Indru (PEOPLE) AND ITS DIFFERENT NAMES: Today 'hui Indru the community is best known by the name Ngiti by chance.So what name should be given ALA knowledge of the world?How could have happened is to interrogations.As for the name, Indru we find that it really is genuine, because it is how the Indru designates his tongue.The name is a foreign Ngiti APPELLATION Ala simply because it deviates beyond how people Indru designates the various surrounding peoples.Ngiti or Mungiti: This is explained by the fact that the colonial policy Back then the Belgian Congo had conducted by the imposition of certain languages ​​in some communities at the expense of own languages ​​in these linguistic communities.Thus, Indru people, the Belgian colonizers had imposed Swahili (a Bantu language) in The administration, teaching, and evangelism.Instead of utuliser denomination, the colonizers utulisé denomination, Lendu-Bindi to designate the name of the Indru people.Then the people said that as the Indru come Gety the main town dela Community Walendu Bindi.Others have used the name [Mutu wa Gety] and others, or even Mungiti Ngiti.NB: the name or Ngiti mungiti does not exist in the history of the people Indru ago.Because of a missing probably authétique designation ago in 1960, people began to Bunia utuliser by chance the name to refer to the people Indru.Toute times, names relate to Gety, a geographical place like the others geographic locations such as Bunia, Kasenyi, Butembo, Kinshasa, Kisangani ... We know that no people, one language is identified by such geographical names.So the authentic designation remains Indru to designate the people Indru / Lendu-Bindi.Chiefdom / Sector Walendu Bindi capital Gety.This decentralized administrative body today was created under the Belgian del'administration authority in 1947 after the migratory movement dela population in Sub-Saharan Africa.After their arrival in the current mountainous area of ​​Gety, the Indru people organized the following ceremony for the new leader: "So bows and arrows were reissued but the Chef after that He shot four arrows in all directions - an arrow was shot in the direction where the sun rises, the second was shot in the direction where the sun sets, the third in the south, the fourth was shot dead in the north.This action is all the rebel / rival who will come from one of these directions would be killed by an arrow.Peoples without history are peoples without a future.The dominant Western ideology and history of Africa The falsification of history: how ancient Egypt was torn from its black African natural universe African resistance Restoration of the African historical awareness The murderous domination of Africa by Europe from November 15th 1884 to February 26th 1885 in Berlin a "conference" on Africa had met the European countries and the United States.The meeting ended with the signing del'Acte deBerlin, which led to the "scramble for Africa" ​​between six European powers, Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Portugal, Spain.On the eve of World 1èreGuerre, almost all of Africa is made up of colonies ruled by Europeans.This is the result of events that occurred in the world since 16èmesiècle, marked by the European mercantilism and the growing technical and military superiority of Europe.This requires, together with his domination, his ideas about humanity, its origin and its evolution.In parallel and in addition to that practiced by the Arabs, in sub-Saharan Africa, the slave trade in Africans is designed, rationally organized and institutionalized by Europeans.Consequences: the disintegration of states and society in all sectors of life, the reduction of the population reaching hundreds of millions of people: the most massive human destruction and more prolonged that the world has ever known.The Black effroyableCode promulgated parLouis XIVen 1685 regulates slavery in the West Indies and Guyana.At a time when Europe is undertaking to 19èmesiècle, the conquest of the interior of Africa, it is already extremely weakened by multiple direct and indirect destructive effects of the system of trafficking in humans very Blacks s' developed during four centuries.Colonial rule takes over, in its two phases, military conquest and exploitation of Africa / plundering of its mineral and agricultural resources, is highly lethal, also littered with atrocities, genocide.

Lendu origin dela population generally Etymologically, a name Lendu appeared in the Middle Ages and seems to be coming from "Nobade" his men known for their skill with del'arc At the time of the kingdom of Nubie.Ils will also enlisted in 'tribal people professional army that invades the kingdom of Kush to 400 BC.JC then who was converted to Christianity in the sixth century AD, forming kingdoms called "Nubian" .Today, these Nobades living around Khartoum and are not to be confused with the Nubians that we locate to Kom Ombo and Aswan, parlanteux a completely different dialect of the Kingdom beyond Nubia, rediscovered in the tenth century, apparaîtcomme being an entity possessing geographic features, economic social historical da Lendu population in general well distinguished.[This article discusses different aspects of the Lendu population Great Lakes] The Great Lakes region has been explored by Europeans before the tenth siècle.À that time, this region already has a certain cultural unity which suggests a long histoire.Les languages ​​of the region have similitudes.Mais the absence of written documents, the mysterious and almost fantasmagoriquequi character surrounded these "countries of the Moon" in Western culture have favored the most poetic speech and even mystics is very scientifiques.Il difficult to assess the succession of eras, periods of human duration, relativity between the external inputs and internal developments, real migratory movement and ampleurs.La memory of oral tradition that goes back until tenth sixteenth centuries .It is risky to infer that the monarchies began this date only memory begins on that date by region autre.Les the first European explorers spotted similarities: the princely kingdoms with hierarchical lines, the groups of farmers, groups of farmers and of artisans.Ils groups also were groups that were organized around fishing near lakes, entities, clannish regrouped these great human activities and represented another code social identification.[Origin of Lendu.] From Sudanese source tells us that the general Lendu population derive their origin from the region of Haut Plateaux sudan Oriental, specifically Ngbaladja (hill between Sudan and Ethiopia) and Kandju where they originally lived after left the kingdom of Nubia.[MIGRATION Lendu BALE] Otherwise known as Bale, said Lendu peoples Bhale are soudanaise.Ils origin have arrived in the Ituri district during major migrations that effectuèrent in the 16th esiècles.A arrival on the present on the ground in Ituri, they found the Nyari and pygmies who reportedly arrived several centuries avant.Les Lendu were gradually pushed southwards by the Nilotic peoples in DRC and entered the northern Ituri, precisely by the present territory of Mahagi.[Lendu-Bindi or Lendu-South] otherwise Indru are entered in Ituri disembarking, along Lake Albert, the Blue Mountains and the Rivière Semuliki left of both sides from dela Region of the Kingdom of Bunyoro current city To the east located Hoima Lake Albert del'autre del'Ouganda county where the population lived, after a migratory journey of a small groups ago their geographical origin home, until àl'ouest of Lake Albert in the district del Ituri in a mountainous region called by the Belgian authorities collon administrative entity Sector / Chiefdom Lendu population Walendu-Bindi.La retain their last origine.Ces culture will be grouped into communities by the Belgian government in 1947 .So Lendu in Ituri occupy the three territories namely Mahagi, Djugu and Irumu where they are the majority and speak the language Kilendu, Balegu, Ndrùna and Baledha.Nottons that this population did not greatly distant from the border dela Democratic Republic of Congo.Là they settled and developped the cultivation of food crops and some livestock and small cattle to 20% including goats, chickens, sheep, cows, ducks, sweet potato, cassava, beans, sorghum etc ... On the territory and conquered the Lendu experience strong population growth from Sudan and del'Ouganda so much so that to date, they are called sometimes the Lendu-Bindi Ndrù (in the territory of Irumu), sometimes Bhale (in Djugu territory), according to their location with the movement of migration in the 16th century found in the Nile region of Sudan and Nile Charie see in parts of what this great lacs.En regarding the migratory movement dela population, a significant number of human groups has spread across Africa, formantdes companies segmentaires.A this level of study, it will be very large, if we were to trace.
