LEADERSHIP Lendu-BINDI OR PEOPLE Indru: Today, Walendu Bindi is a community (and former chiefdom) dela Democratic Republic of Congo, located in the current province del Ituri, Irumu territory, south dela city Bunia.Chiefdom / Sector Walendu Bindi capital Gety.Today Indru people occupy an administrative entity called community-Chiefdom-sector Walendu Bindi, located in Irumu territory, Ituri and in the extreme northeastern DRC beyond.Master leu is Gety.The Chiefdom of Bindi Walendu is divided into five administrative group, namely: Bamuko, Bavi, Boloma, Bukiringi and Zadu, with a total of 194 locality.Its area is estimated at 2,226 kilometers square and its population at 200,000 souls.This entity is in the plateau region Hout, parcemés hills and mountains with average altitude is 1000 meters.The tables below present a list of customary chiefs, the time of ago prée-colonial Africa, from oldest to newest, as well as a timeline from presenting their political label, the most recent to more former.1. [Nyipiri-Abhizo] 2. [Kawalege-Nzupima] 3. [Zitono-nzoto] 4. [Akobhi-Tsomie-Katorogo] 5. [Olivier-Peke-Kalyaki].Democratic Republic of Congo: The law establishing the status of traditional leaders: President Joséph Kabila promulgated the law establishing the status of customary chiefs.1. This law follows the requirement of the Constitution, in Article 207 on the one hand, recognizes customary authority (paragraph 1), and secondly, states that a law sets the status of heads Customary).2. Close to 9 years after the recognition of their status, traditional leaders were still deprived of a legal regime that secures their rights and obligations.Through the enactment of this Act, the Head of State comes to honor customary authority and pave the way for the improvement of living and working conditions of the tribal chief.3. This Act and has several merits.- It defines the Customary Chief namely: Head of leadership, the consortium leader and the village chief designate in accordance with local custom.4. The law also, the conditions for such customary authority has the status poses: - be appointed in accordance with local custom;- To be recognized by the public authorities;- Being responsible for leading a customary entity.5. As for his rights, ii is recognized traditional leader of: - respect and respect due to his dignity and rank - decent pay, representation expenses and other duties due to the animators territorial entities;- Many other rights in relation to his induction, his health, his death;-It Has a privilege of jurisdiction, they can not be arrested!As mandated by the Officer of the Public Prosecutor, except in cases of flagrante delicto.6. With respect to its obligations: - It is responsible apolitical;- He can not take part in any activity directed against public authorities.7. Finally, it is put in charge of a provincial governor (for leadership), the Head of chiefdom or sector (for the group or village) the obligation to become involved in the resolution of conflicts through customary conciliation, mediation and arbitration.8. The content of all these pieces of legislation and regulations can be obtained by consulting the detailed numbers of the Official Gazette of the Republic.Done at Kinshasa, 25 August 2015. Chiefdom Lendu-Bindi: This decentralized administrative body today was created under the Belgian del'administration authority in 1947 after the migratory movement dela population in Sub-Saharan Africa.After their arrival in the current mountainous area of Gety, the Indru people organized the following ceremony for the new leader: "So bows and arrows were reissued but the Chef after that He shot four arrows in all directions - an arrow was shot in the direction where the sun rises, the second was shot in the direction where the sun sets, the third in the south, the fourth was shot dead in the north.This action is all the rebel / rival who will come from one of these directions would be killed by an arrow.The Far causes of conflict in Ituri: The peoples of the Ituri have at times characterized by their economic activities.Thus, Lendu farmers and Hema herders to speak only of these two peoples who deserve too much attention.It shows indeed a diametrical opposition of cultures between the two peoples.On the one hand farmers attached to their land.A property that makes them sedentary to care for their crops, survival issue locally.On the other side, the Hema pastoralists in perpetual quêtent vital space for their cattle.
The civilization of Indru people was built for very long civilization of the Kingdom of Nubia.Yet Nubia, rediscovered in the nineteenth century, appears as an entity possessing geographical characteristics, historical and social distinct.The history of the Nubian civilization dela population through the study of voluntary or compulsory displacement of ethnic groups, occupied sites and systems integration that allowed these men to never disappear, quite the contrary, but s identify as a majority minority in each company.The phenomenon of migration is an integral part of the Nubian culture and is considered a milestone in everyday life.Nubian has everything within his family, his community, an emigrant ancestor, a former pre-dam or loved working in any capital of the world .... The people are Nubians migrated but in community.It integrates recreating every time a social unit with its own culture!The Sudanese were originally "Blacks", the word being used by Arabs.The current South Sudan encompasses the ancient Nubia.The étnhique Lendu groups were known for their skill with the bow.They will also, in the Middle Kingdom, enlisted in the regular army.These expansion political and territorial conquest, led by the conquerors kings must include an architectural program, obeying political and religious grounds.What we can say today, in a rather schematic, however, is that ancient Nubia was originally composed of tribes living by hunting, fishing and gathering, agriculture.Then discovering agriculture and livestock populations are characterized by migration linked to rains and river floods (according Leclant in his book "Midant-Reynes").then were the real lords of the Nile.What inspired Herodotus, this remark probably exaggerated: "It is here that men are the greatest, the most beautiful, and live longer."The prophet Isaiah assured they had stunned his generation.Isaiah, yet accustomed to the invaders from all backgrounds, wrote: "Go light messengers, to a nation to slim size, hairless face, since she is awesome, walking right in its path, trampling everything underfoot ..." aujourd 'hui Lendu warriors are black athletic stature, proud of their bravery and sure of their infallible god, Amon of Napata conquered the kingdom of Nubia to 730 BCE.Former encêtres Indru of people is a generation of humans who view the day when dela dela migration SSA population Ala what the Indru people also took part in the conduct of a man by the name of Nyipiri-Abhizo.The Indru moved, also causing the migration of other groups to establish themselves in a long-Saharan African region.In this movement of migration Indru the population were led by a man by the name of Nyipiri Abhizo-this one directed his people jusqu'entendre the current Rauyome Hoima town of Bunyoro today appartennant the Ugandan government.There the Indru People have developped a very good-correlation with the ethnic group Rauyome and also for permetre to Indru is housed on site, living in a good condition, in asemble for many years, with the population of Rauyome Bunyoro.After a while difcult for the people of the leader Nyipiri Rauyome Abhizo migration beyond a key man for the community gets sick died following a short illness.And after the days follow one another Mr "Mulege Nzupima" close colaborateur of Nyipiri Abhizo will succeed this one as the leader of Indru.In his tenure the head "Mulege Nzupima" will also direct the population for many years and after he too will die.After that the old sage invite all members dela Indru population in a community meeting.Many people accept dy participate.In this meeting offer the wise old one àl'ordre daybreak.in this agenda are told that all the Indru will leave the area of Bunyoro and go to another place.After discussion among the participants one another in this meeting, this àl'ordre daybreak to 85% is accepted by the people.A year later the Indru decide to leave the area of Bunyoro 90% and 10% decided to stayed behind in Hoima in Bunyoro in Uganda Rauyome.Indru in this period were divided into two group.The other for the start and others to stay put in the Rauyome.After a given time, the group of travelers decided to go Rauyome the antiquity and are entered in Ituri disembarking, along Lake Albert, the Blue Mountains.