« Africans are generally in their underdevelopment as the product of scheming and malicious outside powers committed to maintaining them in a state of subjection for four (04) centuries. As proof, the explanations they give of what to name as the economic sinking of their continent: strangulation of debt, deteriorating terms of trade, declining aid outside Africa responsible ... its underdevelopment A handy speech, the famous couplet néoclonialiste allowing African to hide their own responsibilities. Even Africa would have billions of dollars, the development now has no chance to start it because Africans do exactly what it takes to nothing works. They refuse the method, organization, they waste all that might work sustainably for the benefit of the greatest number »
"Underdevelopment in black Africa has the following characteristics: low living standards, inequality, high and growth or better demographic explosion and the dependent population, high and rising unemployment and underemployment, waste and looting of economic resources, lack of savings, vis-à-vis dependence on external, extrovert economy cosmo centrism and fatalism, dietary deficiency (malnutrition, famine), high infant mortality, lack of social infrastructure (doctors- health, social) and economic (transport and communication), fable life expectancy, illiteracy, low education levels, lack of adequate structure louse fight against epidemics and natural disasters, tribalism, existence of social and armed conflict (with the consequence : displaced populations, refugees), the presence of authoritarian and exclusivist regimes, lack of democratic political culture implosion of nation states, excessive destruction of the environment, predominantly in the informal economy or living on f...