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"God established intimate relations of spouses in the human state of innocence." Be fruitful and replenish the earth "(Genesis 1:28). The Scripture does not sin for the act itself or the fact to talk about. The Holy Spirit uses various expressions to speak of. But this is a subject that the Bible, especially the New Testament, speaks with a dignity and seriousness, while the opposite the current lightness "Marriage is honorable in all respects" (Hebrews 13: 4).. In 1 Corinthians 6: 15-19, the Apostle wrote that our bodies, a member of Christ's body is the temple the Holy Spirit, and thereafter, in Chapter 7, it extends more detail on this issue A holy reserves together with a seriousness should characterize us..
Intimate relationships are not only intended to beget children but are the normal consequence of a happy communion of mind and heart, the expression of a harmonious union of mind, soul and body, in mutual respect.Therefore, a Jew who had recently taken a woman should not go to war.He was glad his wife (Deuteronomy 24: 5), and rejoice in it (Proverbs 5: 18-19).In this harmony, there is no rule of one or the other (1 Corinthians 7: 4).
8.8.3La temperance
Before their conversion, the Corinthians lived in unbridled enjoyment of carnal pleasures.Presumably they then regarded as sinful any intimate relationship and get abstained, which was bound to lead to difficulties in their married life.Because they knew their incontinence, the apostle answered their questions and recommended them not to deprive each other "unless it be with consent for a time, so you vaquiez to prayer, and you were together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your incontinence "(1 Corinthians 7: 5).How the danger is great to satisfy carnal desires without harmony of mind and heart!
Self-control is like we saw one of the characters of the fruit of the Spirit should be abundantly manifested among us (2 Peter 1: 6-8).
The Old Testament contains several examples and exhortations regarding temperance:
The law of Moses and requires compliance with certain requirements for external purity Leviticus 6:19 p.m.;8:18 p.m.;Ezekiel 18: 6.
When God came down in the eyes of all the people of Israel on Mount Sinai, the Israelites were to prepare well, "Moses sanctified the people, and they washed their clothes and they are not approached for their wives ready on the third day "(Exodus 19:15).
God would reveal himself to his people in his holiness.The full attention of the people was due.Personal or family interests to be put to the background.Is he not also in our family life moments that belong to the Lord alone?
In this case, it was exceptionally continence and limited in time.Be one flesh.Excluding potential impediments, voluntary continence can only be the fruit of a spiritual exercise "watch unto prayer," or by the light of his wife's health (1 Peter 3: 7).This is a problem on the agenda in today's world, and also concerned some believers husband.
What are the thoughts of God when on this?
God blessed Adam as well as Eve in their state of innocence: "Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth" (Genesis 1:28).God later said the same to Jacob and Noah (Genesis 9: 1 and 7; 35:11).The New Testament does not speak.
These passages, such as John 1:13, in which man is born of the lust of the flesh, or will of man, could be interpreted as an opportunity to influence in one way or another , procreation.What?
The birth of a human being is to base the will and power of the Creator;but God has given to man the faculty of procreation;man is only an instrument in his hand.
The Psalmist admires the operation of God: "For thou hast possessed my reins;you knit me together in my mother's womb.I will celebrate thee that I was made a strange and admirable way ... Your eyes saw my substance ... day by day, they (the members) were formed (Psalm 139: 13-16) .
The responsibility to God-fearing husband is sometimes put to the test when grounds exist that would tend to limit the number of children because such a poor health.
When the Pharaoh wanted to put to death all the male children of Israel, Amram and Jochebed, the parents of Moses, could see a valid reason for not having enfants.8.8.4La of birth control is it Biblical?"
