« Independence ... for African countries and after ? »

"The African people have welcomed the end of colonization with enthusiasm: the attainment of political sovereignty was to bring, together with freedom, progress and unity of the continent optimism early years yet encountered many difficulties. both political (coups, civil wars), economic and social (debt problem of underdevelopment). States have tried to organize to overcome the persistent difficulties but have nurtured the theme of the "Afro-pessimism".
Today, "Africa is identified for more unhappiness and failure.War, drought, disease, poverty, children dying of hunger and need help: the entire continent seems to generate a repulsion mingled pity."This observation geographer development specialist Sylvie Brunel, who regrets these reducing stereotypes, suggesting that the common opinion in the assessment of Africa 50 years after independence is thin.If there is no denying the difficulties encountered by young African states, it is also to reflect on how the image is built of Africa, particularly through the media, and its Recent change: the fiftieth anniversary of independence seems to hesitate between bitter disillusionment and celebration of an "awakening of Africa" that can symbolize, according to some, the organization of the World Cup football in South Africa.Economics and Management The journal "Economics and Management" succeeded, since October 2004, in the journal "Tertiary".New formula, new sections, new presentation.In quarterly basis, it is for teachers and trainers of vocational and technological institutions in the tertiary sector.The magazine (80 pages) is available for sale to the number, by mail or in bookstores SCÉRÉN network and subscription.
The magazine and its topics
Both educational, informative and scientific, "Economy and Management" is a privileged medium renovations underway, the BEP to the BTS.In each issue, you will find the following topics:
The Dossier: it deals with a topical issue;it consists of a consolidated text, interviews, articles, testimonies crossing angles of approach (economic, legal, managerial, etc.).
In practice: teaching sequences for all levels of education.
Outlook: future of the economy and management, pedagogical innovation, the institution's life.
Portrait: professional describes his journey to help students learn about the trades.
Rated for you: news, events, book reviews, websites selection.
The collection "Economics and Management"
The main purpose of the collection is to offer works centered on themes of tertiary and specific teaching approaches in economics and management in technological and vocational school.The major issues discussed as of the tertiary order to help teachers strengthen their knowledge in a variety of subjects (economics, law, management, accounting, IT, communication, human resource management, marketing).Concrete answers are developed in the framework of new educational approaches to be met by professors of economics and management: and there we will find the official texts with interviews and detailed educational tracks.The prep ECT: the affirmation of academic success in technological courses
Alain Sere, IGEN economics and management group.The "prépas" of the technological route or how to undermine stereotypes that stigmatize and mésestiment each other ...
Because they operate in the greatest modesty, the fond all those who need the most at the school of the republic, CPGEs "techie" continue in silence their way of success.The model of "prépas" they retain the requirement as a cardinal virtue, and the technological context, pragmatism and collective intelligence that takes the form of active solidarity.Far from the clichés agreed on best classes for heirs, CPGEs techie show that the school can do to succeed those who most need it.Technology: A communication space of three dimensions.Technology is a vector of exchange and communication between all the actors of technological and vocational training.True self-study tool for all teachers of Industrial Science and Technology (ITS) and technology, revueTechnologie, published 6 times a year, is an open forum in which everyone can make a contribution or express a point of view.Each installment of seventy-two pages richly illustrated texts, is organized into three main sections. "
