« FRPI Front for Patriotic Resistance in Ituri: The Front for Patriotic Resistance in Ituri (FRPI) is an armed militia based in some part of the Chiefdom Walendu Bindi south of Bunia province of Ituri , Irumu territory northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This army group was created June 30, 1999 by the ethnic Lendu- Bindi Indru del 'Ituri in the moral authority of Bernard- Kakado-Tsubina as an ally of the Front for National intégrationnistesLendu (FNI). The Walendu Bindi (or Indru), led by their traditional leaders and form a weight against the Union of Congolese Patriots (UPC) in the Ituri conflict and are supported by the Renewal Forces faction of RCD folded in Uganda KML Wamba dia Wamba. In the past, ethnic rivalries fueled by political actors and some intellectuals had even caused some social unrest or even armed confrontations including in the territories of Djugu and Irumu »
The FRPI: Is a general term describing an armed group del'éthnie Lendu-Bindi or Indru, based in the current del'Ituri province Irumu.Created during the Second War in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), répondand by a man named Bernard-Kakado Tsubina and other members of the movement, in the Chiefdom Walendu Bindi.This ethnic armed group is the most powerful del'Ituri according to information published in the Magazine dela MONUSCO in Kinshasa.Most were formed to resist the invasion of the armed forces and rebel groups del'Ouganda Congolese relatives of Rwanda (which essentially RCD), or sometimes for the purpose of robbery.Although the District del'Ituri were militarized long, particularly among minorities del'ancienne Orientale Province, the instability in the region led the people to constitute the FRPI militia.Most del'Ituri armed groups have however been active in the Eastern provinces, under the control of RCD KML close rebel forces of the Congolese ...