Marriage involves separation from parents (Genesis 2:24) What God has joined together (Matthew 19: 6) "He created them male and female, and blessed them;and called their name Adam (man) "(Genesis 5: 1-2), not men (plural).The husband and wife together constitute the man.They shall be one flesh.We return to this statement.Marriage is one.Marriage (Genesis 2: 18-24; 5: 1-2).As God sees it.God would unite the couple, because He alone is able to probe every man, and knows which are made for each other.Abraham's servant prayed to the Lord to let him know that the wife avaitdestinéeà Isaac.The father and the brother of Rebecca recognized that this thing actually proceeded from God (Genesis 24:14 and 50).After the fall, Adam made a veiled reproach to God, "The woman you gave me" (Genesis 3:12).Nevertheless, he recognized that it was God who had given him specifically."A wise woman is of the Lord" (Proverbs 7:14 p.m.).God still wants to give today.However, it should not be held responsible for unhappy marriages: they are always the result of self-will.If God unites two beings, he gives the grace to resolve any problems that may arise.A sacred institution of God.Someone described it as a holy institution from God outcome of paradise.The verse in Genesis 2:24: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh", applies strictly speaking to the descendants of Adam and Eve expelled from paradise.Adam had no parents and therefore could not leave them.God instituted monogamous marriage."Therefore a man shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."This verse of Gen. 2:24 is quoted four times in the New Testament, but with a variant that does not allow any other interpretation "Lesdeuxserontune seulechair" (Matthew 19: 5; Mark 10: 8; 1 Corinthians 6:16; Ephesians 5:31).Marriage, special solicitude on the part of God.This is not Adam but God who found that loneliness, over time, would not be good for Adam.How the interest of God to solitary Adam had to be beneficial!God himself was concerned about the good of man.He was one who was, and when the hour chosen by God came, he brought him a companion.Whoever puts his trust in Him, will still experience today.It is not only given to ensure offspring to man (Genesis 1:28), but is an intimate communion of spirit, soul and body.Marriage requires both spouses: selfless love, loyalty, mutual trust, sense of responsibility;that is not all.But it provides a lot of joy and satisfaction.Spouses who realize that love is forgotten and book, according to 1 Corinthians 13: 5 does not seek its own, will be happy experience that the esteem and mutual inclination merely deepen, s enrich and beautify.Because "it is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35).But in this life together, first place belongs to the Lord.Marriage is a common life full of responsibilities.In our countries, it is concluded and confirmed by civil status, and not by mere consent (Romans 13: 1-2).Note the biblical example of Rebecca in Genesis 24: she gave her consent, saying: "I will go" (v 58).It's only nine verses later we are told: "it was his wife" (v 67).The first verse presents marriage as an agreement between the spouses, the last rather demonstrates the public document related to the company.Furthermore, passages like those of 2 Corinthians 12:17 Romans 8:21 ET urge us to ensure "that which is honest, not only before God but also before men."Outside of those concerned, it is only God who hears mutual consent but marriage to civil status is ratified "man".God has also applied the image of marriage in Israel.He complained that fathers have broken his covenant even though the had married (Jeremiah 31:32).Marriage is a commitment that should not be dissolved as long as both spouses are alive (Romans 7: 2; 1 Corinthians 7:39).Sometimes fathers or mothers too closely linked to their children find it difficult to accept this divine order.A young man or young woman can have with his parents as such strong links they exceed a subsidiary healthy relationship.In both cases, such dependency burden on the young couple.We have already drawn attention to the need for autonomy and vis-à-vis parents independence.Parents must ensure that their advice or their well-intentioned exhortations.The bond of marriage is a union for life, until death.
Ago that man has made marriage instituted by God.Sometimes seeking to justify cohabitation without formal marriage.This union has nothing solid nor definitive.She can replace her marriage nor be assimilated.Young believers can be carried away by the customs of their family (only spend holidays together, living together ...).They are exposed to real dangers, which can not rely on the grace of God to be kept in a drop path own will.The abandonment of biblical teachings destroys the respect and fear of God.The following examples show how God judge: 1. The Samaritan woman at Jacob's well had been married five times and was living in concubinage.1.Rahab the prostitute, is a striking example.It is mentioned several times in the Old and the New Testament in relation to previous sin of his life.But it is always mentioned as it has been saved and justified by faith, and received an honored place in the genealogy of the Lord Jesus (Joshua 2: 1; 6:22 ET 25; Hebrews 11:31; Jacques 2:25; Matthe...