INSTABILITY IN SOCIAL THE GREAT LAKES ABOVE BEYOND RDCONGO To the east: Theatre of violence at the time of decolonization, civil war and ethnic cleansing in the decades 60 and 70, and genocide, regional war and new civil wars from the 90s;the Great Lakes region has become a martyr and definitely scarred region.The victims of these atrocities dénombrent repeated today by millions;and yet many people are dormant, stricken exile, forced displacement, hunger, bad weather, ever deeper poverty, serious human rights violations, bad governance, and sometimes the lack of State tout court, and it should provide basic services to its citizens.This reflection attempts to situate the issues, examine advances and setbacks in terms of peace and security in recent years in the Great Lakes region, while drawing attention to an insidious challenge and often ignored, namely the ideology of hate and suspicion which the nuisance is probably the major cause of violence and instability in the Great Lakes region.Clarify concepts and issues.In everyday language, the Peace and Security vocables tend to be confused.Peace is summarily defined as "absence of violence and conflict," which some consider a "negative definition" of peace.A broader definition of peace, also called "positive definition" implies the absence of constraints, such as "war, threat of war, poverty, poor education, political oppression, etc.Security is just as summarily defined as "absence of danger and a certain sense of tranquility."[2] Traditionally, security was heard strictly military sense as" protection of the state territory."[3] This was the principal concerned about security.A UN report Program for Development (UNDP), however, promoted from 1994, the concept of "human security" [4] which focuses not only on the protection of the territory of the State, but more on the protection of individuals and the community, by expanding the range of what can be considered as security issues.Human security implies not only the freedom to live free from fear (freedom from fear), but also the freedom to live free from want (freedom from want).It amounts to protect individuals against threats such as armed conflict, the arbitrariness of the state, forced displacement, political and criminal violence;but also to protect against poverty, hunger, disease and environmental disasters.[5] Some have tried to relate the two concepts.For some, "security is something that ensures peace;and human well-being is the intrinsic value that must maintain peace. "[6] For Yan Xuetong however, "only peace is one of the security conditions.Other security states are war and the state of 'neither peace nor war'. "For this author, peace has four degrees of security, namely the lack of security, the partial security, fair security, and absolute security. "He recalled that peace is a conflict resolution channels but not necessarily the most effective."Therefore," he said, "we should be careful not to consider the 'peacekeeping' as the essential approach in strengthening national security."And remember that "many wars have been fought in search of security and the price of peace."[7] The Great Lakes region in question for its part is a geographical area that it is not always easy to define.The term "African Great Lakes" was originally used by explorers came in search of the Nile sources, before giving way to that of "interlacustrine Africa" in the research community.The expression resume renewed interest with the organization in 1979 in Bujumbura of a symposium on the "ancient civilization of the peoples of the Great Lakes."Countries considered part of this group also called "Great Lakes" are at the time Tanzania, Uganda, Congo Kinshasa (then Zaire), Burundi and Rwanda.Politically, however, the "Economic Community of Great Lakes Countries" (CEPGL) had already emerged in Gisenyi 20 September 1976. The members of this organization were Burundi, Congo Kinshasa (then Zaire) and Rwanda.The Great Lakes region is politically spanned eleven states since the official inauguration of the Executive Secretariat of the ICGLR (International Conference on the Great Lakes Region) in Bujumbura in May 2007.
Beni attacks: "It would not be the ADF!"The recent attacks in the Beni area of North Kivu to rightly or wrongly been attributed to Islamist insurgents.Beni territory (North Kivu): Six kidnapped killed by ADF / Nalu.This is the height of the Semliki River on the road Mbau - Kamango in the extreme eastern area of Beni / Mbau the lifeless bodies of civilians abducted near the town Mbau were discovered.These acts could not be more despicable occurs one week after the carnage assigned to the same ADF / Nalu in and around Oïcha city of about thirty kilometers from the town of Beni."The victims, the youngest only a few months old - were killed with extreme brutality, mostly with knives.Three minor girls were raped by the attackers before being decapitated.The mutilated and dismembered body of a child were also found on a tree in the village of Musuku ", according to a source from the civil society.All abuses are or would be the work of militias accused ADF-Nalu as murder, abduction and looting.The rebellion raging in ADF-Nalu the northern part of the province of North Kivu, which borders Uganda, between Lake Albert and Lake Edward.There are six days, the population of May-Moya, Kisiki Maibo and emptied their villages towards Oïcha (capital of Beni Territory) south and north Eringeti."What may again create a humanitarian tragedy", had estimated Kibira Ndoole Guy, President of reading youth parliament of North Kivu.Also as it has supported in its recent statement, the Congolese government and MONUSCO must act because the situation is serious, very serious even.ADF-NALU The challenge throughout the flagrancy state authority and taunting FARDC sabotaging the said localities released by the regular army.Currently composed of Islamists, the forces of the ADF-Nalu are directed since 2007 by Jamil Mukulu, a Christian convert to Islam.The United States placed them on their list of terrorist organizations in 2001 and Jamil Mukulu is targeted by UN sanctions since 2011, and the EU since 2012. Why did he learn to Congolese and no to Uganda?Only "those" can meet ... These bodies of the victims were in a very advanced state of decomposition, according to John Paul Ngahangondi, actor of civil society and President of the HRDC ONGDH active in Beni territory.These are the lifeless bodies of six of 10 civilians kidnapped last week near Mbau, capital of the chiefdom of Beni / Mbau by suspected rebels ADF / Nalu.It is mostly men, mostly farmers, kidnapped near the town of Mbau found dead and decomposing the day of June 24 by their family members, he said.According to the same source, four kidnapped her had managed to hide from the hands of their captors before performing this macabre package a few meters from the place known as Kasenyi, a fortune fishery located near Semliki River on the main road Mbau - Kamango between the area of Beni / Mbau and Chiefdom Watalinga.This nth gruesome discovery comes resurrect the pain caused by the assassination last week of a head of community and his colleague in the same country.As a reminder, this assassination which would authors loyalist soldiers in collusion with the intelligence services, according to the local channels, generated a ras-le-bol the days of 23 to 24 June in the northeastern part of the territory Beni, leading to a temporary suspension of activities in the area and stopped by the authority of the intelligence services of the emissions of Radio Muungano Beni - Antenna Oïcha and three of its journalists for posting information deemed subversive about this and calling into clear some involvement of the security services in this package.As a reminder, these rebels ADF / Nalu are not their first package of its kind in the region.They hold some 800 hostages still not yet released by the terrorist movement, even after military operations SOKOLA conducted jointly with MONUSCO.On June 20, the collective of the civil parties in North Kivu (CPCNK) lambasted the laxity of the Congolese government in the face of repetitive cases of insecurity which would authors Ugandan terrorist ADF / NALU elements scabby sheep and some loyalist forces.In an open letter to the President of the National Assembly, the CPCNK had requested the urgent intervention of the lower house of parliament, representative body of the people, that are drawn to clear the shadows hovering again what have become our compatriots held hostage by the ADF / NALU.