« New Congo" Kobler ready to referee the match Kabila -Tshisekedi »
"The conclusions of international experts on the Kinshasa government In their book entitled "Reform in the Congo (DRC): Expectations and disappointments", L'Harmattan, 2009, international and national experts have analyzed in depth the various aspects of the Congolese Tragedy: huge and diverse wealth and considerable potential of the DRC, infrastructure, public expectations with regard to the state, history of reforms, democratization, good governance, functioning assemblies, actors and issues of decentralization, constitution, corruption, taxation, political challenges, challenges Cohesion macroeconomic and public finance, territorial division, international infusion process, rehabilitation of the State, state bankruptcy and social dynamics, recent political history and reform process, official development assistance granted to the DRC by international community, army, security services, management behavior of the state, stat...