« So, how Mobutu had happened to reign for Silong time »
'' After the end of the cold war, coups and civil wars sponsored by both capitalist and communist blocs take a new turn gr oce% to the acceleration of globalization.The major powers more emphasis in Human Mobutu would make their business economically in the Congo and in the Great Lakes region.So how Mobutu had come to reign for so long and at the same time to cause an economic slump, incite ethnic or tribal wars are the political, economic and social factors that led to the decline of the Congolese state, the coup of State and the outbreak of civil war?Two major events have led to social impacts: the end of ideological and political antagonisms between the Eastern bloc and the West, and the rejection of political liberalization of the national space (democratization).These events will cause many social demands, fratricidal struggles for the conquest of power, invasion of its neighbors and the plundering of its natural resources.On these facts, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) could have rationally cease to exist as a State, there is already some time The purpose of this work is for us the way to analyze the progress and the characteristics of the Mobutu policy.The geostrategic stakes in which the DRC has experienced a systematic plundering of its resources and political interference not only in Western countries, but also its neighbors.And finally, this war that will destabilize the entire Great Lakes region and whose sentence UN has brought peace and stability of the Congolese State The nature and characteristic of the Mobutu regime The regime of the Second Republic in the reign Mobutu officially ended in 1997. A regime that lasted for at least thirty-two years and ended with a military coup.Since then, many events have occurred in society in general and particularly on the political front.To informed observers, the Congo - Kinshasa was considered since (1960) as one of the continent's most promising black because of its wealth and its inherited colonial infrastructure.Despite appearances to want to serve his people, Mobutu had erected a purely police state.He did not hesitate to make use of techniques, methods and coercive control strategies of the population drawn from colonization.Thus, intimidation, arbitrary arrests and all forms of terror qu'exécutaient the military and political leadership, boils down to maintaining a high level of religious mystification, culture and ethics of the person of Marshal Mobutu's human rights violations were common in the daily lives of the Congolese.Mobutu came to power by military coup in 1965, none of its promises was performed.Therefore, Congo - Kinshasa was neither prosperous nor developed with all the expectations that the Congolese people had set Mobutu, given the natural resources of this country.According to the Mo Ibrahim Index on governance, instead <>.The index of the ease of entrepreneurship >> produced by the World Bank, up <>.Its human development index ranks the world 7erang weak states <> That considers 12 social indicators that include: demographic pressure, population displacement, humanitarian emergency, violation of human rights, the criminalization of state structures and the structural problems of interference étrangère.Les his regime Several factors contributed to the decline of this country, including the lack of competent and respectful management of standards and regulations befitting its nature and its state function.The country had a bloated administration in countless furtive job.Recruitment of staff was based on parental condescension or sometimes pure political patronage.The Mobutu's army was left to the control of corrupt officers.The hierarchical command order had a sense that when emanated directly from Mobutu.Otherwise the soldiers will obey only the orders of the officer who was most sympathetic ethnic, regionalist or financial to them.Widespread corruption has branched in all spheres of the Congolese society.The body of justice did not escape the morbid tentacles of this national scourge.It is these factors that explain the rationality of the duration of the Mobutu regime and the failure of the Congolese State. "