"From Laurent Kabila to Joseph Kabila. Disillusion of a revolutionary regime in the Democratic Republic of Congo "
'' The coming to power of Major General Joseph Kabila in the wake of the assassination of the late President Kabila, had left thinking about the tenor of the revolution of May 17 who planned this succession to monarchical gaits, continuity in the change.Indeed, the transfer of power to Joseph Kabila by the companions of LD Kabila, whether to stick to official statements, was seen as a self-regulating capacity of the regime after the unexpected death of its designer in order to preserve the achievements of the "revolution of May 17, 1997" But it is clear that his seizure of power until the institutions of the transition postdialogue (30 June 2003), Joseph Kabila, under the pressure of events and the international community has acted marking its distancing -to vis - vis the ideological-political orientation of his predecessor.Its management of the peace process, economy and diplomacy demonstrates this break In this chapter, we collect different facts that mark this break, the better the end of the revolution of May 17Therefore, in the first section, we outline the challenges that Joseph Kabila would meet at the time of his accession to the highest office.In the second point, we demonstrate how Joseph Kabila, by its management of such challenges, had questioned the policy of his predecessor.And in the third section, we identify the prospects for a durable peace and sustainable development in the DRC A succession uncodified On 16 January 2001, Congo is preparing to celebrate (the next day) the 40th anniversary of the assassination of Lumumba EP.President Kabila is in his office at the Marble Palace in Kinshasa.A man shoots with a revolver on the president.Dead or dying, it is being transported by helicopter to the Ngaliema clinic.At night, a plane leads Zimbabwe.January 18 to 20 hours the Minister of Communication and Press returned to the attack to finally announce the death of the President of the Republic LD.Kabila 17, the government meets.It issues a press release announcing that the head of state, out injured for an attack, was transferred outside the country, and has taken the decision to entrust the management of government action and the top military command to Major General Joseph Kabila When the death of the head of state has been recognized, it is the parliament that, in the absence of any constitutional provision on the estate, will be borne by the inauguration of the new President Joseph Kabila .Meeting in special session, it adopted the resolution on 24: "Mr. Joseph Kabila, general - major of the Congolese armed forces is vested with constitutional powers vested in the President of the Republic, Head of State."26 And Joseph Kabila is sworn in before the Supreme Court of Justice.As he had done May 29, 1997, in the provision of LD oath.Kabila, the Attorney General of the Republic invoked to justify the procedure, an order of May 14, 1886 (Ordinance which requires courts to resort including general principles of law and custom, to resolve a dispute in the absence text) The court heard the Attorney General of the Republic Luhonge Kibinda Ngoy which established in its submissions that no cause impediment only precluded the inauguration of Joseph Kabila.This, indeed, has "no legal history", is "healthy in body and mind" and (most crucially, a persistent rumor attributing to Joseph Kabila, Rwandan Tutsi mother) is the father and Congolese mother "expected, adds in this regard to the prosecutor, the review by the body of the Law of Personal Record Major General Joseph Kabila, shows that he is original Congolese father and mother, he was born June 4, 1971 in Hewa Bora II (in the thicket of his father, then!) Lulenge community in Fizi territory, province of South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo, he's from Ankoro the resort capital of the community of Kamalondo in Manono territory, Tanganyika district, Katanga province in the DRC;his mother, Mama Sifa Mahanya, which is alive is the daughter of Assumani Bwanu and Habamuyali, both from the village Mupapayi, community Babangubangu Baombo in territory Kabambare, Maniema Province in DRC "This statement officially confirmed the succession intervened at the top of the state.Joseph Kabila, who is invested with all the powers, access to the highest office, outside of any constitutional text, by the will of a group of individuals, members of LD M'Zée close entourage.Kabila. "