« The history of Africa: The continent as a whole appears to be a recent and difficult undertaking. For a long time, only Egyptology, Islamic studies and colonial history have, each in its view, addressed; it should be noted, moreover, that the ancient writing systems, in Egypt, Meroe, Ethiopia, are still far from having made all the expected information. The sources written in Arabic, by authors who have rarely known across the continent, European archives and explorers stories are sources often criticized, even if we can not avoid to use them. We now know scientifically and use critical oral sources, so useful when used with care. Archaeology, particularly since the start of 1970, came sometimes significantly enrich the knowledge of what happened in the African continent, especially during the ten last thousand years »

"The peculiar situation in Africa, in almost total symmetry on either side of the equator, subjected him, just as have suffered the polar regions, the most spectacular of the great climatic changes on our planet since the Homo sapiens sapiens living there. Sometimes insurmountable barrier because of its extent and its aridity (for example, there are twenty-five thousand years), the Sahara, at other times, there eight to ten thousand years, welcomed the pastors and their flocks in the vicinity of hunters, fishermen, gatherers, provided very soon strongly felt, not to waste water. Similarly, Fore [...] 1) Poverty and slave
It addresses the problem of the Third World.Africa is as the hapless continent of contemporary history.Because, of course, there is relatively poor: lesmilieux organic and natural are fragile (savannah does not support a systematic exploitation; the virgin forest that does not reconstitute).Bad luck also the living point of view over wild beast.
All that was Africa declines.On top of the decisive events in world history.
XVIeau the nineteenth, there is latraite black.Central Africa was partly depopulated by European and Arab.They were transplanted to South America, Central and Northern Arabia, Indian peninsula.There are about 30 million blacks in Brazil, Central America 50 million, 15 million in North America.An estimated 15 million the number of people rounded up in three centuries.Besides Africa was already sparsely populated.
Trafficking is organized according lesystème triangular: Europe (junk) - Africa (slaves) - America (tropical products: sugar, cotton, precious woods, spices).
It was long regarded Africa simply as a source of slaves.The revolution abolished slavery, Napoleon was restored.Then banned the slave trade.In 1840, England suppresses slavery.In 1848, France also.The United States during the Civil War put it: 1863.
2) Racism
Africa estpeu penetrable, coastline are just passable, bar phenomenon of reefs.On the coast, rivers are few, quick cut.We will never come back to them completely.Three major rivers: Sudan (mouth in Nigeria).The sources of the Nile, were unknown: 1895 found the true source of the Nile.The mouth of the Congo: 50km of rapids.
Africa is restéeinexplorée long.Only at the end of XIXequ'il was fully known.
Gradually as we discover it, we do not see made up of states, but around custom temporary leaders.The inside story is extremely confused.We do not find great ancient civilizations.The only, is the Egyptian and Ethiopian civilization.For the rest, they are imported: Roman or Arabic.
Soon, in the seventeenth and eighteenth, the conclusion is that the black African with no past, very little present, has no future.This is the birth of racism.The black is classified as a man certainly, but of lower nature, as well as women.This racism is causing contempt for Africa.The additional information that had to ask the scientific laboratories, geographers, botanists, zoologists and to many other disciplines have enabled the development of a very new historical methodology, including the monumental testament General History of Africa UNESCO has published African difficulties: Within AFD Africa contemporainepoursuit his work with the same requirements that made his reputation: the quality of its content, the editorial independence and scientific in their approach.The articles are thus selected by a scientific committee on rigorous criteria, regardless of the positions of the AFD or of its ministries.Sub-Saharan Africa seems to have become a privileged land of conquest and Christian experiments as suggested visibility and proselytism of evangelical and Pentecostal type of movement.
Contemporary Africa proposes to explore these "new" forms of Christianity, to place them in the diversification of religious offering on the continent and analyze their articulation with the economic, societal, political and cultural of Africa.
The dossier, coordinated by Sébastien Fath and Cedric Mayrargue, brings together texts on Churches and varied terrain (Côte d'Ivoire to South Sudan, Benin both Congo, Cameroon and Ethiopia).It stresses the plurality of these modes christianismes enrollment in African societies, their cross, both on the continent at a larger scale, the diversity of dynamic they produce and that make them major players change. "
