« What development for Africa, 50 years after independence? For years, Africa has been the victim of colonialism and imperialism, exploitation and degradation. From North to South, East to West, his children have endured the chains of slavery and humiliation. Meanwhile, exploiters and self-appointed decision-makers of our destiny defiled our land with incredible savagery, without pity, without shame, without respect. Those days are gone, and forever gone. And on this day, in this august Assembly of the United Nations, speaking to you, me, an African, carrying a message of peace and freedom, announces to the world the dawn of a new era (...) J considers that the United Nations is the only organization able to meet our hopes for the future of humanity »
"Over 50 years later, can we say that Africa is it really independent? What about its economic, political, cultural? In the mentality of the West, Africa remains a reserve of raw materials, agricultural and forestry, minerals and oil, going along with a low technological and industrial level and leakage of vital forces and youth to Europe. This extraversion benefits the multinationals without spin on the standard of living of the inhabitants . The aidedans this contexten'est not it a palliative to a practice that should be changed? There has been a "NGOisation" to suppléerles deficiencies servicespublics, structuring civil society, but depriving the State of sesfonctions. Ideology Development experts and cooperating mondedes: the model is that of the West External causes alone-enough to expliquerla current situation of the continent What is the internal hand Much literature exists on this "delay" while analysessystématiques.? African on internal causes are lacking.Contempt of local production, instead of elites in predation resources as a relay or to the west now to China.These African states are trapped in short-term logic, Food and individual without involvement in public responsibilities, voircontre it.After fifty years of independence, Africa still faces his addiction, with its ancient cities but also donors.TRANSFORMING OUR WAY TO BE AFRICAN AND EUROPEAN: This type of relationship has resulted in the alienation of any own model of development in Africa and its culture, which should pouvoirintégrer "modernity" and "tradition".True decolonization requires the rejection of the rule of European style: the question is political and the African response.Culture is neither a brake nor a secondary component of development, it is its very essence.The development is not only growth, but also access to a satisfactory intellectual and spiritual existence;not only avoirplus but êtremieux.We must construiresur of long-term multiple partnership between governments, civil society, donors, non-governmental organizations, focusing on decentralized administrations, and taking into account the priority needs of the population base;care, education, nutrition ... The internal dynamics of each society must be respected and the implementation of programs and leadership must be given by donors to local skills, as well as administrative and financial procedures.This requires that projects, from their conception, integrate governance and state reform.It is time to changerle type of partnership between Africa and Europe: an Africa with more lucidity and courage, a Europe with more modesty and justice.This is our way of being African and European that must be transformed, in the respect of the other, to bâtirensemble a better world.India and China have managed allierla tradition to modernity, développerl'école and teaching based on their own language, créerdes nation states and appropriated science and technologie.Il Certainly the years 60 remain in the memory of Africans, such as those in which Africa has snatched his independence.The fervor was great.From one country to another, Africans cheered, sang and danced to celebrate the liberation of their countries and their peoples.They thought they saw down the chains of slavery and colonization.In their eyes, the colonizer was finally packed his bags and returned to Africa African hands."Long live independence, live independence!"This was the slogan of those years;a new era was to open to Africans, that of total freedom.
An unflattering conclusion: Everything has been said almost on the wrong market of Africa.Of "Black Africa is poorly Party" (René Dumont, 1966).But it also meant that they should now take over, build without any help from anyone.In sum to be independent at all levels (financially, militarily, economically, etc ...).African countries should now be able to sit in international bodies of the world and claim their rights, as well as others.But it also meant that they should now take over, build without any help from anyone.In sum to be independent at all levels (financially, militarily, economically, etc ...).African countries should now be able to sit in international bodies of the world and claim their rights, as well as others. "
An unflattering conclusion: Everything has been said almost on the wrong market of Africa.Of "Black Africa is poorly Party" (René Dumont, 1966).But it also meant that they should now take over, build without any help from anyone.In sum to be independent at all levels (financially, militarily, economically, etc ...).African countries should now be able to sit in international bodies of the world and claim their rights, as well as others.But it also meant that they should now take over, build without any help from anyone.In sum to be independent at all levels (financially, militarily, economically, etc ...).African countries should now be able to sit in international bodies of the world and claim their rights, as well as others. "