« Appuit great powers: AFRICA CAN become STRATEGIC STAKE IN THE WORLD TODAY?But since the advent of independence, (which Africa was the last bastion released compared to Asia and Latin America) African countries are actively involved in international relations.One way to be part of the game of geopolitical relations defining challenges and go, like other states, to the conquest of objects and situations favorable to allow the achievement of basic development objectives (Ph. Hugon, 2007).Africa was one of those territories, inspected and operated by European, Asian, American to achieve the challenges imposed on them.in the presence.It is also explained by the definition of nationals of the territory of a vision of development.Africa, the continent of contradiction, has been a strategic issue for the world.And she now choose its destiny »

The strategic position of Africa in the international system or in terms of the play of political actors.The world today is very difficult to determine.Difficulty that can not resist using some authors are: FC.MOUGEL, A. Gazano, J. ZIEGLER TRAORE AD Stiglitz JE D. Millet, J. Ki-Zerbo, etc.While avoiding the concept of the contemporary world, however, it would fit on one of demonde aujourd'huiqui takes time limits as the period from the end of the bipolar order until today.This means therefore that the world today is characterized by the decline of the Soviet or socialist bloc, the internationalization of state relations, the key, the growth of multinationals, development of information technology , communication and production, the reorganization of democratic, capitalist, economic, cultural, development, terrorism, etc ... In short, a contradiction with their planetarization hue in its organization, its ideologies and its actors .To better understand our approach, we will proceed with the analysis of the strategies of external actors in their relationship with Africa, and then to those developed by the internal actors in Africa's relationship with the world.Because as pointed out so well Jean Pliya, "it is good to give advice to a leader if requested, but do not run in front of him to show him the way.He may have hidden reproach of him sight. "Africa is a chance for France ..." proclaimed Dominique de VILEPIN before the French parliament in 2003 during a debate on the African policy of France.This perception of the strategic position of Africa is mixed because of the diversity and the multiplicity of actors of international society.Thus, there are external actors who support this design and internal actors who take against the foot.Although 1960 was expected to concede the international player status (Ph. Hugon, 2006), the African continent has always impressed the world, because of its geopolitics, the wealth of its soil and subsoil.Its dynamics in like qualifies Balandier reflected more easily when we adopt an approach of "bottom up".Thus, Africa has a huge geographical and majestic pace 30 million Km2.3ième largest continent in the world, it offers a diversity of soils favorable to a diversity of cultures.It is in cemonde aujourd'huique of Africa is called to make its development.That of ensuring both the right to speak and live freely its peoples, to ensure that the common social minimum.But how?The relationship between Africa and the world goes back well before the IVth century, but they have crystallized in the early sixteenth century according to a diachronic approach (J. Ki-Zerbo), in a time when Africa still enjoyed his age gold through its cultural influence.She had a very enviable political organization, seated on trade with the Arabs.The empires of Mali, Egypt, Ghana, Songhai and Bornu were the illustrations.Its decline is linked particularly to the vicissitudes of trans-Saharan trade.[Balandier, 1978;Joseph Ki Zerbo, 2003;Ilèfe, 1997.] This encounter between Africa and the world has generated huge events such as slavery and the slave trade, colonization, movements for independence, paternalism, the problems related to the emergence African States as well as partnership and multifaceted cooperation for Africa's development, the measures of debt relief, in short any kind of incentive measures for Africa.These many actions arising from the meeting of Africa with the world, raise concerns.One of them is.Answering the question whether Africa can become a strategic issue in the world today would be to demonstrate that it was strategic issue and that it has since lost that position.Following gets interesting.She must become strategic challenge?For who ?And how ?Also, it is necessary to see if it has ceased to be strategic issue.The answer to the question is not easy given the implications and
it requires tangles.It will not be definitive but an open track for future constructions.
In the lines to follow, we will try to demonstrate the importance of Africa in international relations since the 15th century lead to the choice to be made by his daughters and son today.An attempt councils not to be confused with an attitude to lead the way.Who benefits from the encounter between Africa and the West?One can also question the attractiveness offered Africa to look so serious.
