"It is with dismay that the Group of Associations of Defenses of Human Rights and Peace, GADHOP is just learning the systematic executions of civilians in Beni territory and city, notorious massacres . While the military authorities had the ADF rebellion as weak, dispersed and unable to recover, it is now inconceivable that such armed group operates with such tactics and great nuisance capabilities without detection services security, in days which follow.
This ease of action and movement in operations demonstrates that these rebels live in the city of Beni or hiding in the neighboring villages of large cities.Hold:
1.Du 04 to 05/10/2014: In villageMUKOKO, located roughly 5 km from Oïcha the left side of the main national road No. 4. That day two people were killed by armed men identified as ADF, 3 others were abducted before being released by the FARDC.
2.The 06.10.2014: At villageLINZO-SISENE on the Oïcha Eringethi-axis.7 people killed, 12 wounded by machetes and axes, 8 people missing so far.Strange, that this operation will be passed next to a military camp where the rebels had made all night, played and danced to music in a local church.
3.Du 5 to 06/10/2014: In villagesMAYIMOYA, MAIBO and Kisiki all located on the Oïcha Eringethi-axis: 9 people tuées.Parmi victims, a man was burnt in his house.Plus at least 6 other houses were burned, again, not far from a military camp.
4.The 08/10/2014: In City of Oïcha, District Bakaiku, Cell Aliaki / MAMIKI: 9 people killed, including five from the same family.The operation had two wounded.
5.La night of Oct 15 to 16, 2014: incursion of armed men in the cells of Ngadi and Kadou in Beni peripheries.More or moins30 dead and over 10 injured.
The GADHOP is sad that these massacres were perpetrated while takes place in City of Beni, the trial against the alleged killers of Mamadou Moustapha Ndala.This fact gives the impression of a deliberate intention of the authors of these massacres want to delete certain tracks on the perpetrators of the assassination of the officer shot while ADF was to launch the tracking operations.
GADHOP reserves to support the thesis that these massacres are perpetrated by the ADF.In the opinion of GADHOP, this is another plan of extermination of a class of people in the eastern DRC, already experienced in plan Mutarule South Kivu with the massacre of at least 30 more people dated 06 June.The procedure (mass killings with machetes and other knives) reconciles these two events and is reminiscent of a criminal ideology link between the perpetrators of the massacres Mutarule and those of City Planning and Beni.Never did the ADF and killed the same population of the time when the armed group had total control of peripheral villages of the area.
More than 57 people massacred in the space of two weeks is too much.
Thus GADHOP recommends:
1.For the authorities (Government of the DRC)
* .From Expedite thorough investigations to identify and punish the perpetrators of these massacres;
* .From Hold accountable the military authorities of the city of Beni area and Territory and intelligence services for non-assistance to persons in danger;
* .From Make arrangements to ensure security to the population and its property;
* .From Strengthen and intensify operations against the ADF and other mafia network in this area;
* .Qu'à Like Butembo where authorities gradually dismantle criminal networks kidnappers, efforts should be made to do the same in Urban Planning from Beni.
1.A population
* .From Report all suspicious movements around it.
Done at Butembo October 17, 2014
Moise Kambere KAYITAMBYA
Permanent Secretary
Network Member organizations GADHOP
*.ADDF: Defense Association of Women's Rights.
.ASADHO * / Beni: African Association of Human Rights.
* .ASSODIP: Association for Peasant Development Initiatives.
* .ASAF: Female Action Health.
* .CFJ: Women Journalists Collective.
* .FEPSI: Women Committed to Integral Health Promotion.
* .FJDF: Women Lawyers for the Defense of Women's Rights.
* .GLHRP: Great Lake Human Rights Program.
* .HDW: Human Dignity in the World.
* .JEDHO: Engages Lawyers for the Defense of Human Rights.
* .Pax -Christi / Butembo.
* .SOFEPADI: Women Solidarity for Peace and Integral Development.
* .SYFET: Union of Working Women.
* .SYDIP: Defenses of Interest Union of Peasants.
* .SOPROP: Solidarity for Social Promotion and Peace ".
