« May-Moya Beni territory DRC: A lull is observed ago early in the morning today November 12, 2015 after fighting between the FARDC and Adf-Nalu, in May-Moya 15 km north dela rural commune 'Oïcha on the main road Eringeti Beni in the province of North Kivu (eastern DRC), after fierce fighting between the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) Ugandan ADF rebels, said Xinhua administrator Beni territory, Kalonda Amisi. "The situation became calm, the FARDC were reinforced by other evidence and routed the ADF rebels," said Kalonda, adding. "It 'there were arms fire, heavy and automatic our army already controls the situation, the population has shifted because of the fighting, it begins to return to their homes. According to NGOs, the HRDC ADF rebels launched an attack against a FARDC position, with the aim of finding ammunition and provisions in foods »
The attack dela town of May-Moya in last night 11 November 2015 came after an intense fight in the noon between FARDC and Adf-Nalu who fired their bullets against a vehicle of the FARDC.The army responded with heavy and automatic weapons who put the rebels to flight.It was around 6:00 when the FARDC jallonaient road N¤ 4. Assessment of this fight in one death of an old lady tema andolonge Kalume name born on July 15- 1932 which left his field has not far from Bambuba-Kisiki group was shot and machete by adf, after exchanges of gunfire, the attackers in the bush fuits and after the FARDC continues to pursue it until now.Those who kill in BENI, they are terrorists.These are Islamists, jihadistesdu genus or species BOKOHARAM, ELSHABAAB, ALQUAIDA etc and this with the following objectives: But then the question remains, who Massacre Civilians in Beni?.The Establishment of a systematic purification system of terror of civilians.* .The Forced displacement of populations to progressively occupy their lands and exploiting natural resources.* Offers quick outbreaks of religious fundamentalists and terrorist training bases in the area.A set of Ugandans subjects, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzanians, Rwandans, Sudanese, Burundians, Congolese and Central Africans who cover the ADF-NALU label (on behalf of the Ugandan rebel) today under a new name Muslm Defense International while these are real terrorists who set themselves the task force Islamize the entire region and create an Islamist state in the Great Lake Region.For these terrorists, the Congolese regular army could not come dismantle this international center of terrorism (allusion to the destruction by the FARDC Camps MADINA, CANADA, ISSA, MAKOYOVA, Makembi, TSUTSUBO, ABIA KAMBI MIBA YA, YA KAMBI Chui) which earned millions of dollars, significant material and human resources.And to get there as the army has enjoyed the complicity of the population, the Jihadists come to pay it to this population.The far north of Beni Territory, in VIRUNGA Park and River Valley Semuliki sheltered until recently CENTERS Instruction to train these terrorists.Their homemade bomb tests made by more than 4 times the victims in BENI City in the first quarter of 2014. Based on the procedure of fighters, weapons they used.Let us all that there is rather BENI Terrorists without military objective.They have brains (in the DRC and outside the country), the nuclei of the Coordinations in the depths (forest / park) and satellite groups operating in small groups in the suburbs of cities to decapitate, disembowel them defenseless civilians.Contain their opératoirepassé mode conventional warfare to guerrilla warfare or war symétrienécessite common understanding and substantial resources both human and material, national and international solidarity.Seek to reduce this great problem to single individuals (Commanders of Military Operations eg., FARDC units engaged on the fronts) returns to minimize it, to distort it and to isolate tracks to a lasting solution.These terrorists to take root, have succeeded in establishing a network of intelligence maintained, a financial circuit / strong cross-border economic and local and international complicity.In this regard, the 2013 1st half we have for example documented cases of young recruits in mosques in N Kivu, South Kivu, Maniema and Ituri, kidnapping of roughly 894 civilians in the territory of Beni forcibly converted into Muslims (according to testimony released over 383 civilians, Adf-combatants surrendered or captured by the FARDC).Those who opposed the forced conversion were executed without further ado, the case of three Catholic priests of the Parish of Mbau, to believe in an ADF fighter capturé.C'est why we say that the context safe in Territory BENI requires special attention to each of us.The problem is as great as we imagine.It requires, for stem, mobilization of the entire national and international community the solidarity of all the provinces of the DRC, the States of the region, the African Union, the European Union, the USA and United Nations.We would like to end this by setting the Opinion that: what happens to BENI is never the case of killing of Civilians by the FARDC and MONUSCO, or complicity of the army.And say it's simply spit on the efforts so far made by the FARDC or the memory of those who fell on the front line for the cause.