
Affichage des articles du décembre 15, 2015

SPEECH BY THE PRESIDENT JOSEPH DRC Kabila TO BOTH HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT IN REUNIE CONGRESS IS BEYOND NATION Monday December 14, 2015: In his speech on the State of the Nation this Monday, December 14 before both Houses of Parliament in Congress, President of the Republic called on Congolese women and to support self-management and high sense of responsibility to participate in the dialogue.It was under the applause of the Congress Hall of the Palace of the people that the President of the Republic concluded his brilliant speech on the state of the nation before Parliament, Senators, diplomats and other forces of the country.The Head of State, Joseph Kabila, has reviewed the general situation of the country in 2015 in all sectors that drive, among others, politics, diplomacy, security, water and electricity , health, education, gender, transport and the economy.Highly anticipated on the political, especially as regards the national and inclusive dialogue with its corollary that is the preparation of credible and peaceful electoral process, the Guarantor of the nation and the proper functioning of institutions again played the map insurance.He called on Congolese women and to register on the path of dialogue to go with confidence to credible and peaceful elections that would consolidate democracy and hard-won peace.Thus, as the national hero Patrice Emery Lumumba and Kabila, JKK he invites each of his compatriots in self-care and high sense of responsibility. "This is not the United Nations, from the East or from the West come the solutions to our problems, "he said, recalling the need resolve problems between Congolese women and to find" authentic Congolese "solutions.He, thereby, stressed that "it is not by violence that we settle our differences."With a firm tone, Rais said: For Joseph Kabila, this dialogue is an opportunity for the Congolese to come together to resolve their differences themselves."It is not through violence we will settle our differences.This is not the United Nations, the East or the West that will come the solutions to our problems, but to ourselves and through dialogue between the Congolese and Congolese moved by the patriotic " , insisted the head of state.About the beginning of this dialogue, Joseph Kabila gave no specific date, evoking a start "shortly"."The establishment by the preparatory committee and the next international facilitation will shortly effective start of that dialogue with the objective of finding consensual solutions to major issues that undermine the electoral process, paving the way for credible elections and peaceful, "estimated the president."There will be neither blood nor sweat" Joseph Kabila has also warned those who oppose dialogue, preferring violence."I will not allow the sacrifices together during last years to build peace be compromised under any pretext whatsoever, by those who, in bad faith and deliberate, choose to remain locked in their negativistic posture, refusing dialogue in favor of conspiracy against the Republic and promising blood and sweat of our people.There will be neither one nor the other, "he began.For him, the Congolese people will have to choose between two social projects for the next elections."Where there is promised death, we assure that everything will be implemented for life.Where we want to destroy everything, our commitment is to build and develop unabated.To our people in elections to choose which of the two projects of society suits him best, "said Joseph Kabila.Reduce the cost of elections Joseph Kabila returned to the idea of ​​reviewing the voting modalities in the next election to reduce the cost of elections."I will not allow that the sacrifices for peace to be compromised under any circumstances it is by those who, in bad faith and deliberate, choose to stay in their negativistic posture, refusing dialogue in favor of conspiracy against the Republic and promising blood and sweat of our people.There will be neither one nor the other.Where we promise the people the death, we reassure life.Where we want to destroy everything, our commitment is to build and develop unabated. "As to end any misinterpretation of his call to reflection on the "voting rules" inexpensive, Joseph Kabila said that this concerns the choice between manual or electronic voting, in accordance with the electoral law.This could reassure everyone, for the president's speech.

Read some de'intégralité message from President Joseph Kabila's speech on the state of the Congolese Nation Monday, 12.15.2015 at Palais du Peuple in Kinshasa Monday, December 14, 2015 Honourable Speaker of the National Assembly, Honorable President of the Senate, Honourable Deputies and Senators, I stand before you today, once again, to reflect the state of the nation. In this regard, how can we not mention the threshold of my intention, natural disaster come to know several cities and towns of our country, because of the floods caused by torrential rains, which resulted in the loss of tens of lives. Beyond the measures already taken and those underway to prevent and effectively deal with these types of situations in the future, I want to express, on behalf of the Nation saddened and in my own name, our sincere condolences to all the bereaved families. In memory of the victims of these floods, like those of our compatriots who, in 2015, fell on the different theaters o...

RDC DISCOURS DU PRESIDENT JOSEPH KABILA DEVANT LES DEUX CHAMBRES DU PARLEMENT REUNIE EN CONGRES SUR L'ÉTAT DELA NATION LUNDi 14 DECEMBRE 2015 : Dans son discours sur l’état de la Nation ce lundi 14 décembre devant les deux chambres du Parlement réunis en Congrès, le Président de la République a appelé les Congolaises et Congolais à l’auto-prise en charge et au sens élevé de responsabilité en vue de participer au dialogue. C’est sous les applaudissements de la salle des Congrès du Palais du peuple que le Président de la République a conclu son brillant discours sur l’état de la Nation devant députés, sénateurs, diplomates et autres forces vives du pays. Le chef de l’Etat, Joseph Kabila Kabange, a passé en revue la situation générale du pays en 2015 dans tous les secteurs qui l’animent, entre autres, la politique, la diplomatie, la sécurité, l’eau et l’électricité, la santé, l’enseignement, la parité, les transports et l’économie. Très attendu sur le point politique, surtout en ce qui concerne le Dialogue national et inclusif avec son corolaire qu’est la préparation d’un processus électoral crédible et apaisé, le Garant de la Nation et du bon fonctionnement des institutions a encore joué la carte de l’assurance. Il a appelé les Congolaises et Congolais à s’inscrire sur la voie du dialogue pour aller avec sérénité vers des élections crédibles et apaisées qui permettraient de consolider la démocratie et la paix chèrement acquises. Ainsi, comme les héros nationaux Patrice Emery Lumumba et Laurent-Désiré Kabila, JKK invite-t-il chacun de ses compatriotes à l’auto-prise en charge et au sens élevé de responsabilité.« Ce n’est pas des Nations unies, de l’Orient ou de l’Occident que viendront les solutions à nos problèmes », a-t-il indiqué, rappelant la nécessité régler les problèmes entre Congolaises et Congolais pour trouver des solutions « authentiquement congolais ». Il a, par le fait même, souligné que « ce n’est pas par la violence que nous régleront nos divergences ». D’un ton ferme, le Raïs a déclaré : Pour Joseph Kabila, ce dialogue est l’occasion pour les Congolais de se réunir pour régler eux-mêmes leurs divergences. « Ce n’est pas par la violence que nous règlerons nos divergences. Ce n’est pas non plus des Nations unies, de l’Orient ou de l’Occident que viendront les solutions à nos problèmes, mais plutôt de nous-mêmes et par le dialogue entre les Congolais et les Congolaises mus par la fibre patriotique », a martelé le chef de l’Etat. Au sujet du début de ce dialogue, Joseph Kabila n’a pas donné de date précise, évoquant un démarrage « à brève échéance ». « La mise en place en cours du comité préparatoire et celle prochaine de la facilitation internationale permettront à brève échéance le démarrage effectif dudit dialogue avec pour objectif de trouver des solutions consensuelles aux questions majeures qui minent le processus électoral, ouvrant la voie à des élections crédibles et apaisées », a estimé le président de la République. « Il n’y aura ni le sang ni la sueur » Joseph Kabila a également mis en garde ceux qui s’opposent au dialogue, préférant la violence. « Je ne permettrai pas que les sacrifices consentis ensemble au cours de dernière années pour bâtir la paix soient compromis, sous quelque prétexte que ce soit, par ceux qui, de mauvaise foi et de manière délibérée, choisiront de rester enfermés dans leur posture négativiste, refusant le dialogue au profit des complots contre la République et en promettant sang et sueur à notre peuple. Il n’y aura ni l’un ni l’autre », a-t-il lancé. Pour lui, le peuple congolais aura à choisir entre deux projets de société pour les prochaines élections. « Là où il lui est promis la mort, nous l’assurons que tout sera mis en œuvre pour la vie. Là où on veut tout détruire, notre engagement c’est de construire et de développer sans relâche. A notre peuple de choisir lors des élections lequel des deux projets de société lui convient le mieux », a indiqué Joseph Kabila. Réduire le coût des élections Joseph Kabila est revenu sur l’idée de revoir les modalités de vote lors des prochaines élections pour réduire le coût des élections. « Je ne permettrais pas que les sacrifices pour la paix soient compromis sous quelque prétexte qu’il soit par ceux qui, de mauvaise foi et de manière délibérée, choisiront de rester dans leur posture négativiste, refusant le dialogue au profit de complot contre la République et promettant sang et sueur à notre peuple. Il n’y aura ni l’un ni l’autre. Là où on promet au peuple la mort, nous le rassurons la vie. Là où on veut tout détruire, notre engagement est de construire et de développer sans relâche ». Comme pour mettre fin à toute mauvaise interprétation de son appel à la réflexion sur les « modalités de vote » peu coûteuses, Joseph Kabila a précisé que cela concerne le choix à faire entre le vote manuel ou électronique, conformément à la loi électorale. Voilà qui pourrait rassurer tout le monde, concernant le discours du président.

Lire quelques message de'intégralité du discours du président Joseph Kabila sur l'état de la Nation congolaise le lundi 15/12/2015 au Palais du peuple, à Kinshasa lundi 14 décembre 2015 Honorable Président de l’Assemblée Nationale, Honorable Président du Sénat, Honorables Députés et Sénateurs, Je suis devant vous ce jour, une fois de plus, afin de rendre compte de l’état de la Nation. A ce sujet, comment ne pas évoquer, au seuil de Mon propos, la catastrophe naturelle que viennent de connaitre plusieurs villes et localités de notre pays, du fait des inondations causées par des pluies diluviennes, et qui ont entraîné la perte de plusieurs dizaines de vies humaines. Au-delà des mesures déjà prises, et celles en cours pour prévenir et faire efficacement face à ces genres de situations à l’avenir, Je tiens à exprimer, au nom de la Nation attristée et en mon nom personnel, nos sincères condoléances à toutes les familles éprouvées. En mémoire des victimes de ces inondations, ...

Oïcha NORTH KIVU-DR CONGO: Strike against attacks .. The civil society projects a dead city Oïcha day.Mr Jean Paul Paluku Ngahangondi President of an NGO agreement for the HRDC del respect for Human Rights, civil society and other dela component called the population of Oïcha dating from today to observe, Tuesday, December 15, 2015 a "dead-city day" in memory of victims of the war of ADF rebels-Nalu.They made the call after the meeting between members of civil society dela Oïcha, after the ultimatum of the day that his organization has launched up ARRIVAL Minister del'intérieur and beyond to Oïcha défence.Civil society in North Kivu asked the government and ALA intervation del'onu brigade to launch, within this period, the offensive operations against armed groups Adf-Nalu terrorizing the population of Beni territory and its surroundings.The civil society dela authorities have called the whole population, including humanitarian, to subscribe to this "day ghost town.On Tuesday, we will have to ask the people of North Kivu to stay at home.We are launching this activity to ask the head of state and the country's authorities to undertake, in the short time, shares in line to save victims in Beni territory, said the president of the civil society 'Oïcha in North Kivu.For Lewis Saliboko the Congolese government should end all groups and leave the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) do their job.But some associations in the province do not share the opinion of civil society in North Kivu on the date chosen for organizing this "dead city day".Youth of Oïcha example, mourning should start more in the coming days and continue on the hearing of the territory.Ago the last few years, civil society had given time to the MONUSCO intervention brigade to launch offensive operations against armed groups in the Beni region, promising major actions if the force does not undermined the hunt against these militias after this period.These rebels sow insecurity and desolation in the chiefdom of Watalinga and the Beni-Mbau sector emptied for two years, its inhabitants.According to civil society Beni, ADF-Nalu's kidnapped at least 600 civilians including 3 priests, 4 officers Doctor without borders (MSF) and a doctor of Oïcha in the space of two years.Several towns in the territory of Beni (North Kivu) will observe, days "dead city" to protest insecurity in their country.According to reliable sources, the socio-economic activities will remain virtually paralyzed during the days of dead city in these localities, especially Oïcha, capital of Beni territory.The population will respond to the slogan of the provincial coordination of civil society in North Kivu.It is time for the government to implement actions with large spans and this should be accompanied by the brigade long awaited MONUSCO has dragged much, "said the president of the Civil Society of Beni, Eddy Kataliko.This came after an attack Adf-Nalu to Oïcha yesterday to Sunday, December 13, 2015 17:00 ADF were again attacked the town Oicha.The assessment reported four dead, including one civilian and three millitaires were killed Sunday evening and 3 houses dela population icendié in an attack attributed to the Ugandan rebels of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, does said Monday corroborating sources.This creates for épiscose within dela population who have moved del east to west rural town of délaboration Oïcha.They have proved that they are not eradicated, the Ugandan rebels of ADF / NALU.They have actually resumed service in their stronghold of Beni Territory.He is concerned about the resurgence of the ADF / NALU where they had been driven out and accuses him of having released the FARDC military pressure.While the need to continue to intensify search operations.The ADF / NALU are well and truly back and signed their comeback in letters of blood.This changes the whole military and mapping gives the FARDC in North Kivu.Everything must radically review.Because these attacks ADF / NALU and hostage takings that began, due to give UN experts who, in their latest report published after the dismantling of the ADF / NALU in Kamanga, believed their chain of command remained intact.Current events have proved them right.The ADF / NALU have recovered at low cost and in a short time.This means that they were not far away.We return to the starting-box: the recovery of all operations against the Ugandan rebels.But how and that is the fundamental issue.

The Democratic Republic of Congo is in its borders of June 30, 1960, the rule of law, independent, sovereign, united and indivisible, social, democratic and secular.Article dela constitution.It is prohibited for any person enjoying regular asylum undertaking any subversive activity against his country of origin or against any other country from the territory of the Democratic Republic of Congo Article 33.The presence of still active ADF elements in the Beni territory is a safe real headache and a danger to local residents.Despite the military operation "Sokola 1" being launched against these armed elements by the FARDC, they continue to multiply attacks against, and abuses of civilians.Faced with this state of affairs, local people call hue and cry strengthening units of law enforcement and security in Beni territory.Since the government launched operations against the ADF in 2010, they became aggressive.They know that there is cooperation between the Ugandan and Congolese ar...