« To criticize Kabila Joséph would be better instead to poison the population rdcongolaise yes is what Mobutu Seseko At the time there were critics or the intoxications Marshal said that bhopesa nga motu motorcycle Oyo azosala are critical »

'' On the internet, post a photo or article which broadcasts the accomplishments of Joseph Kabila is a "sin".Indeed, you only need you to deliver this exercise for that virtual opponents exhume not yet solved all problems of the DRC to the counterweight to your posting.However…
This is not because we mediates any realization of Kabila that one means it has solved all the problems of the DRC so that after all the hype, all the demons of the DRC to come out of their lairs talk show and other things that do not work in the DRC.Who dares suggest that there was no problem in DRC Kabila or that it is that made from paradise to hell?Who wants to suggest that, shortly stormy, we can solve all the problems of the DRC, in all sectors deeply affected?
Mediate any good deed Kabila meets the need for knowledge of Congolese public who must be informed about everything that is done in his country under the modernist crank Kabila.
Mediate some good achievement Kabila is only a denial natural, formal logic and against the work of subtle disinformation that engage all obscurantist highwaymen DRC who do not want the people to know what Kabila at the head of the DRC.This intriguing and surprising lodge obscurantist Congolese active at all to believe that Kabila, while modernist architect DRC it is, makes no difference.Also feel they bitten and they replicate Satanism With all they can do when a good implementation of Kabila brought to the attention of the public.In most cases, there is neither objective nor honesty in their ardor to tarnish by special recipes intellectual varnish shares of Kabila.
Do they cheat and lose sight of the stricken state generally DRC when Kabila came to power?Do they want to ignore the complex and colossal obstacles that Kabila faced since taking office, both from the Congolese that strangers?Do they want to muzzle the actions oh so harmful that recalcitrant raptors of the world unfold against the DRC as to ignore and to ignore the Congolese Genocide and all the atrocities and violence against the Congolese, but more in general those of East, suffer since Kabila came to power?Will they go to distort the history of the DRC to give reason for believing that the DRC M'zee Lumumba and Kabila always reach?
Be aware, however, that since it was created, the DRC has never been defined only as the private preserve of global bird catchers.For predators in the world, would have had all Congolese leave the DRC and leave them empty DRC they can freely operate and anyhow.The DRC is under the impact of all the guns rioted felines of the world that are working to devour continuously.Everything must be made complicated or very complicated to serve the interests of the hawks and those of their subcontractors.
But why devils, do you feel that developed when bitten mediates a good deed Kabila?Why do you constantly go out heavy artillery and mobilize your armadas your sedition, diversion and denial when shown good deeds Kabila?You have all denied him until the point of not recognizing him nothing!How far do you still want to go where you're not already gone?Will you feel appeased or satisfied only his physical death?
Yet if you were patriots, you would rejoice that the class of Congolese Patriots had more members because the DRC can not be more liberated and developed only if its true patriots grow enough in number.But in the name of egocentrism, hatred, jealousy of opposition in need of development and implementation of strategies against Kabila paid;the name of "take away out of there so I put myself?"You acharnez continuous at any blur or distort on Kabila.The latter, like any human, will go one day.And it was only after his departure that even his worst enemies will appreciate it at its true value.M'zee alive, he was hated by the same opponents.But after his death, the same say all the good of the world on him and exalt him.But why not to have done in his lifetime?
Publicize good achievement or something Kabila has never been an approach to perpetuate in power.This initiative has never, however, meant an insult to the people or to the opponents so that they react with such wickedness as they do.Why when you say that Kabila does not matter, do not you want to talk or we watch what he does. "
