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"The conclusions of international experts on the Kinshasa government
In their book entitled "Reform in the Congo (DRC): Expectations and disappointments", L'Harmattan, 2009, international and national experts have analyzed in depth the various aspects of the Congolese Tragedy: huge and diverse wealth and considerable potential of the DRC, infrastructure, public expectations with regard to the state, history of reforms, democratization, good governance, functioning assemblies, actors and issues of decentralization, constitution, corruption, taxation, political challenges, challenges Cohesion macroeconomic and public finance, territorial division, international infusion process, rehabilitation of the State, state bankruptcy and social dynamics, recent political history and reform process, official development assistance granted to the DRC by international community, army,
security services, management behavior of the state, state and territory, socio-political landscape from the 2006 elections, actors and issues of decentralization, judicial reform, debt development, the UN mission in the DRC, civil society against the state, reform of the mining sector, support to the media sector, agriculture, food security and economic development, power and powerlessness of a semi-trusteeship, welfare of population and development ...
From these analyzes, they concluded that "the DRC is ravaged by one of the worst humanitarian tragedies world after the Second World War" and that "the DRC is a case of bankruptcy of the state school." And they went through in their conclusions: no reform can not take place in the DRC as long as the current managers of the state in power: it is they who have deliberately created the state bankruptcy, chaos , bankruptcy, anarchy and disorder and who maintain them; they slow down, suffocate, and block any initiative and sabotage any possibility of reform. They're like fish that will vote for a budget to purchase hooks. Dialogue with them is counterproductive. There is only one solution to stop the Congolese tragedy and begin the process of progress in the DRC: the current managers of the state should be removed from power.
In many documents sent by the BEES in political direction, the same observations were made, the same conclusions and diversified strategies proposed to wrest power current managers, save the people and the homeland, stop the tragedy and begin progress . But none of this is followed.
2. Violation of the Resolutions of the 1st Party Congress and Statutes
The first Party Congress was held from 10 to 14 December 2010. To date (5 years later), the very important national bodies decided in this Congress were never implemented (The Party of Democratic Convention The Permanent Electoral Commission ...).
The Statutes of the Party adopted the 1st Party Congress have even been the subject of sugarcoat and falsification by some Members of the Political Directorate. The authors of these acts mafia, terrorists and criminals are well known and enjoy the unlimited and absolute impunity. They continue to sit on the Policy, to participate in decision-making, to punish other Members and Politicians, making thundering declarations ....
After the elections of 28 November 2011 and faced with many challenges and national and international issues, the policy direction should convene an Extraordinary Congress of the Party to the situation and make decisions and taxable and binding guidelines for all members.
The decision to dialogue with the powers that be key to achieving the vision, values and ideals of the Party; determines the credibility of the party to Members, People and Partners and is part of congressional powers (Art. 17 of the Constitution).
3. The reading of history upside
The time of dialogue with that power under the auspices of the International Community is over. Said power had helped convene without notice Diplomats accredited to Kinshasa to threaten them and ask them to stop
In November and December 2013, the ruling regime was preparing to formally integrate, in state institutions wrongly called cohesion and national unity, criminals and foreign M23.
BEES, announcing at the same date, the decision of the Party 250 Frames, though determined and confident to enter massively in these Institutions and Companies of the State without involving the President of the Party or the political management. "
In their book entitled "Reform in the Congo (DRC): Expectations and disappointments", L'Harmattan, 2009, international and national experts have analyzed in depth the various aspects of the Congolese Tragedy: huge and diverse wealth and considerable potential of the DRC, infrastructure, public expectations with regard to the state, history of reforms, democratization, good governance, functioning assemblies, actors and issues of decentralization, constitution, corruption, taxation, political challenges, challenges Cohesion macroeconomic and public finance, territorial division, international infusion process, rehabilitation of the State, state bankruptcy and social dynamics, recent political history and reform process, official development assistance granted to the DRC by international community, army,
security services, management behavior of the state, state and territory, socio-political landscape from the 2006 elections, actors and issues of decentralization, judicial reform, debt development, the UN mission in the DRC, civil society against the state, reform of the mining sector, support to the media sector, agriculture, food security and economic development, power and powerlessness of a semi-trusteeship, welfare of population and development ...
From these analyzes, they concluded that "the DRC is ravaged by one of the worst humanitarian tragedies world after the Second World War" and that "the DRC is a case of bankruptcy of the state school." And they went through in their conclusions: no reform can not take place in the DRC as long as the current managers of the state in power: it is they who have deliberately created the state bankruptcy, chaos , bankruptcy, anarchy and disorder and who maintain them; they slow down, suffocate, and block any initiative and sabotage any possibility of reform. They're like fish that will vote for a budget to purchase hooks. Dialogue with them is counterproductive. There is only one solution to stop the Congolese tragedy and begin the process of progress in the DRC: the current managers of the state should be removed from power.
In many documents sent by the BEES in political direction, the same observations were made, the same conclusions and diversified strategies proposed to wrest power current managers, save the people and the homeland, stop the tragedy and begin progress . But none of this is followed.
2. Violation of the Resolutions of the 1st Party Congress and Statutes
The first Party Congress was held from 10 to 14 December 2010. To date (5 years later), the very important national bodies decided in this Congress were never implemented (The Party of Democratic Convention The Permanent Electoral Commission ...).
The Statutes of the Party adopted the 1st Party Congress have even been the subject of sugarcoat and falsification by some Members of the Political Directorate. The authors of these acts mafia, terrorists and criminals are well known and enjoy the unlimited and absolute impunity. They continue to sit on the Policy, to participate in decision-making, to punish other Members and Politicians, making thundering declarations ....
After the elections of 28 November 2011 and faced with many challenges and national and international issues, the policy direction should convene an Extraordinary Congress of the Party to the situation and make decisions and taxable and binding guidelines for all members.
The decision to dialogue with the powers that be key to achieving the vision, values and ideals of the Party; determines the credibility of the party to Members, People and Partners and is part of congressional powers (Art. 17 of the Constitution).
3. The reading of history upside
The time of dialogue with that power under the auspices of the International Community is over. Said power had helped convene without notice Diplomats accredited to Kinshasa to threaten them and ask them to stop
In November and December 2013, the ruling regime was preparing to formally integrate, in state institutions wrongly called cohesion and national unity, criminals and foreign M23.
BEES, announcing at the same date, the decision of the Party 250 Frames, though determined and confident to enter massively in these Institutions and Companies of the State without involving the President of the Party or the political management. "