« Lendu (people): The Lendu are a people of Sudanese ethnic group who speak a language of the Nilo-Saharan family. They are native to the Chari-Nile region, Nubia, Upper Nile and the ancient kingdom of Nubia. Today the general Lendu population derive their origin from the High Plateaux region of Sudan Oriental, specifically Ngbaladja (hill between Sudan and Ethiopia) and where they originally lived Kandju after leaving the Nubian kingdom. [Population Migration dela Lendu] 1. Lendu Bhale living north beyond Bunia town are of Sudanese origin. They have arrived in the Ituri district during major migrations that effectuèrent during the 16th and 17th centuries. 2. [Lendu- Bindi or Lendu-South] otherwise Indru are entered in Ituri disembarking, along Lake Albert, the Blue Mountains and the River Semuliki left sides from beyond the Kingdom of Bunyoro Region Current Hoima town situated To the east of Lake Albert in Uganda »
"Etymologically, a name Lendu appeared in the Middle Ages and seems to be coming from" Nobade "his men known for their skill with del'arc At the time of the kingdom of Nubie.Ils will also enlisted in the regular army people Tribal invading the kingdom of Kush to 400 BC. and who was converted to Christianity in the sixth century AD, forming kingdoms called "Nubian" .Today, these Nobades living around Khartoum and are not to be confused with Nubians that we locate to Kom Ombo and Aswan, parlanteux a completely different dialect of the Kingdom beyond Nubia, rediscovered in the tenth century, apparaîtcomme being an entity possessing geographic features, economic social historical da Lendu population in general well distinguished.
[This article discusses different aspects of the Lendu population Great Lakes]
The Great Lakes region has been explored by Europeans before the tenth siècle.À that time, this region already has a certain cultural unity which suggests a long histoire.Les languages of the region have similitudes.Mais the absence of written documents the mysterious and almost fantasmagoriquequi character surrounded these "countries of the Moon" in Western culture have favored the most poetic speech and even mystical scientifiques.Il that is very difficult to assess the succession of eras, periods of human duration, relativization between external inputs and internal developments, real migratory movement and ampleurs.La memory of oral tradition that goes back until the sixteenth siècles.Il Xe is risky to infer that the monarchies began this Date only memory begins on that date by region autre.Les the first European explorers spotted similarities: the princely kingdoms with hierarchical lines, groups of farmers, groups of farmers and groups artisans.Ils also were groups that were organized around fishing near lakes, entities, clannish regrouped these great human activities and represented another social identification code.
[Lendu origin.]
Sudanese source tells us that the general Lendu population derive their origin from the region of Haut Plateaux sudan Oriental, specifically Ngbaladja (hill between Sudan and Ethiopia) and Kandju where they originally lived after leaving the Nubian kingdom.
[MIGRATION Lendu BALE] Otherwise known as Bale, said Lendu peoples Bhale are soudanaise.Ils origin have arrived in the Ituri district during major migrations that effectuèrent in the 16th esiècles.A arrival on the present on the ground in Ituri, they found the Nyari and pygmies who reportedly arrived several centuries avant.Les Lendu were gradually pushed southwards by the Nilotic peoples in DRC and entered the northern Ituri, precisely by the present territory of Mahagi.
[Lendu-Bindi or Lendu-South] otherwise Indru are entered in Ituri disembarking, along Lake Albert, the Blue Mountains and the Rivière Semuliki left of both sides from dela Region of the Kingdom of Bunyoro current city To the east located Hoima Lake Albert del'autre del'Ouganda county where the population lived, after a migratory journey of a small groups ago their geographical origin home, until àl'ouest of Lake Albert in the district del Ituri in a mountainous region called by the Belgian authorities collon administrative entity Sector / Chiefdom Lendu population Walendu-Bindi.La retain their last origine.Ces culture will be grouped into communities by the Belgian government in 1947 .So Lendu in Ituri occupy the three territories namely Mahagi, Djugu and Irumu where they are the majority and speak the language Kilendu, Balegu, Ndrùna and Baledha.Nottons that this population did not greatly distant from the border dela Democratic Republic of Congo.Là they settled and developped the cultivation of food crops and some livestock and small cattle to 20% including goats, chickens, sheep, cows, ducks, sweet potato, cassava, beans, sorghum etc ... On the territory and conquered the Lendu experience strong population growth from Sudan and del'Ouganda so much so that to date, they are called sometimes the Lendu-Bindi Ndrù (in the territory of Irumu), sometimes Bhale (in Djugu territory), according to their location with the movement of migration in the 16th century found in the Nile region of Sudan and Nile Charie see in parts of what this great lacs.En dela population regarding the migratory movement, a significant number of human groups has spread across Africa, formantdes companies segmentaires.A this level of study, it will be very large, if we were to trace the arrival of each people of Ituri. "
[This article discusses different aspects of the Lendu population Great Lakes]
The Great Lakes region has been explored by Europeans before the tenth siècle.À that time, this region already has a certain cultural unity which suggests a long histoire.Les languages of the region have similitudes.Mais the absence of written documents the mysterious and almost fantasmagoriquequi character surrounded these "countries of the Moon" in Western culture have favored the most poetic speech and even mystical scientifiques.Il that is very difficult to assess the succession of eras, periods of human duration, relativization between external inputs and internal developments, real migratory movement and ampleurs.La memory of oral tradition that goes back until the sixteenth siècles.Il Xe is risky to infer that the monarchies began this Date only memory begins on that date by region autre.Les the first European explorers spotted similarities: the princely kingdoms with hierarchical lines, groups of farmers, groups of farmers and groups artisans.Ils also were groups that were organized around fishing near lakes, entities, clannish regrouped these great human activities and represented another social identification code.
[Lendu origin.]
Sudanese source tells us that the general Lendu population derive their origin from the region of Haut Plateaux sudan Oriental, specifically Ngbaladja (hill between Sudan and Ethiopia) and Kandju where they originally lived after leaving the Nubian kingdom.
[MIGRATION Lendu BALE] Otherwise known as Bale, said Lendu peoples Bhale are soudanaise.Ils origin have arrived in the Ituri district during major migrations that effectuèrent in the 16th esiècles.A arrival on the present on the ground in Ituri, they found the Nyari and pygmies who reportedly arrived several centuries avant.Les Lendu were gradually pushed southwards by the Nilotic peoples in DRC and entered the northern Ituri, precisely by the present territory of Mahagi.
[Lendu-Bindi or Lendu-South] otherwise Indru are entered in Ituri disembarking, along Lake Albert, the Blue Mountains and the Rivière Semuliki left of both sides from dela Region of the Kingdom of Bunyoro current city To the east located Hoima Lake Albert del'autre del'Ouganda county where the population lived, after a migratory journey of a small groups ago their geographical origin home, until àl'ouest of Lake Albert in the district del Ituri in a mountainous region called by the Belgian authorities collon administrative entity Sector / Chiefdom Lendu population Walendu-Bindi.La retain their last origine.Ces culture will be grouped into communities by the Belgian government in 1947 .So Lendu in Ituri occupy the three territories namely Mahagi, Djugu and Irumu where they are the majority and speak the language Kilendu, Balegu, Ndrùna and Baledha.Nottons that this population did not greatly distant from the border dela Democratic Republic of Congo.Là they settled and developped the cultivation of food crops and some livestock and small cattle to 20% including goats, chickens, sheep, cows, ducks, sweet potato, cassava, beans, sorghum etc ... On the territory and conquered the Lendu experience strong population growth from Sudan and del'Ouganda so much so that to date, they are called sometimes the Lendu-Bindi Ndrù (in the territory of Irumu), sometimes Bhale (in Djugu territory), according to their location with the movement of migration in the 16th century found in the Nile region of Sudan and Nile Charie see in parts of what this great lacs.En dela population regarding the migratory movement, a significant number of human groups has spread across Africa, formantdes companies segmentaires.A this level of study, it will be very large, if we were to trace the arrival of each people of Ituri. "