« Combat FARDC vs Adf-Nalu to Atokaka Tungudu and east of the town of May-Moya in the forest. The détonnations of heavy and light weapons that are heard ago 4:00 today Thursday, November 19, 2015 just cause even when the displacement of the population of May-Moya fearing represail these uncivil as to when inventuel overflow. Sources report that loyalist forces resisted with force against those adventurers who disturb Beni territory. In those days, the ADF-Nalu rebels attacked towns, large aglomerations Beni territory, or FARDC position, with the aim of finding ammunition, and to enprovisioner in foods, medicines, goats, chickens, ducks and other clothes. Civil society in Beni territory deplores the situation and calls for greater involvement of the authorities to secure the population. According to the source millitary FARDC continues to track the unpatriotic ratisage »
Resumption of new combat to 4:00 early morning today Thursday, November 19, 2015 between the FARDC and Adf-Nalu Atokaka to the group Bambubha-Kisiki, Area Mbau Beni, Beni territory in the bush To the east of May-Moya.A quiet occurs gradually ago the morning today in the noon.After a fight between the FARDC and Adf-Nalu which lasted several nimutes.But until now it was the national army FARDC who control the situation on térrain, after the escape of the rebel Ugandan, for Adf-Nalu in the bush of the Virunga National Park.These rebels had as objective to refuel can be minution, food, medicines, and others in this party.All the millitaires that are based in this party were well set location in their camp.But cete attempt failed thanks muscular àl'intervation the FARDC who have reacted with heavy and automatic weapons.The provisional toll reported some Adf-Nalu rebels killed by FARDC commander in a national del'armée based on site This happens after an attack blamed on ADF rebels.Two people were seriously injured with machetes on 14 November during an attack of the five villages of the chiefdom Walese Vonkutu in Irumu in Ituri (on the border with North Kivu), reported Monday, November 16 representatives of local civil society.Several properties of the villagers were also swept away by the attackers, they said.In terms of their operating modes, civil society Irumu attributes this attack Ugandan ADF rebels active in the region.The attackers carrying guns and machetes.According Erabo Sezabo Daniel, president of the local civil society, the rebels have taken advantage of the movement of the FARDC 905th regiment to North Kivu to operate in quietude.They particularly targeted the villages of Madibe, Masomé, Apinzi 1, 2 and 3, all located about 100 kilometers south of Bunia.They looted including goats, pigs, chickens and food, said the same representatives of civil society.This attack caused significant displacement of the population to the surrounding bushes.What is the purpose of Adf-Nalu rebels?In my view, c'st forced population displacement in order to gradually occupy their lands and exploiting natural resources, the installation of fireplaces religious fundamentalists and terrorist training bases in the area.while these are real terrorists who set themselves the task force Islamize the entire region and create an Islamist state in the Great Lake Region.For its part, civil society Beni city and territory encourages the Congolese army to dismantle the international center of terrorism.The far north of Beni Territory, in VIRUNGA Park and River Valley Semuliki sheltered until recently CENTERS Instruction to train these terrorists.Their homemade bomb tests made by more than 4 times the victims in BENI City in the first quarter of 2014. Based on the procedure of fighters, weapons they used.Let us all that there is rather BENI Terrorists without military objective.In this regard, the 2013 1st half we have for example documented cases of young recruits in mosques in N Kivu, South Kivu, Maniema and Ituri, kidnapping of roughly 894 civilians in the territory of Beni forcibly converted into Muslims (according to testimony released over 383 civilians, Adf-combatants surrendered or captured by the FARDC).It is essential to stop this cycle of violence that not only disrupt the tranquility of peaceful citizens of Beni but rather constitute a real obstacle to the many development projects undertaken by the government both at national and provincial levels.The war dan Beni territory reflects the wake of a war that has been brewing for years beyond the emotional reactions aroused by images, always recommenced, civilian victims fleeing the combat zones, looting and rapes, massacres perpetrated by the armed group Ugandan ADF rebels-Nalu involved in the conflict or those of forced recruitment of child soldiers, are asking basic questions.Who are the actors of a conflict, the term and the twists after each phase of lull mean that it is the expression of structural tensions?The Armed Forces of laRDC are determined to put out of harm's Ugandan ADF rebels who continue to wreak havoc in the localities of the territory of Beni (North Province kiivu).It is the disarmament operations against Nalu ago Adf-authors of several exactions against the civilian population, in the Beni region.