« Ndruna -and its various denominitions »

"Ndruna is an African language spoken by the Indru people in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Community-Walendu Bindi Chiefdom, Eastern Province, District del'Ituri, Irumu territory.
The Indru people, commonly known under the name of Walendu Bindi is one of the branches del'ethnie Lendu.Ces Ndruna people speak the language that belongs to subgroup of Sudanic Lendu general in Chari-Nile family Nilo-Saharan language see .
This language is best known by the language under the name Ngiti by hasards.Alors, what name should be given ALA knowledge of the world? How could have happened is to interrogations.
Regarding the name Ndruna, we find that it really is genuine, because it is how the Indru designates its name langue.La Kingiti is a foreign APPELLATION Ala Ndruna simply because it deviates beyond how Indru people means different languages ​​ environnants.A illustration peoples, the language of the people in Bira Ndruna called [Izena] .The language of the people in Ndruna Hema is [Mbisena] .The language of the people s Balendru Lendu North 'calls Ndruna [Opina] .The language Lese people in Ndruna called [Amvona].
As can be noted, is a suffix denoting the langue.Ajouté Ndruna on behalf of a people, the suffix is ​​used to denote the language of the people.
Another thing, the name is a designation as foreign language Ndruna .The Ala preffixe is a reality of language .To appoint a Bantu people, the Ndruna language does not use the préffixes.Par example Bira people in Ndruna called [Ize ] the people [Hema] in Ndruna called [Mbise] the people Balendru Lendu North is [Opi] the people in Ndruna Lese called [amvo] pygmies in Ndruna called [Awe].
Let's see how is -on happened to designate the Ndruna language by naming and .This is due to the fact that the colonial policy Back then the Belgian Congo had conducted by the imposition of certain languages ​​in some communities at the expense of linguistiques.Ainsi own languages ​​to these communities at Indru people, the Belgian colonizers had imposed Swahili (a Bantu language) in The administration, teaching, and évangélisation.Au utuliser instead of the name, the colonizers utulisé the denomination. To designate the language of Walendu Bindi, people have said that, just like the Indru which is the main town dela Community Walendu Bindi, their language will be called and the people will be called NB: the name or Ngiti mungiti does not exist in the history of the people Indru ago
Because of a missing probably authétique designation ago in 1960, people began to Bunia utuliser by chance the name to refer to the people Indru.Toute times, names relate to Gety, a geographical place like the others geographic locations such as Bunia, Kasenyi, Butembo, Kinshasa, Kisangani ...
We know that no people, one language is identified by such geographical names .so, authentic designation remains the Ndruna to designate the language of the people Indru / Walendu Bindi. "
