« DR Congo: Moise Katumbi, the successor of Joseph Kabila? Joséph Kabila and Moses Katumbi the highest level strategy that will be the future president after the divorce between these two men? : At their last meeting in Kinshasa in early March 2015, Joseph Kabila and Katumbi, the former powerful governor of Katanga province, decided to smoke the pipe of peace, at least in appearance. The two men who were bickering for obscure political reasons, have decided to meet in private to prepare for the important electoral event: the 2016 presidential election, which Kabila, should in principle not participate. In the head-to-head between the two men choking, President of DR Congo had asked the former governor of Katanga to be presidential candidate in 2016. "I'll take some time to think, Mr. Chairman," Katumbi would cautiously replied that it seems, did not want to give the impression to his interlocutor that he was interested.»
"The 'deal' secret: According to credible sources, Kabila told the French President, Francois Hollande, that there will be elections in 2016 and that it would not stand on the question of who might succeed well. Joseph Kabila, the name of Moses Katumbi surfaced in conversation.Des said sources indicate that President Joseph Kabila and his friend Moses Kabila and the ruling party and his inner circle, agreed that once Katumbi becomes president in 2016, the constitution will be changed so that future presidents;. from 2021, will be appointed by indirect suffrage Kabila, would be a candidate in 2021. At the head of the province for eight years, Moses Katumbi, 50, resigned his governorship because of "slippage of the electoral calendar" because of which the governors to be elected in the DRC, "are in the unlawfulness ", as he explained to the" world ".Indeed, laréorganisation territorialea resulted in the birth of 15 provinces (eleven existing pr...