« Drc : Ground floor: Free and quality of primary education in the DRC what interest for the people who are suffering for a long time ? »

"Like many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, the DRC is experiencing a unique situation regarding the delay in the field of education on the one hand and that of the free primary education on the other hand, in that the levels education and training of its people regress from day to day. The daily voices to decry not only the vertiginous fall in the level of education but also the cost of such education falls on the heads of the parents, with the result that we see the rise of illiterate compared to the increasing rate of the population. According to Article 43 of the current Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), primary education is compulsory and free in public schools. Based on this constitutional provision, the new law on organization and functioning of education also emphasizes the need for free primary education.Where are we really?Before the adoption of this law by the Parliament in 2011, the Government introduced from the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year, free in the first three primary grades, projecting its extension to fourth classes, and fifth 6th grade during the 2011-2012 school year.All these constitutional, legal and government guidance is an important step in view of achieving Education for All by 2015. Indeed, education can not be compulsory nor universal if it is not not at the same time free.There are more than a decade, UNICEF has emphasized this fact by withholding the introduction of school fees as the main obstacle to universal education in the DRC.Recently, through the strategy document of the development of education, the Ministry of Primary, Secondary and Professional recognized, in turn, that "institutionalized recourse to household contributions to cover the financing of the system education is a major barrier to universal education. "[1] The free education thus proves to be one of the factors of access of children and young people to education, one of the specific elements to ensure the equal opportunities, a component of the right to education.It is a step motor and is, for the country, a social and political issue. [2]
However, "it is not enough to note that constitutional and legal provisions make the free primary education a principle from international and regional legal instruments, we must clear the situation and the relationship between those provisions and effectiveness of this free, after itself the right to education.The concept certainly concerns the State, public authorities, private actors (companies) and civil (NGOs), but the issue related to its implementation separates;some (State, public authorities) prefer to leave outdated letter or at least get him a formula that can not be a great burden for them, while others (private actors and civil) demanding the immediate, effective and absolute the principle "[3].This issue is particularly thorny in the DRC as free is instituted when the nation faces a multitude of challenges and where everything seems a priority for its development.In this context, marked by conflict of priorities, fundamental questions need to be asked: "The dream of free is not it a formidable foe in front of which now stands the DRC?If it is indeed essential to ensure education for all, is free immediately possible?Without rational planning, she will not enhance the degradation of the quality of primary education?What are its implications?How to ensure primary education for both free and quality? "These issues are discussed in this article that revolves around five points.The first discusses the free and quality concepts while the second traces the history of the free education in the DRC.The third installation quick diagnosis of primary education at three levels of access and attendance, and the internal efficiency of educational provision.The two following points analyze the impact of the free learning environment and offer what could be done to make the quality of primary education is safeguarded.UNICEF welcomes the "progressive free 'primary education in the DRC.The DRC has recorded tremendous progress in the millennium objectives for development education component.The Deputy Representative of UNICEF in the DRC, Sylvie Whip, stated Tuesday, August 19 during a coffee press in Kinshasa. "
