« Inga: lines drawing the work coming to an end »
" The city of Kinshasa and Bandundu, the capital of the new province of Kwilu, were plunged into darkness last Sunday. In almost all of these countries, the power supply has been a problem. Second of its kind after the interruption took place on Sunday 16 August, this outage has caused the intervention of the engineers of the National Electricity Company (SNEL), which are deployed Nzengita, a village located on the second line Inga - Kinshasa.
Disruption of electricity supply last weekend has generated a lot of nervousness among customers of the National Electricity Company. Many people have had difficulty supporting current interruption for several hours, already tired of frequent failures and occasional weekly power cuts.
Forty-eight hours earlier yet, Snel had issued a statement through the local media, to prevent subscribers. Although, however, the information has not captured the attention of a large number of targeted people. According to a press release from this company, management was careful to announce that "the work of pulling conductors cables, programmed on the second power line Inga-Kinshasa under construction, required turning off the existing line service ".
"Our team descended on site Nzengita, a village 35 kms from the city of Matadi and ten kilometers of National Highway No. 1 Kinshasa-Matadi, to realize the extent of the services, the information press release. On this site, drivers of the new line 400 kV cables under construction overlooking those of the current 220 kilovolt line through which passes current to Kinshasa, a part of the Kongo Central Province and the city of Bandundu " .
According to the press release, "the draw of conductor cables becoming, therefore, a delicate operation that could endanger the lives of technicians working on the line, Snel considered it necessary, for safety reasons, to bluntly put off the existing high-voltage line. "
Facing the press, the engineer Jacques- Roger Munga Mawa, head of the construction project of the second line 400 kv Inga - Kinshasa Lines division chief at the Department of Transportation, held to inform the public on the merits the intervention of the weekend, which caused a momentary interruption of electricity supply.
"The interruption of the provision was, he says, allowing drivers to pass through the phases at the intersection of the new 400 kv line Inga-Kinshasa and existing 220 kV line from Inga to Kinshasa. It was really necessary, because it is very delicate work. For security reasons we had to isolate the old line ".
"Feasibility studies we have imposed this crossing lines there, to carry out the operation, we had to isolate the existing 220 kv old line at the source, that is to say to Inga . It was, moreover, take down the existing line and start working on the new drivers to pass, "said the engineer Jacques-Roger Munga.
A similar operation was initiated for the first time on the 220 kv line Inga-Kinshasa- Kwilu one week ago. Entrusted to the Indian firm Kalparu, which won the contract to build the second line of 400 kv Inga-Kinshasa, the work had not arrived in time, the firm then having finished shooting four phase conductors and cables an optical fiber conductor cable guard. Decommissioning of the line last Sunday had to allow completion of the draw last two phase conductors and a conventional ground wire.
The construction of this new line is a major sub-components of the electricity market development project for domestic consumption and export (PMEDE). Financed by the World Bank and the European Investment Bank to the tune of $ 86.5 million, the work of the second Inga-Kinshasa line include the construction of a 220 kv line, from post dispersion Inga Kin Camp (City Inga), 4.8 kms long, the construction of another 400 kV line from Camp Kin future post Kingatoko in Kimwenza (Kinshasa).
The next part is a line of 220 kV, 18.4 km long from the future station in Kimwenza Kingatoko (Kinshasa). The last part of the line of 220 kv will, in turn, one kilometer long."
Disruption of electricity supply last weekend has generated a lot of nervousness among customers of the National Electricity Company. Many people have had difficulty supporting current interruption for several hours, already tired of frequent failures and occasional weekly power cuts.
Forty-eight hours earlier yet, Snel had issued a statement through the local media, to prevent subscribers. Although, however, the information has not captured the attention of a large number of targeted people. According to a press release from this company, management was careful to announce that "the work of pulling conductors cables, programmed on the second power line Inga-Kinshasa under construction, required turning off the existing line service ".
"Our team descended on site Nzengita, a village 35 kms from the city of Matadi and ten kilometers of National Highway No. 1 Kinshasa-Matadi, to realize the extent of the services, the information press release. On this site, drivers of the new line 400 kV cables under construction overlooking those of the current 220 kilovolt line through which passes current to Kinshasa, a part of the Kongo Central Province and the city of Bandundu " .
According to the press release, "the draw of conductor cables becoming, therefore, a delicate operation that could endanger the lives of technicians working on the line, Snel considered it necessary, for safety reasons, to bluntly put off the existing high-voltage line. "
Facing the press, the engineer Jacques- Roger Munga Mawa, head of the construction project of the second line 400 kv Inga - Kinshasa Lines division chief at the Department of Transportation, held to inform the public on the merits the intervention of the weekend, which caused a momentary interruption of electricity supply.
"The interruption of the provision was, he says, allowing drivers to pass through the phases at the intersection of the new 400 kv line Inga-Kinshasa and existing 220 kV line from Inga to Kinshasa. It was really necessary, because it is very delicate work. For security reasons we had to isolate the old line ".
"Feasibility studies we have imposed this crossing lines there, to carry out the operation, we had to isolate the existing 220 kv old line at the source, that is to say to Inga . It was, moreover, take down the existing line and start working on the new drivers to pass, "said the engineer Jacques-Roger Munga.
A similar operation was initiated for the first time on the 220 kv line Inga-Kinshasa- Kwilu one week ago. Entrusted to the Indian firm Kalparu, which won the contract to build the second line of 400 kv Inga-Kinshasa, the work had not arrived in time, the firm then having finished shooting four phase conductors and cables an optical fiber conductor cable guard. Decommissioning of the line last Sunday had to allow completion of the draw last two phase conductors and a conventional ground wire.
The construction of this new line is a major sub-components of the electricity market development project for domestic consumption and export (PMEDE). Financed by the World Bank and the European Investment Bank to the tune of $ 86.5 million, the work of the second Inga-Kinshasa line include the construction of a 220 kv line, from post dispersion Inga Kin Camp (City Inga), 4.8 kms long, the construction of another 400 kV line from Camp Kin future post Kingatoko in Kimwenza (Kinshasa).
The next part is a line of 220 kV, 18.4 km long from the future station in Kimwenza Kingatoko (Kinshasa). The last part of the line of 220 kv will, in turn, one kilometer long."