« Indru people »

'' Anthropologically Indru is the name of a people under the Lendu ethnic group in the family, precisely del'Ituri living in the province, Irumu territory, south beyond Bunia town, the Head of Walendu Bindi.They are close to the large group of Lugbara, Lendu Bhale, Avukaya and Bari.The Indru people are relatively sedentary.They practice primarily agriculture, small businesses, forging, del'artisanat, the breeding of large and small livestock, hunting, and fishing.Their habitatations are dispersed in the localities of traditional leaders.They live in a tribal and patrilineal society with about more than 150 clans."Company" Indru is a segmental lineage society, that is to say that the social organization within the company.Histoirique the cultural perspective of the Indru society is marked by an oral literature that is expressed through historical stories tales (Imbe), riddles (Koyi), proverbs (Mbayi) and parables (Mboli) except pottery, weaving and basketry .The music and dance occupy a special place in the nuptial ceremonies, funerals, computerization of customary chief and various festivities.The exercise of authority is not centralized.It belongs to a small group of men."Pourqu'oi Indru the population is present today in Ituri?"The presence of Indru in Ituri consists of the migration of sub-Saharan African nations found in the 16 th and 17 th centuries.A significant number of human groups was scattered throughout Africa forming segmental societies.Indru oral tradition and archaeological evidence suggests that they migrated from the Upper Nile region, Charie Nile, and today del'ancien current Rauyome Nubian territory of northern Sudan and southern del ' egypt.The Indru moved, also causing the migration of other groups to establish themselves in a long-Saharan African region.In this movement of migration Indru the population were led by a man by the name of Nyipiri Abhizo this one directed his people jusqu'entendre Rauyome of the current town of Bunyoro Hoima today appartennant the Ugandan government.There the Indru People have developped a very good-correlation with the ethnic group Rauyome and also for permetre to Indru is housed on site, living in a good condition, in asemble for many years, with the population of Rauyome Bunyoro.After a while difcult for the people of the leader Nyipiri Rauyome Abhizo migration beyond a key man for the community gets sick died following a short illness.And after the days follow one another Mr "Mulege Nzupima" close colaborateur of Nyipiri Abhizo will succeed this one as the leader of Indru.In his tenure the head "Mulege Nzupima" will also direct the population for many years and after he too will die.After that the old sage invite all members dela Indru population in a community meeting.Many people accept dy participate.In this meeting offer the wise old one àl'ordre daybreak.in this agenda are told that all the Indru will leave the area of ​​Bunyoro and go to another place.After discussion among the participants one another in this meeting, this àl'ordre daybreak to 85% is accepted by the people.A year later the Indru decide to leave the area of ​​Bunyoro 90% and 10% decided to stayed behind in Hoima in Bunyoro in Uganda Rauyome.Indru in this period were divided into two group.The other for the start and others to stay put in the Rauyome.After a given time, the group of travelers decided to go Rauyome the antiquity and are entered in Ituri disembarking, along Lake Albert, the Blue Mountains and the River Semuliki left sides until àl'ouest Lake Albert in the current del'Ituri province, a mountainous region designated by the authorities of the Belgian collon administrative entity Sector / Chiefdom Walendu Bindi.There the Indru people settled and developped the cultivation of food crops and some livestock Small and Livestock 20% including goats, chickens, sheep, cows, ducks, sweet potato, cassava, beans, sorghum etc ... Note that during the great migratory movement some ethnic groups Bantu, Nilotic and Lendu have Bhale mélées the Lendu-Bindi community the Indru to become one people Indru Lendu-Bindi."Bantu 20%"."Nilotic 3%.""Lendu Bhale 7%" and others, to become one people that makes up the population Indru today ". Note: the name or Ngiti mungiti does not exist in the history of the people Indru Because ago probably miss a authétique designation. "
