English is an English-language today spoken in several countries in the world: After independence, many countries became multilingual officially for the first time. But their different communities needed a language to communicate among themselves and with other nations. Naturally, they chose English. Direct legacy of the British Empire, English is now the dominant or official language of 75 territories around the world. In countries where large settlements were formed, such as Australia, Canada or the United States, indigenous languages and cultures are found almost entirely crowded out by English. English is not the first language of European colonialism; Portuguese and Dutch have left the old continent first. As recently as the 19th century, the French, not English, was still the first international vehicular language. How is to the English supremacy therefore imposed.

Today, most business schools around the world offer their programs in English.
Today, English is the most spoken foreign language in the world same for African countries where there is no official language.In six states where English is not in first place, it is a national political will: the most spoken foreign language in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia is Russian;Slovenia, the Croatian;Slovakia, Czech
The cultural heritage of the post-war also played a major role in the growth of English internationally.
The United States did not confine themselves to sending money overseas, they also exported their music: first rock & roll and jazz, and disco and hip hop.In Europe, Hollywood films were welcomed with great enthusiasm and the American television series have become real cultural references.American culture has invaded the old continent, spreading it with positive values such as confidence and success: it was exactly what was needed in a continent that had been devastated by war.
If English has appeared in nightclubs and homes around the world, it is also thanks to British engineering groups like the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Queen, Pink Floyd, Police or Led Zeppelin, who made a radio card.
The hippy movement started in San Francisco and London.For a generation that was not just made up of anglophones, Woodstock music festivals and the Isle of Wight have thus become veritable symbols.
This is what is called the "soft power".
The English, it's "cool"
Advertising pride themselves dictate the trend.They create in the consumer needs by making them more 'sexy' products.To do this, they use English in particular.Read this article Slate.fr to discover some examples of pubs frenglish.
Mix of English and German (Denglish) in Munich via
In most cases these advertisements are produced by multinationals seeking to maintain consistency in the messages they broadcast on their various markets.But local companies are also betting the "franglais" operator glamor and evasive alongside English to attract consumers.Of course, this phenomenon also occurs in English: words like "high fashion" and "Eau de Toilette" very glamorous French, are very often left untranslated.
Musicians and filmmakers see English as a way to reach a wider public.Today this invisible pressure that drives artists to produce works in English, reinforces the cultural momentum enjoyed by the English language in the second half of the 20th century.
The English language, because of its focus styles, also became the language of the extreme sports: whether Swiss, Canadian or Japanese, snowboarders make "ollie" of "fakie" and " rodeo ".
The adjective "cool" has itself been assimilated into many foreign languages.
Science & Technology
The rise of the United States globally coincides with the extension of computing.English is the language of the technological revolution and the Internet.Computer keyboards, for example, are designed for the Latin alphabet, which is why Asians (among others) have had to develop complex techniques to type the words in their language.
Everything that happens inside computers is also dominated by English.The United States remains the most innovative nation in technology and, because of the language policy of the founders of the nation, English is the dominant language.
English essential language
Excluding the few attempts by settlers, there are several hundred years, English has not imposed by force, but rather by visiting indispensable.Formerly, the inhabitants of the British colonies who wanted to educate received their education in English;Today, artists seeking to reach a wider public turn to English.If you want to do business internationally, it is essential to speak English.If it is not necessary to speak English for a successful professional career, one can not deny that it helps!
English will remain in the lead?
Some think that English has become an international language because it is "easy to learn" and very flexible.But if we take a step back, you realize that this theory does not hold water.Despite a rather complicated case system, Latin remained the predominant language in Europe for over 1,000 years (and derived from the Latin languages are still very powerful).
