AFRICAN CHINA: Beijing will lend $ 60 billion to Africa to put on his Silk Road This marks a sharp slowdown in Chinese investment on the continent.The "China-Africa" has experienced more flamboyant periods.For his first African summit, Xi Jinping intends marquerl History.After a step Zimbabweet a handshake supported a ban President Robert Mugabe to the nations since the 2000s, Hu took the road to Johannesburg.There, he found, Friday, December 4, fifty heads of state and government who together represent a populationde 2.5 billion people.Only Sudan Omar Al-Bashir is missing, his visit to Beijing in September, having grincertrop teeth.The China-Africa trade relations in 4 digits.The slowdown of its economy makes China less dependent on African raw materials, but it needs markets for its companies.Africa, for its part, "must développerson manufacturing, yet says Abdoulkader.Créerdes jobs and reinforce the added value of its products. "This is probably why a large delegation of Chinese companies has made the trip to Johannesburg.But the main objective is primarily to Beijing relierle continent and its future "three networks" to the road of silk woven by Chinese President.A land route from Yiwu, south of Shanghai, in Madrid, Spain.And a sea route that passes through the Southeast Asia towards the African coast via Sri Lanka. "The Silk Road is connectertrois continents and Hu sixty countries associated to the project," says Charmarke Abdoulkader .The sixth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) opened, Friday, December 4th, Johannesburg (South Africa. "This program is the key to competitiveness améliorerla of Africa and for that, the continent needs renforcersa of cooperation with China, wrote on the eve of the summit, the very officielQuotidien Peuplequi sees a Marshall Plan for Africa. This is the first time a China-Africa summit is held on the continent. Since the first Forum of China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in 2000, trade volumes between Chineet the Afriqueont been multiplied by thirty, reaching some 300 billion dollars (275.8 billion euros) in 2015, 2500 are entrepriseschinoises installed on the continent. This time, despite the crisis, the communist regime has tripled sesengagements and will announce, in Johannesburg, the launch of a major projetde work with ambitious objectives, unlimited means and a grandiloquent name. It s 'These are the "Three infrastructure networks and industrialization", reveals Charmarke Abdoulkader, a Djiboutian consultant based in Shanghai who has worked on the definition of the program. "This is a huge project that combines high-speed rail network, network motorway and regional aviation network, "says the consultant.A tight network financed by Beijing and which must contribuerau economic development of Africa.But also, more prosaically, to facilitate the transport and export of African commodities to China.The meeting avoirété handsome renamed "top" instead of "forum" for soulignerson importance, it opens in an economic downturn.Chinese investment in Africa fell by 40% in first half 2015, a direct result of the slowing global economy and China's growth fell below the 7% mark.China has lost her bulimia for premièresafricaines materials.Many countries on the continent suffer.Heavily indebted to Beijing, they arrive in Johannesburg with the firm intention to renegotiate their debts: this is particularly the case Ghanaet especially Zimbabwe, two countries with large cash flow difficulties due to the collapse of the Chinese demand.Yet the dollar should continuerde pleuvoirsur the continent.In Johannesburg, Chinese President Xi Jinping has promettre60 billion of AIDEA Africa, mainly in loans.Researchers at the Brookings Institutenotent that "China twice each week to help Afrique.On rose from $ 5 billion promised in 2006 to 10 billion in 2009 and 20 billion in 2012".New contracts were signed this week between Beijing and Harare. "But this will not changernotre short-term fate, says Antony Hawkins, an economist at the University of Zimbabwe.Si we look at the past, it has the right be skeptical.Megaprojects, major agreements, contracts ... We always had a lot of Chinese investment here, but very few real benefits to the economy."
China-Africa: The Chinese strategy The last few years effervescence around the presence of more and more of China in Africa.The charges are numerous, as well as promises.On the side of the West, the media and the political world are alarmed: China, by offering loans without requiring counterparties in terms of democracy and governance, destroyed decades of work of the World Bank and development agencies .They accuse China of all evil: steal land to the poor peasants, trade with regimes 'outcasts'.In China, denies any evil intent.Meanwhile, the voice of Africa is little heard.The hearts dangle.On one hand, the dynamic approach of China in Africa is invigorating and changes slow and bureaucratic process of traditional donors.On the other side, the social and economic frictions caused by the influx of companies and Chinese workers concerned local populations.It is therefore essential to dissect the dynamics at work in order to give our readers the tools needed for informed decision making.It is also dispel misunderstandings on the issue in order to move towards a better mutual understanding of different actors.The reasons behind the involvement of China in Africa are primarily pragmatic.Two-thirds of African exports to China are natural resources.Indeed, the phenomenal development of China and recurring tensions in the Middle East pushing up oil prices pushed China's leaders in search of new sources of supply.They therefore turned to Africa and its largely untapped resources, lack of infrastructure.Thus, China focuses on building infrastructure in order to win the favor of African governments.The purpose of this approach is to become a privileged partner, especially in the allocation of national projects, which is often a condition of Chinese investment.Finally, the development of activities in Africa also allows China to reduce its economic dependence with Europe and the United States, particularly in this period of crisis and introspection.More recently, the fear of a creeping protectionism and Western political pressure on foreign policy issues (such as Syria), but also the risk of an abrupt slowdown in the Chinese economy in 2012 fueling the desire of the Chinese leadership diversify their friends.What are the reasons of the Chinese involvement in Africa?What strategy she uses to achieve its objectives?China-Africa relations (2): The Chinese strategy.And it is that this friendship when talking about Africa in China.At the same time, the Chinese government encourages its enterprises and entrepreneurs to settle in Africa.They are enjoying good momentum of China-Africa relations to fit on African markets with strong growth potential.In Europe and the United States, Chinese companies are struggling to take hold, because of the fear of governments and populations (the return of the "yellow peril").In contrast African governments welcome with open arms the Chinese investments that create jobs and revive economies often forgotten by the West.This allows Chinese companies to gain international experience they lack to be more effective in the global competition, but also to move up the value chain.In fact, Chinese companies are committed to offshore subsidiaries in Africa and a number of polluting activities and ntensives unskilled labor.This is not without reminding us of the Japanese offshoring in China in the 1970s In this perspective, this article is the second in a series on the relations between China and Africa, which will address both economic issues as political and social.Understand China's African strategy as an integrated whole, namely the general development strategy of China.This includes development notammentle dusoft powerchinois, namely the ability of a country to get what he wants not coercion but by its influence.Trois aspects emerge.The most important is that of building a group of friends who support China in international relations.African countries representing more than a quarter of the members of the General Assembly at the United Nations, their combined votes have often helped protect China sanctions in the Commision for Human Rights.Simultaneously, the gradual conquest of the support of African countries has enabled China to be the giant.