogatives of all members of the National Assembly. As rejection of argument, the majority of MEPs argued that this approach was inappropriate; remains to ask whether the critical situation in which the country is not worth clarifications and if the public has to wait for the right moment to hear the very man who had promised to regularly inform the management of the country »
Career: Since the accession of the DRC to independence, the course of the typical Congolese politician seems to routiniser in a continuous pattern replicating the same model decade after decade, giving rise to two types of politicians.In other places where the word democracy is not an empty slogan, the arrest is a common practice in the operation of the National Assembly and ministers are arrested almost every week but comparison is not reason retort Surely the Congolese political;it is clear that the interpellations of ministers in Congo become a luxury.The legacy of Mobutu: For 32 years, Mobutu has shaped the political, economic, sociological and cultural of Congo.He impregnated his person so that all those who lived under his reign were influenced in one way or another by what he represented.Apart from the sense of unity of Congo which remains today his greatest legacy, his errors may help explain what is observed today.By virtuous against stay the course against the current remaini...