
Affichage des articles du décembre 18, 2015

JOSEPH KABILA ENTTENDU CE VENDREDI À BENI VILLE DANS L'APRES MIDI DE CE VENDREDI 18 DECEMBRE 2015 : Le chef de l’Etat congolais est attendu dans la ville de Beni, située à 350 km au Nord de Goma (Nord-Kivu), vendredi 18 décembre, affirment des sources officielles. Joseph Kabila va sans doute profiter de sa visite pour évaluer la situation sécuritaire de ce territoire, en proie à l’insécurité, entretenue par des hommes armés dont les ADF. Ces rebelles ougandais ont incendié, il y a plus de deux semaines, une trentaine de boutiques, restaurants, pharmacies et dépôts, à Eringeti, localité située à 60 km au Nord-Est de Beni-ville. Avant l’étape de Beni, le chef de l’Etat a inauguré, mercredi 16 décembre, la Centrale hydroélectrique de Matebe, située à 70 km au Nord-Est de Goma au Nord-Kivu. Dans la ville de Beni, le chef de l’Etat a été précédé, depuis jeudi 17 décembre, par le gouverneur du Nord-Kivu, Julien Paluku et le ministre d’Etat en charge de la Décentralisation, Salomon Banamuhere. Comme vous le savez, le président de la république est à Goma et pour moi je ne peux pas ne pas venir évaluer la situation en vue de lui permettre de pouvoir décider sur des grandes mesures qu’il a annoncé lorsqu’il était devant les deux chambres du Parlement, réunies en congrès, a expliqué le gouverneur du Nord-Kivu. Julien Paluku a remercié les infirmiers et médecins de la cite d’Oicha et du secteur de Beni Mbau qui ont accepté de reprendre le service après quelques jours de grève. «Je suis heureux que mon appel ait été reçu par la société civile et tous les infirmiers et médecins qui ont déjà repris le service. Je les remercie sincèrement pour cette reprise, a-t-il ajouté. Ce personnel de santé avait décrété cette grève pour protester contre l’insécurité dans la contrée. Plus de 300 personnes avaient été tuées, depuis octobre 2014, par des présumés rebelles ougandais des ADF dans le territoire de Beni, selon la société locale. Presse du Gouvernorat. Le président Joseph Kabila pour un déplacement à Béni dans l’est du pays. mercredi, à Béni dans le nord-est de la RDC. Un voyage 14 jours après une série de massacres qui ont fait plus de 30 morts dans la région. C'est une visite rare puisque le dernier voyage de Joseph Kabila remonte à l’année dernière. Une visite attendue alors que la situation sécuritaire s’est fortement dégradée. Mais le président ne s'est pas exprimé, les habitants sont déçus. Le voyage du président Kabila est une « mission de compassion avec la population, au cours de laquelle il va écouter (...) les recommandations (des civils) pour améliorer davantage la situation sécuritaire dans la région, a expliqué à l'AFP le gouverneur du Nord-Kivu, Julien Paluku, actuellement à Beni. La sécurité, c’est clairement la principale préoccupation des centaines de personnes qui sont rassemblées à Béni sur un grand rond-point du centre-ville, sous un soleil cuisant. Elles ont attendu plusieurs heures l’arrivée du chef de l’Etat, armées de parapluies et de banderoles. La foule réunie à Béni vont espérer que le chef de l'Etat allait s'exprimer, alors que la sécurité s’est terriblement dégradée ces derniers jours. Il y a eu le massacre de 82 personnes il y a une dizaine de jours, mais aussi des attaques régulières comme encore la nuit dernière. Un nouvel assaut attribué à la rébellion ougandaise des ADF et qui a coûté la vie à un militaire. De nombreuses critiques Nous voulons la paix, la sécurité et que Kabila prenne enfin des mesures pour améliorer la situation. Voilà ce que tout le monde répète. Des attentes donc, mais aussi beaucoup de critiques. Nous sommes fatigués, disait un instituteur,fatigués de voir que ce président au pouvoir depuis 2001 échoue à assurer la sécurité de ses citoyens. Cela fait des années, trop longtemps, que tous les jours des civils sont tués. Au final, déception. Il n'y a pas eu de discours ce mrcredi. Le chef de l’Etat pourrait s’exprimer demain. Le chef de l’Etat congolais est attendu dans la ville de Beni, située à 350 km au Nord de Goma (Nord-Kivu), vendredi 18 décembre, affirment des sources officielles. Joseph Kabila va sans doute profiter de sa visite pour évaluer la situation sécuritaire de ce territoire, en proie à l’insécurité, entretenue par des hommes armés dont les ADF. Ces rebelles ougandais ont incendié, il y a plus de deux semaines, une trentaine de boutiques, restaurants, pharmacies et dépôts, à Eringeti, localité située à 60 km au Nord-Est de Beni-ville. Avant l’étape de Beni, le chef de l’Etat a inauguré, mercredi 16 décembre, la Centrale hydroélectrique de Matebe, située à 70 km au Nord-Est de Goma au Nord-Kivu. Dans la ville de Beni, le chef de l’Etat a été précédé, depuis jeudi 17 décembre, par le gouverneur du Nord-Kivu, Julien Paluku et le ministre d’Etat en charge de la Décentralisation, Salomon Banamuhere. Comme vous le savez, le président de la république est à àl'est du pay et pour moi je ne peux pas venir pour évaluer la situation de Beni ville et térritoire.

La cruauté, la peur dues aux massacres à répétition attribués aux rebelles ougandais des ADF et qui ne cessent d’endeuiller le territoire de Beni dans la province du Nord-Kivu sont devenues le quotidien des habitants de ce vaste territoire. Ces rebelles sont de plus en plus actifs et continuent de défier les forces de l’ordre congolaises, les autorités y comprises. Le dernier cas de massacre remonte à la nuit de mercredi 13 mai courant qui a vu tuer 23 personnes, après la visite du ministre de l’Intérieur Evariste Boshab. Depuis octobre, plus de 300 personnes – hommes, femmes, enfants – ont été massacrées dans ce territoire. Si les assassins n’ont pas changé leurs modes opératoires caractérisés par une cruauté d’une autre époque (les victimes sont assassinées à l’arme blanche (machette, houe, hache, marteau, couteau…, et parfois décapitées), ils n’hésitent pas à défier de plus en plus les autorités en massacrant les populations civiles au lendemain des visites de ces autorités. Défi ...

Joseph Kabila ENTTENDU BENI TO THIS FRIDAY IN THE CITY THIS AFTERNOON AFTER Friday, December 18, 2015: The head of the Congolese state is expected in the town of Beni, located 350 km north of Goma (North Kivu), Friday December 18, say official sources.Joseph Kabila will likely enjoy a visit to assess the security situation in that territory, plagued by insecurity, fueled by armed men whose ADF.The Ugandan rebels burned, there are more than two weeks, thirty shops, restaurants, pharmacies and deposits, Eringeti, a town 60 km north-east of Beni town.Before step of Beni, the Head of State inaugurated Wednesday, December 16, the Matebe Hydropower Plant, located 70 km north-east of Goma in North Kivu.In the town of Beni, the head of state was preceded, from Thursday, December 17, by the governor of North Kivu, Julien Paluku and the Minister of State for Decentralization, Solomon Banamuhere.As you know, the president of the republic is in Goma and for me I can not not come to assess the situation in order to enable it to decide on major measures he announced when he was before the two Houses of Parliament, met in congress, explained the governor of North Kivu.Julien Paluku thanked the nurses and doctors cite Oicha and Beni Mbau sector who agreed to resume service after several days of strike."I am happy that my call was received by civil society and all the nurses and doctors who have taken over the service.I sincerely thank for this recovery, he added.This health staff had declared the strike to protest against insecurity in the country.More than 300 people had been killed since October 2014, by suspected Ugandan rebels of ADF in Beni territory, according to local society.Press the Governorate.President Joseph Kabila for a trip to Beni in the east.Wednesday in Beni in the northeast of the DRC.A trip 14 days after a series of massacres that claimed more than 30 lives in the region.This is a rare visit since the last trip of Joseph Kabila was in last year.An expected visit while the security situation has deteriorated sharply.But the president has not expressed, people are disappointed.The trip of President Kabila is a "mission compassion with the people, in which he will listen (...) recommendations (civilians) to further improve the security situation in the region, told AFP Governor of North Kivu, Julien Paluku currently in Beni.Safety is clearly the main concern of hundreds of people who gathered in Beni on a large roundabout in the city center, under a burning sun.They waited several hours the arrival of the head of state, armed with umbrellas and banners.The crowd gathered in Beni will hope that the Head of State was going to speak, while the security situation has deteriorated terribly in recent days.There was the massacre of 82 people there about ten days, but still regular attacks like last night.A new attack attributed to the Ugandan rebels of ADF and killed a soldier.Many criticisms We want peace, security and Kabila finally take steps to improve the situation.That's what everyone repeats.So expectations, but also many critics.We are tired, said a teacher, tired of seeing that this president in office since 2001 fails to ensure the safety of its citizens.For years, too long, that every day civilians are killed.In the end, disappointment.There were no speeches this mrcredi.The head of state could be expressed tomorrow.The head of the Congolese state is expected in the town of Beni, located 350 km north of Goma (North Kivu), Friday, December 18, say official sources.Joseph Kabila will likely enjoy a visit to assess the security situation in that territory, plagued by insecurity, fueled by armed men whose ADF.The Ugandan rebels burned, there are more than two weeks, thirty shops, restaurants, pharmacies and deposits, Eringeti, a town 60 km north-east of Beni town.Before step of Beni, the Head of State inaugurated Wednesday, December 16, the Matebe Hydropower Plant, located 70 km north-east of Goma in North Kivu.In the town of Beni, the head of state was preceded, from Thursday, December 17, by the governor of North Kivu, Julien Paluku and the Minister of State for Decentralization, Solomon Banamuhere.As you know, the President of the Republic To the east is the pay for me and I can not come to assess the situation of Beni city and territory.

Cruelty, fear due to repeated massacres attributed to Ugandan rebels of ADF and that continue to cast a pall over the Beni territory in North Kivu have become the daily life of the inhabitants of this vast territory.These rebels are increasingly active and continue to defy the forces of the Congolese order, the authorities are included.The last case of the massacre goes back to the night of Wednesday, May 13 which saw current killing 23 people, after the visit of Interior Minister Evariste Boshab. Since October, more than 300 people - men, women and children - were killed in that territory.If the killers have not changed their procedures characterized by cruelty of another era (the victims are murdered with knives (machete, hoe, ax, hammer, knife ... and sometimes beheaded), they don ' not hesitate to defy increasingly authorities massacring civilians in the wake of visits to these authorities. Challenge in Kinshasa In late October, the head of state Joseph Kabila is visiting fo...

Indru (PEOPLE) AND ITS DIFFERENT NAMES: Today 'hui Indru the community is best known by the name Ngiti by chance.So what name should be given ALA knowledge of the world?How could have happened is to interrogations.As for the name, Indru we find that it really is genuine, because it is how the Indru designates his tongue.The name is a foreign Ngiti APPELLATION Ala simply because it deviates beyond how people Indru designates the various surrounding peoples.Ngiti or Mungiti: This is explained by the fact that the colonial policy Back then the Belgian Congo had conducted by the imposition of certain languages ​​in some communities at the expense of own languages ​​in these linguistic communities.Thus, Indru people, the Belgian colonizers had imposed Swahili (a Bantu language) in The administration, teaching, and evangelism.Instead of utuliser denomination, the colonizers utulisé denomination, Lendu-Bindi to designate the name of the Indru people.Then the people said that as the Indru come Gety the main town dela Community Walendu Bindi.Others have used the name [Mutu wa Gety] and others, or even Mungiti Ngiti.NB: the name or Ngiti mungiti does not exist in the history of the people Indru ago.Because of a missing probably authétique designation ago in 1960, people began to Bunia utuliser by chance the name to refer to the people Indru.Toute times, names relate to Gety, a geographical place like the others geographic locations such as Bunia, Kasenyi, Butembo, Kinshasa, Kisangani ... We know that no people, one language is identified by such geographical names.So the authentic designation remains Indru to designate the people Indru / Lendu-Bindi.Chiefdom / Sector Walendu Bindi capital Gety.This decentralized administrative body today was created under the Belgian del'administration authority in 1947 after the migratory movement dela population in Sub-Saharan Africa.After their arrival in the current mountainous area of ​​Gety, the Indru people organized the following ceremony for the new leader: "So bows and arrows were reissued but the Chef after that He shot four arrows in all directions - an arrow was shot in the direction where the sun rises, the second was shot in the direction where the sun sets, the third in the south, the fourth was shot dead in the north.This action is all the rebel / rival who will come from one of these directions would be killed by an arrow.Peoples without history are peoples without a future.The dominant Western ideology and history of Africa The falsification of history: how ancient Egypt was torn from its black African natural universe African resistance Restoration of the African historical awareness The murderous domination of Africa by Europe from November 15th 1884 to February 26th 1885 in Berlin a "conference" on Africa had met the European countries and the United States.The meeting ended with the signing del'Acte deBerlin, which led to the "scramble for Africa" ​​between six European powers, Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Portugal, Spain.On the eve of World 1èreGuerre, almost all of Africa is made up of colonies ruled by Europeans.This is the result of events that occurred in the world since 16èmesiècle, marked by the European mercantilism and the growing technical and military superiority of Europe.This requires, together with his domination, his ideas about humanity, its origin and its evolution.In parallel and in addition to that practiced by the Arabs, in sub-Saharan Africa, the slave trade in Africans is designed, rationally organized and institutionalized by Europeans.Consequences: the disintegration of states and society in all sectors of life, the reduction of the population reaching hundreds of millions of people: the most massive human destruction and more prolonged that the world has ever known.The Black effroyableCode promulgated parLouis XIVen 1685 regulates slavery in the West Indies and Guyana.At a time when Europe is undertaking to 19èmesiècle, the conquest of the interior of Africa, it is already extremely weakened by multiple direct and indirect destructive effects of the system of trafficking in humans very Blacks s' developed during four centuries.Colonial rule takes over, in its two phases, military conquest and exploitation of Africa / plundering of its mineral and agricultural resources, is highly lethal, also littered with atrocities, genocide.

Lendu origin dela population generally Etymologically, a name Lendu appeared in the Middle Ages and seems to be coming from "Nobade" his men known for their skill with del'arc At the time of the kingdom of Nubie.Ils will also enlisted in 'tribal people professional army that invades the kingdom of Kush to 400 BC.JC then who was converted to Christianity in the sixth century AD, forming kingdoms called "Nubian" .Today, these Nobades living around Khartoum and are not to be confused with the Nubians that we locate to Kom Ombo and Aswan, parlanteux a completely different dialect of the Kingdom beyond Nubia, rediscovered in the tenth century, apparaîtcomme being an entity possessing geographic features, economic social historical da Lendu population in general well distinguished.[This article discusses different aspects of the Lendu population Great Lakes] The Great Lakes region has been explored by Europeans before the tenth siècle.À that time, this region alre...