Indru (PEOPLE) AND ITS DIFFERENT NAMES: Today, in the area of ​​community Indru is best known by the name Ngiti by chance.So what name should be given ALA knowledge of the world?How could have happened is to interrogations.As for the name, Indru we find it is really genuine, because it is there and Indru population refers Ndruna his tongue.The name is a foreign Ngiti APPELLATION Ala simply because it deviates beyond how people Indru designates the various surrounding peoples.Ngiti or Mungiti.This is explained by the fact that the colonial policy Back then the Belgian Congo had conducted by the imposition of certain languages ​​in some communities at the expense of own languages ​​in these linguistic communities.Thus, Indru people, the Belgian colonizers had imposed Swahili (a Bantu language) in The administration, teaching, and evangelism.Instead of utuliser denomination, the colonizers utulisé denomination, Lendu-Bindi to designate the name of the Indru people.Then the people said that as the Indru come Gety the main town dela Community Walendu Bindi, they will call [Mutu wa Gety ie people Gety] have used the other, or even Ngiti Mungiti .Because of a missing probably authétique designation ago in 1960, people began to Bunia utuliser by chance the name to designate the name of the people Indru.Toute times, names relate to Gety, a geographical place as other geographic locations such as Bunia, Kasenyi, Butembo, Kinshasa, Kisangani ... We know that no people, one language is identified by such geographical names.So the authentic designation remains Indru to designate the non dela community Indru / Lendu-Bindi.Appellation Indru meaning an ethnic group that speaks the language Ndruna.1960 ago that language is known in the Great Lakes Region, under the name of ki, Ngiti by chance.So the Ndruna remains the main language community beyond Indru ago their original home jusqu'aujourd 'hui.Chiefdom / Sector Walendu Bindi capital Gety.This decentralized administrative entity was created today under the Belgian del'administration authority in 1947 after the migratory movement dela population in Sub-Saharan Africa.After their arrival in the current mountainous area of ​​Gety, the Indru people organized the following ceremony for the new leader: "So bows and arrows were reissued but the Chef after that He shot four arrows in all directions - an arrow was shot in the direction where the sun rises, the second was shot in the direction where the sun sets, the third in the south, the fourth was shot dead in the north.This action is all the rebel / rival who will come from one of these directions would be killed by an arrow.Peoples without history are peoples without a future.The dominant Western ideology and history of Africa The falsification of history: how ancient Egypt was torn from its black African natural universe African resistance.The restoration of the African historical consciousness.The murderous domination of Africa by Europe from 15 November 1884 to 26 February 1885 in Berlin a "conference" on Africa had met the European countries and the United States.The meeting ended with the signing del'Acte deBerlin, which led to the "scramble for Africa" ​​between six European powers, Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Portugal, Spain.On the eve of the first World War, almost all of Africa is made up of colonies ruled by Europeans.This is the result of events that occurred in the world since the 16th century, marked by the European mercantilism and the growing technical and military superiority of Europe.This requires, together with his domination, his ideas about humanity, its origin and its evolution.In parallel and in addition to that practiced by the Arabs, in sub-Saharan Africa, the slave trade in Africans is designed, rationally organized and institutionalized by Europeans.Consequences: the disintegration of states and society in all sectors of life, the reduction of the population reaching hundreds of millions of people: the most massive human destruction and more prolonged that the world has ever known.The terrible Black Code, promulgated in 1685 by Louis XIVen regulate slavery in the West Indies and Guyana.At a time when Europe began in the 19th century, the conquest of the interior of Africa, it is already extremely weakened by multiple direct and indirect destructive effects of the system of trafficking in human very black.

"Indru (People): The Indru are an ethnic group as the people beyond del'Ituri Lendu population.They speak a language Ndruna is classified by the International Sil in the group of Nilo-Saharan languages, Sudanic.[Administration] The Indru people now occupies an administrative entity called community-Chiefdom-sector Walendu Bindi, located in Irumu territory, Ituri and in the extreme northeastern DRC beyond.Master leu is Gety.The Chiefdom of Bindi Walendu is divided into five administrative group, namely: Bamuko, Bavi, Boloma, Bukiringi and Zadu, with a total of 194 locality.Its area is estimated at 2.226km square and a population of 200,000 souls.This entity is in the region of Hout trays, parcemés hills and mountains with average altitude is 1000 meters, with an altitude tropical climate and fertile soil.Before the war, this entity was a prosperous farming community that fed largely in foodstuffs "
'' Appellation Indru At Lendu-Bindi community is the name of a people under the Lendu ethnic group in the family, precisely del'Ituri living in the province, Irumu territory, south beyond Bunia town, the Head of Walendu Bindi, Democratic Republic of Congo.Ils are close Lugbara people Lendu Bhale, Avukaya, Mangbetu, Ngbandi, Bari, and ancient population of the Kingdom of Nubia Indru .The population is relatively sédentaire.Ils mostly engaged in agriculture , small businesses, forging, del'artisanat, the breeding of large and small livestock, hunting, and fishing.Their habitatations are dispersed in coutumier.Ils heads of communities live in a tribal society and patrilineal with about more than 150 clans.
" Company "
Indru is a segmental lineage society, that is to say that the social organization within this société.Du histoirique cultural point of view of the Indru society is marked by an oral literature that is expressed through stories Historical tales (Imbe), riddles (Koyi), proverbs (Mbayi) and parables (Mboli) except pottery, weaving and basketry .The music and dance occupy a special place in the nuptial ceremonies, bereavements, computerization of customary chief and various festivities.
The exercise of authority is not centralisé.Il belongs to a small group of men.
"Pourqu'oi Indru the population is present today in Ituri?"The presence of Indru in Ituri consists of the migration of sub-Saharan African nations found in the 16 th and 17 th centuries.A significant number of human groups was scattered throughout Africa forming segmentaires.La companies Indru oral tradition and archaeological evidence suggests that they migrated from the Upper Nile region, Charie Nile, and del'ancien Rauyome Nubia today present territory of northern Sudan and southern del'égypte.Les Indru moved, also causing the migration of other groups to settle in a long region Africa subsaharienne.Dans this movement of migration Indru the population were led by a man by the name of Nyipiri Abhizo this one directed his people jusqu'entendre Rauyome of the current Bunyoro Hoima town today to appartennant Government Ougandais.Là the Indru People have developped a very good-correlation with the ethnic group Rauyome and also for permetre to Indru is housed on site, living in a good condition, in asemble for many years, the population of the Rauyome Bunyoro.Après difcult a moment for the people of the leader Nyipiri Rauyome Abhizo migration beyond a key man for the community gets sick died following a short illness .And after Mr succeed each day "Mulege Nzupima "close colaborateur of Nyipiri Abhizo will succeed this one as the leader of Indru.In his tenure the head "Mulege Nzupima" will also direct the population for many years and after he too will mourir.Après that the old sage invite all members dela Indru population in a community meeting.Many people accept dy participer.Dans this meeting offer the wise old one àl'ordre this agenda are told that all the Indru will leave the Bunyoro region and go to another Lieu.Après debate among the participants one another in this meeting, that the day àl'ordre point is accepted at 85% by peuple.Une year later Indru decide to leave 90% of Bunyoro region and 10% decided to stayed behind in Hoima in Bunyoro in ouganda.dans Rauyome Indru this period were divided into two groups .The other for the start and others to stay put in the Rauyome.Après a given moment, the group of travelers decided to go Rauyome the antiquity and are entered in Ituri.
