« Division in political classes in SSA advantage to us what the population »
"The division of ethnic groups in African societies is easily invoked to account for social unrest, political instability or developmental delays that we observe on the continent.Toutefois this factor seems to be ignored by the African component. The devolution of power through elections must take account (B) when the electoral crises in Africa are actually Statement interethnic crisis adopted at the International Symposium on "Taking stock of the practices of democracy, rights and freedoms in the 'Francophonie', which was held from 1 to 3novembre 2000 in Bamako (Mali) .In Africa, the election period rhyme often with ethnic violence. Far from being a time of political and ideological confrontation, it is a time of reactivation of identity conflicts and construction of a pluralistic national identity where community divisions reappear in acute public102 space.Countries such as Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya and Nigeria illustrate the situation.Even seemingly calm states like Gabon, Benin, Togo etc.nesemblent not immune to identity problems.The Ivorian crisis appears, in this respect, significant the fate that awaits most African countries, immersed in the torpor of an artificial peace, serviced and maintained by the purchase of consciences, the muzzling of the press, political opposition sluggish etc .. The election periods are one of the privileged moments of identity claim handling grassroots communities by political leaders is one of the causes of this situation which leads to ethnic clashes.Sometimes waive some candidates to campaign in some localities this identity claim that results in inter-ethnic violence is justified by several reasons: the attainment of high administrative functions of the state is mostly in Africa and not by ethnic affinity by merit and must for that purpose is to fight for his brother's blood is at the top in order to draw profit103.Also different ethnic groups feel that their interests can not be better guaranteed by an officer from a different ethno-linguistic regional community.The question of whether African voter is under the influence of their home community so it is legitimate to ask.In any case one thing is certain: the electoral mobilizations are performed mainly on the basis of claims of belonging and identity of ethno-regional conflicts.Ethnic, religious and socio-professional, if sources of electoral violence in Africa is because the politicians have used to gain power and to direct "divide and rule" DITON often.Besides do not we hear candidates warn voters about the dangers they face if they carried their way on the opponent?Generally, tribalism gradually destroys any possibility of coexistence, sows hatred and war between peoples, under the sign of a fierce identitarism.These sociological factors that act negatively on the electoral process in Africa must be operated positivement.Les claims and visible identity crises during the election period, should not be regarded as signs of an irreversible failure of the construction work nationale.Il So just find the appropriate policy to strengthen the awareness of citizens to belong to the same social and political body.In this regard, the solutions are, in our view, envisageables.En First, leaders must break with the imitation policy they adopted so far.Indeed, they have approached the state construction essentially more or less forced recovery of exogenous models of industrial societies from the East and West that they artificially tackles the economic, social and political structures which probably demand another type of organisation104.To see closely, the choice of the one-party system is the consequence of the former colonial situation.They inherited an autocratic power and a pyramidal and centralized administration, entirely designed in the sense of a powerful central government.The best system to enable them to assert their full authority, as the colonizers had done previously, was therefore the unique.En party system Second, it is important to stop considering ethnic diversity
as a divisive factor but rather as the foundation of modernity del'Afrique because the probability of the challenge is almost inexistante.Les elections are made for men and whether they should lead to the loss of lives. "
as a divisive factor but rather as the foundation of modernity del'Afrique because the probability of the challenge is almost inexistante.Les elections are made for men and whether they should lead to the loss of lives. "