Balance sheet of an attack by Adf-Nalu rebels Eringeti resort located 55 km north dela city of Beni RN¤ yesterday on Sunday, 29 November 2015. For the HRDC, the rebels came looted and killed people because they innoncente crackled blows balls for several hours while being killing, looting, carried dela population of goods, also burned the Eringeti hospital center in Beni territory in the east of the country.This comes after the attack of the Congolese army camp by these rebels, last Sunday night.This creates a climate of generalized psychosis among the population victims of Adf.Patients and nurses would already burned and ADF are the few who have controlled in Eringeti hours.More than 15 shops were looted and several houses reduced to ashes.(This morning the poor hélicopts A fly over the fields Beni farmers perceive nothing of evil), are grieving victims who spent night in the bush with snakes.

Beni territory in North Kivu: the ADF-Nalu spread terror.At least 22 people were killed and several Bleses in an attack of extreme brutality, the Adf-Nalu reported civil society and city of Beni territory in a statement released Monday, November 30, 2015. Among the missing include 11 Adf -Nalu killed 7 civilians and 4 millitaires fell in battle According to civil society, the attack bears the signature of the ADF-Nalu, one of the most secret rebel groups and the most feared in the DRC.For years, the ADF-Nalu terrorize tens of thousands of civilians in the Beni region in North Kivu.Reportage by the president of an NGO known as not of CEPADO.Several properties of the villagers were also swept away by the attackers, they said.While these are the real terrorists who set themselves the task force Islamize the entire region and create an Islamist state in the Great Lake Region.For its part, civil society Beni city and territory encourages the Congolese army to dismantle the international center of terrorism.The war in the DRC demonstrates the wake of a war that has been brewing for years.Beyond emotional reactions aroused by images, always recommenced, civilian victims fleeing the combat zones, looting and rape by all armed forces involved in the conflict or those of forced recruitment of child soldiers, arise substantive issues.Who are the actors of a conflict, the term and the twists after each phase of lull mean that it is the expression of structural tensions?Since that time, the rebels multiplying massacres and does not hesitate to attack even the UN forces.Thus in early May, a UN helicopter was shot which forced him to make an emergency landing.Geopolitical entity enshrined in the Great Lakes Kivu is involved, a regional conflict system.The war that takes place constitutes a serious obstacle to the reconstruction of the DRC, and a threat to the stability of the entire region: more than ever Kivu is the magazine of Central Africa.After successive ADF incursions of militias in the towns of Linzo-Sisene, Mayi-Moya, and Kisiki Maibo in Bambuba-Kisiki group on Oicha Eringeti-axis, in the Beni-Mbau sector, it should be recalled these terrorists come to operate carnage to Oicha, capital of Beni territory.However, with the ingredients of the tumultuous history of the DRC since 1960, is at stake in Beni deserves to be perceived differently ... Nearly 250 dead in a month or so, and this at a rate of thirty one days, twenty another day, forty yet another day when it is not ten or less than ten: Beni territory is undergoing an ordeal than ever other territories of the East had previously known, and that in a time so short.The war in the DRC demonstrates the wake of a war that has been brewing for years.Beyond emotional reactions aroused by images, always recommenced, civilian victims fleeing the combat zones, looting and rape by all armed forces involved in the conflict or those of forced recruitment of child soldiers, arise substantive issues.Who are the actors of a conflict, the term and the twists after each phase of lull mean that it is the expression of structural tensions?Geopolitical entity enshrined in the Great Lakes Kivu is involved, a regional conflict system.The war that takes place constitutes a serious obstacle to the reconstruction of the DRC, and a threat to the stability of the entire region: more than ever Kivu is the magazine of Central Africa.Insecurity in Beni: Adf-Nalu in the footsteps of Boko Haram?Cruelty, fear due to repeated massacres attributed to Ugandan rebels of ADF and that continue to cast a pall over the Beni territory in North Kivu have become the daily life of the inhabitants of this vast territory.These rebels are increasingly active and continue to defy the forces of the Congolese order, the authorities are included.The presence of still active ADF elements in the Beni territory is a safe real headache and a danger to local residents.Despite the military operation "Sokola 1" being launched against these armed elements by the FARDC, they continue to multiply attacks against, and abuses of civilians.Faced with this state of affairs, local people call hue and cry strengthening units of law enforcement and security in Beni territory.Since October, more than 300 men, women and children were massacred in the territory.
