DR CONGO REBEL ATTACK Oïcha ADF-NALU IN THE CAPITAL TERRITORY SUNDAY TO 17 December 13, 2015 HOURS LOCAL TIME: The ADF has again attacked the city Oicha.The assessment reported four dead, including one civilian and three millitaires were killed Sunday evening and 3 houses dela population icendié in an attack attributed to the Ugandan rebels of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, does said Monday corroborating sources.This creates for épiscose within dela population who have moved del east to west rural town of délaboration Oïcha.This attack is added to that of the same or Eringeti Adf-Nalu have to fire Hopital Eringeti with plunder.They have proved that they are not eradicated, the Ugandan rebels of ADF / NALU.They have actually resumed service in their stronghold of Beni Territory.On the night of Monday to Tuesday, they hit mercilessly in Beni tér, 30 km from Beni-City on the axis of Eringeti.In this agglomeration attacked by the ADF / NALU, a dozen dead, several injured and 10 kidnapped persons were counted, information Civil Society of North Kivu.The people have spent a difficult night.People rioted to express their anger at the Calvary their taxed again by the ADF / NALU no intervention of FARDC.Beni Mbawo feels completely abandoned and left to his own fate.Feeling angry also in Me About Omar Kavota, vice president and spokesman of the Civil Society of North Kivu.He is concerned about the resurgence of the ADF / NALU where they had been driven out and accuses him of having released the FARDC military pressure.While the need to continue to intensify search operations.While in civil society, we continue to demand the release of 600 hostages who are still in the hands of the ADF / NALU and which we have no news.These Ugandan negative forces inaugurated the second series of hostage-taking.GIVES THE MILITARY RADICAL CHANGE The last weekend, it deplored the kidnapping of seven people in a remote village in the same area.The ADF / NALU are well and truly back and signed their comeback in letters of blood.This changes the whole military and mapping gives the FARDC in North Kivu.Everything must radically review.Because these attacks ADF / NALU and hostage takings that began, due to give UN experts who, in their latest report published after the dismantling of the ADF / NALU in Kamanga, believed their chain of command remained intact.Current events have proved them right.The ADF / NALU have recovered at low cost and in a short time.This means that they were not far away.We return to the starting-box: the recovery of all operations against the Ugandan rebels.But how and that is the fundamental question because there is no doubt that the strategy used to this day by FARDC supported by MONUSCO has shown its limits.It is therefore all the scaffolding of the doctrine of attack need revisiting.Meanwhile, the population has to do with the resurgence of the ADF with their terrible psychosis indiscriminate killings, abductions, human slavery, looting, rape, over vast areas that are beyond the military and on which they impose on them law.Insecurity will be effective on every street corner in the same villages in Beni city where they managed several surprise attacks.DEATH OF TWO HEROES OF WAR.We are on the alert everywhere.How to conduct economic activities in these conditions for fear panic?17 people already removed in less than a week, it is staggering and the idea of what will be the life of these people in Beni territory.He must immediately stop the ADF / NALU.But who will stop them?In the new organization of the FARDC, stalking against the ADF is attributed to a general, General Muhindo, based in Beni.It replaces for this charge, the three-star general Jean-Lucien Bahuma, struck down by a stroke (cerebrovascular accident) there is a little over a month.It may be noted that the resurgence of activism ADF / NALU is involved in a particularly difficult situation in North Kivu.The province lost in nine months, two of his most worthy son, two heroes of the war, two brave fighters who would stop at nothing on the front line.This is Colonel Mamadou Ndala, the man who put the knees M23.He was killed in a January 2 Beni city while he is in the process of getting to Eringeti, 70 km from Beni to prepare the stalking operations against ADF / NALU.Thus initially, this assassination is attributed to the Ugandan Islamists who were informed of these preparations and have still celebrated the death of Ndala even if they are not sponsors.
Today insecurity creates a climate of generalized psychosis Oïcha capital of the Beni territory in the province of North Kivu population victims of the massacres, looting, rape, etc.
For several weeks, the rural municipality dela population of Oïcha is the target of repeated attacks and looting, committed by population by armed men in uniform.This is not the first time the city experienced such surges insecurity.Before these men determined and well organized, the population is afraid, says Lewis Saliboko, a representative of civil society.In the afternoon yesterday Sunday, October 18, 2015 Adf-Nalu rebels attacked one of celules To the east of Oïcha located around 16h 30. Bilan two missing children, a Dece of an old woman and some houses burned by these same rébéles that are very active in the Beni region, nearly 30 years ago until today.The population of del'est Oïcha have moved beyond rural town west at 99.9%.Ago morning until now many people are fleeing to other algomérations as Beni town, Mutwanga, Mangina, Butembo and others.This population are victims of massacres, looting, rape, dela rébéles share of Ugandans.The Islamist group has not, however, no apparent links experts say with foreign terrorist organizations such as Al-Shabaab or al Qaeda.However, the UN experts show supporting documents that the ADF have a support network in the DRC, Uganda and Rwanda, which seems to move freely.They also have a network in Britain which sends money and weapons, some of which come from the stocks of the Congolese army.This is Beijing that Chinese arms destined for Kinshasa, but despite the embargo forgot to mention the group of experts.Some recruits voluntarily joined the rebellion, sometimes even with their families;for others, it was the lure of economic opportunities;others were abducted and forced to undergo military training.Those who refused were detained and threatened to give way.We also discover the Bazana kidnapped civilians who became the personal slaves of the chief of ADF and were forced to convert to Islam.In the various camps they occupied until the Armed Forces operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC), they trained, cultivated, praying.This is a whole organization that we discover in the pages of this new report.They have been able to recruit until 2014 in Uganda and DRC.The UN Panel of Experts on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is expected to publish its final report for the year 2014, in the coming days.Exclusively, RFI is obtained a copy.One of the armed groups on which the experts have focused, it is the Ugandan rebels of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF).They have been accused in recent months to carry out massacres in Beni territory in eastern DRC by over two hundred dead.However, the group of experts doubt that all these acts of violence were carried out by the ADF and ADF only.The panel was first investigated the languages spoken by those responsible for these atrocities.On some sites, a Ugandan Luganda and Swahili language can indeed match the ADF, but on others, according to testimonies, the attackers spoke Lingala or even Kinyarwanda.But according to former ADF, these languages are not used by Ugandan rebels.The panel interviewed separately several survivors of these massacres and none of them was able to identify the assailants.However, what seems to doubt the panel is lemodus operandide some of these attacks.Another point of doubt the involvement of the rebellion in some atrocities concerning murders of children.The panel believes that this is not part of the practices of these rebels who kidnap children, but do not kill.Where are the ADF today?Were they able to carry out these attacks?Before taking their main camp in April 2014, their leader Muluku Jamil and his family would be eclipsed, but according to the UN experts are still in North Kivu.What especially emphasize the UN experts, is the lack of critical analysis and independent ADF as well as the origin of violence in Beni territory.A second group - made up of more than a thousand men and led by commander Seka Baluku have found refuge in the forest.Furthermore, pursued and attacked by the Congolese army, two hundred of them would have died of hunger, between late June and August 2014, according to the panel.The report of the group of UN experts allows, for the first time - through the testimonies of forty ADF-Nalu.
For several weeks, the rural municipality dela population of Oïcha is the target of repeated attacks and looting, committed by population by armed men in uniform.This is not the first time the city experienced such surges insecurity.Before these men determined and well organized, the population is afraid, says Lewis Saliboko, a representative of civil society.In the afternoon yesterday Sunday, October 18, 2015 Adf-Nalu rebels attacked one of celules To the east of Oïcha located around 16h 30. Bilan two missing children, a Dece of an old woman and some houses burned by these same rébéles that are very active in the Beni region, nearly 30 years ago until today.The population of del'est Oïcha have moved beyond rural town west at 99.9%.Ago morning until now many people are fleeing to other algomérations as Beni town, Mutwanga, Mangina, Butembo and others.This population are victims of massacres, looting, rape, dela rébéles share of Ugandans.The Islamist group has not, however, no apparent links experts say with foreign terrorist organizations such as Al-Shabaab or al Qaeda.However, the UN experts show supporting documents that the ADF have a support network in the DRC, Uganda and Rwanda, which seems to move freely.They also have a network in Britain which sends money and weapons, some of which come from the stocks of the Congolese army.This is Beijing that Chinese arms destined for Kinshasa, but despite the embargo forgot to mention the group of experts.Some recruits voluntarily joined the rebellion, sometimes even with their families;for others, it was the lure of economic opportunities;others were abducted and forced to undergo military training.Those who refused were detained and threatened to give way.We also discover the Bazana kidnapped civilians who became the personal slaves of the chief of ADF and were forced to convert to Islam.In the various camps they occupied until the Armed Forces operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC), they trained, cultivated, praying.This is a whole organization that we discover in the pages of this new report.They have been able to recruit until 2014 in Uganda and DRC.The UN Panel of Experts on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is expected to publish its final report for the year 2014, in the coming days.Exclusively, RFI is obtained a copy.One of the armed groups on which the experts have focused, it is the Ugandan rebels of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF).They have been accused in recent months to carry out massacres in Beni territory in eastern DRC by over two hundred dead.However, the group of experts doubt that all these acts of violence were carried out by the ADF and ADF only.The panel was first investigated the languages spoken by those responsible for these atrocities.On some sites, a Ugandan Luganda and Swahili language can indeed match the ADF, but on others, according to testimonies, the attackers spoke Lingala or even Kinyarwanda.But according to former ADF, these languages are not used by Ugandan rebels.The panel interviewed separately several survivors of these massacres and none of them was able to identify the assailants.However, what seems to doubt the panel is lemodus operandide some of these attacks.Another point of doubt the involvement of the rebellion in some atrocities concerning murders of children.The panel believes that this is not part of the practices of these rebels who kidnap children, but do not kill.Where are the ADF today?Were they able to carry out these attacks?Before taking their main camp in April 2014, their leader Muluku Jamil and his family would be eclipsed, but according to the UN experts are still in North Kivu.What especially emphasize the UN experts, is the lack of critical analysis and independent ADF as well as the origin of violence in Beni territory.A second group - made up of more than a thousand men and led by commander Seka Baluku have found refuge in the forest.Furthermore, pursued and attacked by the Congolese army, two hundred of them would have died of hunger, between late June and August 2014, according to the panel.The report of the group of UN experts allows, for the first time - through the testimonies of forty ADF-Nalu.