« Lambert Mende:" The predatory instinct of Rwanda is stronger than the desire to work for peace »

"For some time, the Congolese diplomacy continues to score points in the quest for a lasting solution to the situation of insecurity and instability plaguing the east for over a decade. the effectiveness of its action, the Democratic Republic of Congo has claimed the publication of the UN expert report and its Addendum on the involvement of the preeminent figures in the Rwandan military situation in the east. Which report has led to a process of tough sanctions at Kigali place from its biggest financial partners. Thus in search of a lifeline, Paul Kagame and yours have developed a response to the report the UN experts. Filed yesterday in the Security Council, the replica of Rwanda has been under scrutiny during a press briefing hosted by the spokesman for the Congolese government which has strong arguments against it. "We understand a little now better than the predatory instinct of certain actors in the neighboring countries - Rwanda - is even stronger than the declared will of our two governments over the last three years to work for peace in our region, "concluded yesterday Kinshasa Lambert Mende Omalanga who moderated a press briefing in response to a replica of Rwanda to the UN report. The Congolese Minister of Media, in charge of Relations with the Parliament and of the introduction to the new citizenship, government spokesman has said that "After browsing the replica is made even today Security Council, we continue to simply demand that our neighboring Rwanda continue to encourage and support, including specious quibbles, the negative forces aimed at making eastern Congo ungovernable "Above all, Lambert Mende Omalanga s is set to show, one after another, weaknesses contained in the response of Rwanda to the report of UN experts and its Addendum that prove his involvement in the destabilization of the eastern part of the DRC. He said the Government of the DRC notes that a number of points raised in the reply of the Rwandan government raise more new problems that they bring clarity to the issues raised by the report of UN experts. Which report states that "the fact that of the preeminent figures in the Rwandan military contributed to the creation of M23 by facilitating the transport of weapons and the movement of combatants said movement through its territory; by supplying arms and ammunition the M23; by exerting pressure on Congolese politicians and businessmen in favor of M23; wearing support to several other armed groups in eastern DRC and supporting those pursued by international justice. " Although Rwandan neighbors trying to persuade the public and particularly the United Nations that the charges against them are unfounded .During his press briefing, Lambert Mende Omalanga also focused on other issues brulantes time, especially about the Governor of the province of North Kivu, Julien Paluku, requesting an assessment of the peace agreement signed on 23 March 2009 between the Government and national armed groups that existed in the Kivus. For him, no details are shown on a trading statement with a negative force whatsoever. On the contrary, says the spokesman of the Government, the Governor Paluku the proposal falls within the implementation framework of the declaration signed at the last Summit in Addis Ababa by the 15 Heads of State members of the ICGLR. Below is the full speech of Minister held yesterday in the Government presse.Communication
Reacting to a statement of civil society to its jurisdiction, the Governor of North Kivu issued Saturday, July 28 the wish for an international mechanism to make an assessment of the Agreement of 23 March 2009 between the Government of the day and all the armed movements while operating in this part of the country; an agreement that serves as a pretext for the ongoing aggression against our country in its eastern part. Even before the Government of the Republic, the main recipient of this request has responded, there were various interpretations of sense about it. Some opinion was moved by what she considered abandoning the military option in managing the ground floor of this war. The pseudo-mutiny of M23 and its initiators were seen elsewhere in the region rolling mechanisms by stating that the Government had decided to negotiate with these stooges of qualified external aggression. "
