
Affichage des articles du décembre 27, 2015

BENI TÉRRITOIRE UNE NOUVEL EMBUSCADE DES RÉBÉLLES ADF-NALU TÔT LE MATIN D'AUJOURD'HUI DIMANCHE 27 DÉCEMBRE 2015 À LINZOSISENE : Un camion marque fuso en route de kisangani pour kasindi, est tombé aux mains des térroristes ougandais des Adf-Nalu à Linzosisene localité situé à 23.7 km de Beni ville sur axe routier Beni Kisangani dans le groupement de Bambubha-Kisiki sécteur de Beni-Mbau. Bilan, 4 morts et blessé grave. Ce groupe des Adf-Nalu ont attaqué l'engin roulant par de rockette qui a endomagé complètement le véhicule. Cela arrive après la découverte des 6 corps des civiles sans vies à Mavivi le jeudi 24 décembre 2015 a Anzuma, Avemba et Tepiomba. Ces citoyens ont étaient tué ce jour là par les faux Adf-Nalu par machette. Le 25 décembre de ce mois, ces même groupe rébélles ont fait un nouveau éccursion au village de MAYANGOSE, tout près de la ville de Beni où, ils ont encore tué les habitants de cette parti du térritoire de Beni. Bilan, plus des 8 morts des civiles, des maisons dela population, incéndiées, des poules, canards, chèvres, et autres biens des civiles emporté par les rébélles du groupe armée des Adf-Nalu. Donc aujourd' hui la population de Beni térritoire vivent dans l'insécurité totale des Adf-Nalu qui nous térrorisent. Celle d'Oïcha a eu lieu le 08/10/2014 donc plus d'une année jours ou jours nos frères du chef-lieu du térritoire de Beni ont étaient tué àla machette, hache, couteau, par les rébéles Adf-Nalu 1. Du 04 au 05/10/2014 : En village MUKOKO, situé à plus ou moins 5 kilomètres d’Oïcha du côté gauche de la route principale nationale n° 4. Ce jour 2 personnes ont été tuées, par des hommes armés identifiés comme ADF, 3 autres avaient été enlevées avant d’être libérées par les FARDC. 2. Le 06/10/2014 : Au village LINZO-SISENE,sur l’axe Oïcha-Eringethi. 7 personnes tuées,12 blessés par machette et haches, 8 personnes portées disparues jusqu’à présent. 3.Du 5 au 06/10/2014 : Dans les villages MAYIMOYA, MAIBO et KISIKI tous situés sur l’axe Oïcha-Eringethi: 9 personnes tuées. 4.Le 08/10/2014 : En Cité d’Oïcha, Quartier BAKAIKU, Cellule Aliaki/MAMIKI, 9 personnes tuées dont 5 d’une même famille. L’opération avait fait 2 blessés. 5.La nuit du 15 au 16 octobre 2014 : incursion d’hommes armés dans les cellules de Ngadi et Kadou dans les périphéries de Beni. Plus ou moins 30 morts et plus de 10 blessés. Rappellons que, le 08/10/2014 la cité d'Oïcha, été attaqué par ce même rébélles Adf-Nalu présume assasin précisement dans une célule Mamiki. Ce jour là 9 personnes ont etaient tuées à Oïcha, dans une attaque des des rebelles ougandais des ADF-Nalu dans la soirée du mercredi 8 octobre en chef lieu du territoire de Beni,dans la province, du (Nord-Kivu). Des sources locale dans la région ont rapporté que les habitants d’Oicha et d’Eringeti se sont déplacé abandonnant leurs localités et se sont dirigé vers les villes voisines de Beni et Butembo. Pour sa part la société civile locale, avec le président Lewisi Saliboko a témoigné que ces rebelles ougandais ont jeté deux jours avant des tracts à Eringeti, une localité voisine d’Oicha, promettant de venger leurs camarades tués pendant les opérations militaires menées par l’armée congolaise. D'autres sources ont indiqué que les rebelles se sont introduits dans plusieurs maisons avant d’abattre plusieurs personnes. Pour se venger de la complicité de villageois des environs de Beni-centre,dont la collaboration avec le Gouvernement aurait facilité aux FARDC de mettre les ADF-NALU en déroute et de réussir à détruire tous leurs camps,au cours d’une opération-éclair connue sous le nomde code terrible de“SOKOLA” (signifiant : nettoyer,en langue lingala) « Antithèses »1. Ça ne tient pas du tout la route car, la plupart des jeunes gens engagés dans les rangs de l’ADF-NALU, sont des fils et petits-fils de ces villageois qui sont massacrés depuis Août 2014 jusqu’à ce jour. Le 08/10/2015 mr Paluku, Jean Paul Ngahangondi le président nationale d'une ONG, Convention pour le respect des droits de l'homme CRDH en sigle, vient de publié un communiqué sur son compte facebook en disant que , mes chers amis : JUSTICE INTERNATIONALE: Le Procureur de la Cour Pénale Internationale ( CPI) vient d'accuser la réception du rapport pubier fin Septembre 2015 par l'Organisation de défense des droits humais "Convention pour le respect des droits de l'homme" CRDH en sigle. Dans ce rapport de 16 pages intitulé MASSACRES DE LA POPULATION DE BENI VILLE ET TERRITOIRE, COMPLOT BIEN ORCHESTRER, votre Organisation avait demandée au Procureur de la CPI d'ouvrir les enquêtes internationales indépendantes pour identifier les vrais auteurs , leurs complices, et les bénéficiaires ultimes de cette campagne de tueries. Cette ong souhaite l'arrestation des personnes complices, en traduisant dévant la justice et le faire condamner. Compte tenu du manque de crédibilité des autorités Congolaises nous avions demandés l'implication personelle de la CPI et il vient d'accuser reception de nos rapport.

La République démocratique du Congo est, dans ses frontières du 30 juin 1960, un État de droit, indépendant, souverain, uni et indivisible, social, démocratique et laïc. Article premier dela constitution. Il est interdit à toute personne jouissant régulièrement du droit d'asile d'entreprendre toute activité subversive contre son pays d'origine ou contre tout autre pays, à partir du territoire de la République démocratique du Congo Article 33 . La présence des éléments ADF encore actifs dans le territoire de Beni constitue un vrai casse-tête sécuritaire et un danger pour les populations riveraines. Malgré l’opération militaire »Sokola 1 » en cours, lancée contre ces éléments armés par les FARDC, ils continuent de multiplier des attaques et exactions contre des populations civiles. Face à cet état des choses, les populations locales appellent à cor et à cri le renforcement des unités des forces de l’ordre et de sécurité dans le territoire de Beni. Depuis que le gouvernement a...

BENI territory AMBUSH NEW ADF-NALU rebels EARLY MORNING TODAY TO Sunday, December 27, 2015 LINZOSISENE: A truck Fuso brand in Kisangani road to Kasindi fell to Ugandan terrorists Adf-Nalu resort to Linzosisene located 23.7 km from Beni Beni town on highway Kisangani in the group Bambubha-Kisiki sector Beni Mbau.Bilan, 4 deaths and serious injuries.Adf-Nalu This group attacked the rolling machine by which endomagé rockette the vehicle completely.This happens after the discovery of six bodies of civilian lives without Mavivi Thursday, December 24, 2015 has Anzuma, Avemba and Tepiomba.These citizens were killed that day by false Adf-Nalu machete.On December 25 of this month, the same rebel group made a new éccursion the village of MAYANGOSE, close to the town of Beni where they still killed the people of this party Beni territory.Balance plus the 8 civilian deaths, population dela houses, burned, chickens, ducks, goats, and other goods carried by civilian rebels armed group Adf-Nalu.So today the population of Beni territory living in total insecurity of Adf-Nalu terrorizing us.That of Oïcha took place more than a year so days or days our brothers the capital of Beni territory were killed have ALA 08/10/2014 machete, ax, knife, by rébéles Nalu Adf-1. From 04 to 05/10/2014: In the village Mukoko, located roughly 5 km from Oïcha the left side of the main national road No. 4. That day two people were killed by armed men identified as ADF 3 others were abducted before being released by the FARDC.2. 06/10/2014: In the village LINZO-SISENE on the Oïcha Eringethi-axis.7 people killed, 12 wounded by machetes and axes, 8 people missing so far.3.Du 5 to 06/10/2014: In the villages MAYIMOYA, MAIBO and Kisiki all located on the Oïcha Eringethi-axis: 9 people killed.4.The 08/10/2014: In City of Oïcha, District Bakaiku, Cell Aliaki / MAMIKI, 9 people killed, including five from the same family.The operation had two wounded.5.La night of Oct 15 to 16, 2014: incursion of armed men in the cells of Ngadi and Kadou in Beni peripheries.More or less 30 dead and over 10 injured.Recall that on 08.10.2014 the city of Oïcha, was attacked by the same Adf-Nalu rebels presumed assassin precisely in célule Mamiki.That day nine people were killed in Oïcha in an attack by Ugandan rebels of ADF-Nalu on the evening of Wednesday, October 8th chief of the territory of Beni, in the province of (North Kivu).Local sources in the area reported that the inhabitants of Oicha and Eringeti have moved and left their localities and were directed to the nearby towns of Beni and Butembo.For its part the local civil society, with President lewisi Saliboko testified that these Ugandan rebels threw two days before Eringeti leaflets at a nearby community Oicha, promising to avenge their comrades killed during the military operations conducted by the Congolese army.Other sources said the rebels broke into several houses before felling several people.To avenge the complicity of nearby villagers of Beni center, whose collaboration with the Government would have facilitated the FARDC to ADF-NALU the defeat and succeed in destroying all their camps, during a flash operation known as the terrible NameOf code "SOKOLA" (meaning: clean, Lingala language) "Antithesis" 1.It does not take all the road because most young people engaged in the ranks of the ADF-NALU, are son and grand-son of the villagers who were massacred since August 2014 to date.The Paluku 08/10/2015 mr John Paul Ngahangondi the national president of an NGO, Convention for the respect of human rights HRDC acronym, has just released a statement on his facebook account, saying that, my dear friends : INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE: The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has just acknowledge receipt of the report pubier end in September 2015 by the Organization for Defending Rights breathed "Convention for the respect of human rights" in acronym CRDH .In this 16-page report titled MASSACRE OF THE POPULATION OF CITY AND BLESSED LAND, PLOT WELL ORCHESTRATE Your Organization had requested the ICC Prosecutor to open independent international investigation to identify the real perpetrators, accomplices, and the ultimate beneficiaries This killing campaign.This NGO wants the arrest of persons complicit in bringing to justice and convict.Given the lack of credibility of the Congolese authorities requested the personal we involvement of the ICC and just acknowledge receipt of our report.

The Democratic Republic of Congo is in its borders of June 30, 1960, the rule of law, independent, sovereign, united and indivisible, social, democratic and secular.Article dela constitution.It is prohibited for any person enjoying regular asylum undertaking any subversive activity against his country of origin or against any other country from the territory of the Democratic Republic of Congo Article 33.The presence of still active ADF elements in the Beni territory is a safe real headache and a danger to local residents.Despite the military operation "Sokola 1" being launched against these armed elements by the FARDC, they continue to multiply attacks against, and abuses of civilians.Faced with this state of affairs, local people call hue and cry strengthening units of law enforcement and security in Beni territory.Since the government launched operations against the ADF in 2010, they became aggressive.They know that there is cooperation between the Ugandan and Congolese ar...

MASSACRE BEYOND POPULATION CONTINUES TO CITY AND BENI, territory since October 2014 At DEL'ANNÉE ... Today 'hui are still civil tale of dead MAYANGOSE.That of Oïcha took place more than a year so days or days our brothers the capital of Beni territory were killed have ALA 08/10/2014 machete, ax, knife, by rébéles Nalu Adf-1. From 04 to 05/10/2014: In the village Mukoko, located roughly 5 km from Oïcha the left side of the main national road No. 4. That day two people were killed by armed men identified as ADF 3 others were abducted before being released by the FARDC.2. 06/10/2014: In the village LINZO-SISENE on the Oïcha Eringethi-axis.7 people killed, 12 wounded by machetes and axes, 8 people missing so far.3.Du 5 to 06/10/2014: In the villages MAYIMOYA, MAIBO and Kisiki all located on the Oïcha Eringethi-axis: 9 people killed.4.The 08/10/2014: In City of Oïcha, District Bakaiku, Cell Aliaki / MAMIKI, 9 people killed, including five from the same family.The operation had two wounded.5.La night of Oct 15 to 16, 2014: incursion of armed men in the cells of Ngadi and Kadou in Beni peripheries.More or less 30 dead and over 10 injured.Recall that on 08.10.2014 the city of Oïcha, was attacked by the same Adf-Nalu rebels presumed assassin precisely in célule Mamiki.That day nine people were killed in Oïcha in an attack by Ugandan rebels of ADF-Nalu on the evening of Wednesday, October 8th chief of the territory of Beni, in the province of (North Kivu).Local sources in the area reported that the inhabitants of Oicha and Eringeti have moved and left their localities and were directed to the nearby towns of Beni and Butembo.For its part the local civil society, with President lewisi Saliboko testified that these Ugandan rebels threw two days before Eringeti leaflets at a nearby community Oicha, promising to avenge their comrades killed during the military operations conducted by the Congolese army.Other sources said the rebels broke into several houses before felling several people.To avenge the complicity of nearby villagers of Beni center, whose collaboration with the Government would have facilitated the FARDC to ADF-NALU the defeat and succeed in destroying all their camps, during a flash operation known as the terrible NameOf code "SOKOLA" (meaning: clean, Lingala language) "Antithesis" 1.It does not take all the road because most young people engaged in the ranks of the ADF-NALU, are son and grand-son of the villagers who were massacred since August 2014 to date.The Paluku 08/10/2015 mr John Paul Ngahangondi the national president of an NGO, Convention for the respect of human rights HRDC acronym, has just released a statement on his facebook account, saying that, my dear friends : INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE: The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has just acknowledge receipt of the report pubier end in September 2015 by the Organization for Defending Rights breathed "Convention for the respect of human rights" in acronym CRDH .In this 16-page report titled Your Organization had requested the ICC Prosecutor to open independent international investigation to identify the real perpetrators, accomplices, and ultimate beneficiaries of this killing campaign.This NGO wants the arrest of persons complicit in bringing to justice and convict.Given the lack of credibility of the Congolese authorities requested the personal we involvement of the ICC and just acknowledge receipt of the report while ressurant your organization that work has begun in this framework.At the present time is the HRDC is currently fill formilaires sent by the Prosecutor of the ICC folder A Follow!According to Jean Paul Ngahangondi.RFI: Mbusa Nyamwisi put into question a high-ranking FARDC national army alone dela Democratic Republic of Congo.For him, the Congolese army has not shown that incompetence.This one accused General Mundos, the Operation Commander Sokola supposed fight against the ADF-Nalu, and accomplice of these Ugandan rebels.Meanwhile Julien Paluku governor of north Kivu accused Mbusa Nyamwisi to prepare a new rebellion in his view, insecurity in Beni is not only the work of the Ugandan rebels.According to the governor of North Kivu, it would be a double ploy to separate the population north of the Grand with the administration and the legally established authority, to inculcate and bring it to dissections ally with a rebellion in gestation that would arise as a liberator, Antipas Mbusa among them.

"Sub-Saharan Africa has long been the scene of proxy wars that flowed from the East-West rivalry with the end of the Cold War, all minds were even allowed to Africa, including the Great Lakes region , wild with lasting peace especially since the United Nations was to begin truly manifesting its role as guardian of international peace, a role that has him escape during the entire period of the Cold War because of ideological clashes the capitalist block and the block socialiste.Curieusement, Africa became the scene of conflict in various forms, including border disputes, interethnic conflicts; civil wars and rebellions often presented in the form of wars libération.En regard particularly the Great Lakes region, coups and rebellions have become common, this part of Africa has not known for a relatively long period, interstate armed clashes between the member countries of the Economic Community countries Great Lakes (CEPGL).In practice, this organization placed more emphasis on the s...